"You won't interfere with everything Lucifer does?" Death looked at God and couldn't help but ask.

"Well... I thought about it. After all, I am the main writer. In my plan, he is an important element and the definition of freedom. At the same time, he will give choices, and thus destiny will appear. But unfortunately , the responsibility I gave him is inherently a paradox, because is the freedom imposed on him still true freedom? He threw this question to the entire universe, and the result was different choices for the soul, which he believed was I create a conspiracy of faith." God waved his hand, and the colorful piano turned into a furnace, a carpet like melted paint appeared under the feet of several people, and four chairs, "But that is just a feedback mechanism, I think I want to know what creation will think about my creation, but this feedback mechanism is beyond my expectation, because freedom gives the soul thoughts, and from the thoughts are born countless contradictory but unified concepts and understandings, and the soul uses them They understand the universe from their own perspective, and they define everything and the rules in their own way."

"Are you saying...there was never any plan?" Death sat comfortably in the chair. Under the flames that went out and rose in the fireplace, she listened carefully to God's words.

"Yes, just like I deceived the First Fallen, just as I hoped he could help me see more ideas, I deceived myself, I gave up control of the story, I gave the choice to Every soul. Of course, even if I will not interfere, there will still be external forces that interfere." God sat on the chair and looked at the time, "You should know, old friend. Taixu took part of his time from you. "Well, they decided that there were flaws in those stories and your people had to be involved."

"Endless review, ha! But they are not my people! I am just the administrator of the super-time flow. I save all the artistic creations and every story." Time changes while crossing my legs He looked like a young man in his twenties. He held the wine glass that appeared out of thin air and grinned. "The bald heads of the 'Invisible Seven Sages' mended some of the patches, but they handed over the needle and thread to the person who came from beyond time." The outsider in the broken universe that was extracted from the flow, don’t say you didn’t do some tricks, old friend! Lucifer removed another part of the monitored time stream, and you took advantage of the situation and gave the outsider a paintbrush!”

"No, I didn't." There was an extra cup of tea in God's hand. "I gave him the paint. I had to stick to my guns, and the kid already knew what to do."

"You asked him to connect every soul, and the completion of the story was also handed over to those souls?" Death looked at Destiny, her eldest brother who was silent after sitting across from him. She suddenly widened her eyes and said as if she suddenly realized, "So Only my father could create the "Book of Souls"? Wait...that "Book of Possibilities" that was given to Chen...ah ha...you two old foxes!"

Death finally understood that today's "Book of Souls" has lost its meaning, because a new "Book of Souls" is being born, born from the "Book of Possibilities". This is just a cycle, a rebirth, borrowed from By every life.

Death finally knows who it is that finds time and allows time to recall destiny.

Of course, that has not happened yet, or it has already happened.

"I like this quirky little girl, old friend." God calmly took a sip of tea and looked at the time with his pure white eyes, "but I don't like her tone very much."

Time shrugged cheerfully and he was now just a rebellious teenager.

"In short, Taixu is still struggling. He has given the broken universe new crises and new conflicts, but Lucifer is using these elements to distort and change them again. He even poached part of the universe and part of the blank paper , he placed it in another area of ​​the super-time flow." Time said with a smile, "He is about to open the door, and countless souls will pour into his universe under the disaster, and it will become an ark."

"I'm tired, old friend." God leaned back in his chair and sighed softly, "You know, there are too many stories and creations in the hyper-time flow. I can't always focus on that insignificant part of it. Wait until these After the story returns to your great library of hyper-time flow, I may take a leave of absence."

"Do you want to hand over the position of the main writer to the bald man? Or the bearded man?" Shi Shi couldn't help but laugh, "I would really like to see them appear together outside Taixu. Their fight with each other may be more interesting than the story. It’s even more exciting in itself!”

"Maybe..." God turned to look at the same pile of flames in the fireplace that were in different states from extinguished to ignited.

"He doesn't want to give it to me." At the dark blue door behind Destiny, which was divided into countless slices but was completely complete, a bald man wearing a crisp black suit walked in. He was one of the "Invisible Seven Sages" One, or rather, different shifts of tailors at the same time.

"You're finished." God snorted.

"Don't think about leaving the mess to us, old man." When the bald man walked to God, a chair appeared out of thin air again. He sat down, then looked at the time and smiled, "I heard you have evil intentions. Gossip, time. I will never work with that bearded man! His time is gone forever! He will not come back from beyond the void! But... I will still take a look from within the hypertime stream His story, it is undeniable that the British ruffian magician is a masterpiece!”

"That doesn't excuse you from cutting up Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen and sewing it into this broken universe." Time laughed.

"That ruffian magician refuses to leave! He is like a cancer!" The bald man snorted and shook his head, "Dr. Manhattan is not his handiwork! I just hope to continue the role of Captain Atom, but... The plan cannot keep up with the changes. I must protect the integrity of the inner wall of the hyper-time flow. I need some sufficient help to fill the integrity of the broken universe. In the end, this is all the responsibility of Lucifer. You have colored him too much. Jehovah! He was trapped by the question of 'freedom', which triggered a series of covert tampering!"

"Are you here to find fault, or are you here to see the final outcome?" God took a sip of tea indifferently.

The bald man, one of the "Invisible Seven Sages", looked at the "Book of Souls" still held in Destiny's hands. He shrugged and folded his hands on his knees, "You are still the BOSS, you have the final say! Just like the group of Xitars you asked me to pick up from the end of the earth, they covered up a lot of problems."

"I thought you said you wouldn't interfere with the fate of this multiverse." Death crossed his shoulders and squinted at God.

"That's not interference, kid. The Xitars are already an abandoned existence in this multiverse. They can become the background of the story. That's it. I just asked this bald guy to add a sentence." God raised his eyebrows At the beginning, "'The Tatars disappeared as their fate changed,' but where did they go?"

"You are such an old fox!" Death smiled helplessly and shook her head. She suddenly stood up and walked towards the door. "My authority is not as high as yours, gentlemen! And I can't stop, after all, Death is always there. occur."

"I will wait for you outside my mother's palace, and I will know when you are ready!" Death waved his hand at fate, and then disappeared.

"I really like her, time." God said, looking at Death's back.

"She will not become God." Destiny finally spoke, "You know, part of your destiny is also in the Book of Souls, at the moment of handover."

Time and the "Seven Invisible Sages" both look toward God.

"Open it and let us see the chapters written by the souls themselves." God said calmly.

Destiny opened the extremely thick "Book of Souls" like a command. He turned to the chapter where the fused universe was located, and then started reading, "'Witch Boy' Coralien woke up from a coma. He saw Hercules fleeing in embarrassment, and driven by curiosity, he wanted to catch up, but Wally the Flash stopped him..."

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