blood contract

Chapter 56 Deep hatred

As soon as Li Sheng's martial energy came out, his body turned violently, and the whip came out with a flick of his hand, bursting out with great force and hitting Xiaodouzi's arm like lightning.

Suddenly Xiaodouzi's arm dropped down, as if it was broken.

"Yeah!" At this time, Xiaodouzi let out a muffled groan.

Li Sheng raised his eyebrows with satisfaction, put down Zhizhi's hand, and said, "Have you learned it? Try it yourself."

At this time, Zhizhi's heart was very complicated. On the one hand, she sympathized with Xiaodouzi, but on the other hand, she was excited about bloodthirsty. Her heart was beating wildly. She clutched her chest and took several deep breaths before she calmed down.

For a moment, Zhizhi imitated Li Sheng's example. As soon as his martial spirit came out, his body turned violently, and the whip came out with a flick of the whip. With a powerful whip, it was pulled diagonally down Xiaodouzi's neck like lightning, creating a ferocious and terrifying curling big whip. The bloody mouth appeared in front of everyone.

Xiaodouzi frowned and clenched his hands tightly.

Seeing Xiaodouzi's painful expression, Li Sheng nodded and praised: "Very good, the standard Wuhua technique."

"When the branches are lifted diagonally from left to right, they are reversed five-flowered flowers; when they are swept from left to right, they are flat five-flowered branches; when they are swept diagonally, they are split and swept." Li Sheng said while gesticulating.

Snapped! Snapped! …

One whip after another fell on Xiaodouzi's thin body like raindrops. Every time the whip was twitched, some blood would splash onto the branches.

The expression on Zhizhi's bloody face was a little distorted, and her laughter became more and more crazier.

Wang Rongyu, who was watching on the side, turned sideways, raised his arms and blocked his eyes with his sleeves, miserable! It's too awful!

Li Tieshou also shook his head and sighed, how could a former friend be so cruel!

"Stop." Chen Sihai said.

Zhizhi seemed to be intoxicated in the madness, and continued to whip without hearing Mr. Chen's stop.

Li Sheng hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, saying, "That's enough. If you beat her to death, you won't be able to ask anything."

Zhi Zhi, who had not regained consciousness for a moment, his chest heaved violently, gasping for breath, and kept staring blankly at his still trembling hands.

Li Sheng raised the corners of his lips and patted Zhizhi on the shoulder to indicate that she had done a good job.

He walked towards Xiaodouzi, looked her up and down, and said: "Xiaodouzi, Xiaodouzi, your bones are still so hard, you have never forgotten the days of being beaten, right? Qi Feng protected you when you were a child, but not anymore Oh...if you don’t want to suffer in this dungeon anymore, tell me quickly where the storage bracelet is hidden?”

At this time, Xiaodouzi looked miserable, and her injuries could be described as shocking, but despite this, she still had that unruly and fierce look in her eyes.

His hair was messy, one eye was covered with blood and he couldn't open it. He looked sideways at Li Sheng with the other eye, spat out the blood and blood foam in his mouth on the ground, raised his head slightly, and looked around with his eyes. Fen Fei snorted with disdain: "You won Qi Feng this time with women, right. You usually rely on women to make money. Without women, you are worse than shit. You scum. Bah, get lost." Go aside and don't taint my eyes."

Hearing this, Li Sheng suddenly became furious, raised his fist and punched Xiaodouzi on the head, "You little beast picked up from a pile of thousands of corpses, how dare you talk to me like this? How tough can you be?" hour……"

"That's enough." Chen Sihai shouted in a deep voice: "Xiaodouzi, let me ask you one last time, do you hand me over or not?"

"Whoever is looking for him will go there." Xiaodouzi answered decisively, with a little anger in his words.

snort! Chen Sihai's last patience was exhausted, and he said with a dark face: "Since you insist on refusing to say anything, then you can only follow the old rules and reflect in the black hole."

Hearing this, Li Sheng looked excited and said, "Master, leave this to me!" How could he let go of the opportunity to torture Xiaodouzi.

Chen Sihai hummed, turned around and was about to leave, but after taking a few steps, he paused, turned his head and looked sideways at Li Sheng, and said, "Find me the sharp claws of that beast, they are my big treasures." .”

Li Sheng responded with a wicked smile: "Master, don't worry! My disciple will help you find it and return it to you."

Upon hearing this, Xiaodouzi was startled, and then he understood everything.

That day, Chen Sihai rewarded her with a sharp claw, which was a test of her loyalty or disloyalty. If he chose to save Zhizhi, she would live. If he chose the sharp claw, he knew that she had not forgotten this thing and could not keep it. Checking the storage bracelet today was just an excuse for him to get his claws back, which meant that no matter whether she handed over the storage bracelet or not, she would definitely not be allowed to leave here today.


Xiaodouzi suddenly laughed, and the laughter was a little scary.

"Ouch! Ouch..." The laughter affected the injuries on her body, causing her to moan in pain for a while.

Li Tieshou and others looked at Xiaodouzi with strange expressions. Could it be that this was driving her crazy!

Just listen to Xiaodouzi saying calmly: "The big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp. It turns out that the big fish behind is you, Chen Laosi!"

Li Tieshou and others were stunned for a while. Why did the name even change?

There is a story!

"Hmph! I didn't expect that after so many years, you would still hate me for that little thing back then!" Chen Sihai turned around at this moment and said in a calm tone, looking at Xiaodouzi.

"That little thing? You Chen Laosi, you torture me and make my biological father kill my biological mother and adoptive mother. Such things are called trivial matters." Xiaodouzi almost squeezed these words out from between his teeth.

Li Tieshou and others were stunned again, except Li Sheng.

When Zhi Zhi heard this, she felt like a bolt from the blue, making her tender on the outside and burnt on the inside.

Did Mr. Chen kill Xiaodouzi’s parents? ? ?

"Nonsense, how can I harm your parents?" After a pause, he sighed, "Hey! You were so young back then, so it's understandable that you didn't know the truth of the matter! Let me talk to you today." Chen Sihai Twisting his beard, he recalled: "Your father, Ling Wenyu, must be poorer. He is honest and honest. He is indeed a good man. But what I have to say is that he is extremely lucky. With his conditions, he can marry A beautiful woman as beautiful as an immortal was his wife. He relied on his brute strength to make ends meet, and he could barely support the two of them... However, the good times did not last long. Ling Wenyu died in an accident. At that time, his wife was pregnant and lonely in Liujia. I saw that she was pitiful, so I didn't dislike her identity and wanted to marry her. Unexpectedly, she heard something from somewhere that I was the one who harmed Ling Wenyu, and even ran into the Valley of Ten Thousand Corpses alone. You were born there... Alas! You also know what kind of place the Valley of Ten Thousand Corpses is. That day, I wanted to take her back, but on the way I heard that a wild beast was going crazy. After I led people there, your mother had already Killed by that beast...I saved you after I killed that beast..."

He did not continue to say the next words, but fell deeply into a kind of grief and self-blame.

Li Tieshou and others were silent for a while. They didn't expect that there was such a story between Chen Sihai and Xiaodouzi. No wonder they protected her so much.

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