blood contract

Chapter 91 What on earth have I experienced?

True and false, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, good and foolish, Buddha and demon, they exist in the world, just like the two poles of yin and yang, good and bad, good and bad, who can tell clearly what is right and wrong!

This dynamic display of the ecology of the world is really like a kaleidoscope, which dazzled Xiaodouzi. She was mesmerized for a moment, and before she knew it, she chased a drop of water and merged into it.

Her father, Ling Wenyu, and her mother, Ji Xue, held her in their arms, looking at each other happily and smiling at her. She grew up in happiness, lived and died, and ended her life!

Life is like grass and spring comes like wind and rain and goes away like fine dust.

What could be happier than having parents alive, a harmonious husband and wife, happy children, and a house full of children and grandchildren?

The empty black hole somewhere deep in my heart seemed to be filled bit by bit with something. She slowly closed her eyes and smiled happily.

The picture was frozen at the moment when she died with a smile on her face. With a crisp 'click' sound, the picture was shattered into pieces with a 'pop' sound. The scattered fragments splashed everywhere, and disappeared into mist in a moment.

Opening his eyes again, a rainbow light avenue appeared at his feet. In the distance was a white light group, and a figure stood there in the light group.

Xiaodouzi stepped forward, and a powerful man wearing golden armor, whose gender could not be identified, was looking at her at the moment. Although the face could not be seen clearly, the marks on the forehead and the earlobes of both ears shone with golden light in this colorless space, which was particularly conspicuous.

She stopped and looked up at this sacred and majestic man. For some reason, she felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy from this man in golden armor.

A gentle and calm smile appeared on the lips of the man in golden armor, and he raised his hand to write a golden word 'beginning' in the void.

Xiaodouzi tilted his head slightly, not knowing why!

The man in golden armor still smiled, and with a tap of his fingertips, the golden word "Shi" disappeared into her forehead. As the golden light flashed away, the man in golden armor also turned around and walked into the light group.


"Sister Fairy! Don't leave." Xiaodouzi reached out to catch the figure in the light ball.

"...Hehe, don't go, don't go. Sister is not going anywhere."


A pleasant voice came into her ears in the hazy state. After gradually regaining consciousness, she found that her hand was being held by a pretty lady with a beautiful face and a small red mole on the corner of her lips.

This man's phoenix eyes are curved into a slit. Why is he having so much fun?

……etc! Could it be that she thought the phrase "fairy sister" was meant for her?

The phoenix eyes are curved and the red lips are curved.

Well, it seems she thinks so.


Why am I called Fairy Sister instead of Fairy Brother?


Looking at the confused little girl, Mrs. Shan said softly: "Great, I finally woke up. Are you hungry? Xiaodouzi."


Actually know myself! Even though I applied balm to my face, it couldn't cover my stubble and Adam's apple.

man! Women's clothing boss!

"Uncle, who are you?" Xiaodouzi hurriedly withdrew his hand, blinked a few times and looked at the surrounding environment.

The single lady staggered, and the corners of her lips twitched.

Uncle? Didn’t you just grab me and call me fairy sister? Why can I fall out faster than flipping through a book? Hate!

The single lady orchid raised her fingers and said, "Call me sister!"

Do you want face? She is called sister at her age. But the sound is quite nice.

Xiaodouzi: "Auntie."

"Call me sister!" Veins popped up on the single lady's forehead.


"Yes, sister!" Veins popped out on the single lady's forehead.

"Well, you're so good." Xiaodouzi nodded with satisfaction.

With a click, a corner of the couch was broken off.

"..." The hero did not suffer the immediate loss. Feeling the strength of the other party, Xiaodouzi quickly changed his words, "Beauty."

The lady was startled, then she said, then she curved her red lips and said, "...little nuisance, what do you call me?"

Xiaodouzi: "Big beauty!"

"Scream again!" The lady's red lips curled up.

"Super... super... beauty!"

"Haha... sounds good, I'll call you that from now on." Shan Niang raised her red lips and narrowed the corners of her eyes.

"..." Xiaodouzi sweated.

"Are you hungry? What would you like to eat?" Shan asked with a smile.

Feeling that the other party was showing his kindness, Xiaodouzi replied obediently: "I'm not picky about food."

Well-behaved children are loved by people, and the single lady smiles even more and clapped her hands lightly. Immediately, several handsome men served various delicacies.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Xiaodouzi suddenly felt hungry and wanted to stay down to eat. Unexpectedly, his legs were weak and he suddenly fell from the couch to the ground.

As luck would have it, it was discovered that the meridians were damaged and the elixir core was destroyed.

Only then did I remember, didn’t I fall into the abyss? Am I dead or not? Is this the underworld? This cross-dressing boss is Po Meng! ! !

"..." Well, it would be a bit subversive if it really happened!

Madam Shan walked to the table and sat down. With a slight hook of her jade finger, Xiaodouzi floated to the table and sat down.

Xiaodouzi looked at the cross-dressing man serving her a bowl of soup. The soup was clear and fragrant. She swallowed her saliva and called out tentatively, "Mr. Meng?"

Madam Shan paused while serving the soup, and then laughed out loud, "What are you guessing? You are not dead, and I am not Mrs. Meng. You have been sleeping for three years and three months, and your legs are naturally weak. The meridians are damaged and the elixir core is destroyed, but it’s not a big deal, so you don’t need to worry, we will prepare our bodies to help you seize the body when the time comes.”

Oh, it turns out that I am not dead, but have been sleeping for a long time.

"Seizing the body?... That would no longer be who I am. I don't want to seize other people's bodies unless I have to." Xiaodouzi asked faintly: "She is a super beauty, did you save me? We don't know each other either. , why are you so nice to me?"

She believed that no one in the world would be kind to others for nothing, let alone ask for help so enthusiastically. If there is a ghost, there must be a ghost.

Mrs. Shan put food into another bowl and smiled happily, "Ha... you are a very clever little girl. Don't worry, I have no other intentions for you," then handed the chopsticks to her hand and said : "It was Brother Wenrenfu who saved you, and it was he who asked me to take good care of you. Let me tell you, before you fell asleep, you were acting crazy all day long, and you caused a lot of trouble to Brother Wenren, even if you were awake or not. You are like a dead person, he has never thought of abandoning you and is treating you well."

The dish Xiaodouzi had just caught fell to the edge of the bowl.

babble! There is something in these words, crazy, sleepy, abandoned, and good to me.

I am an orphan, with no money, no power, and no face. Why are you being nice to me?

Answer: I probably encountered a pervert.

Seeing that the little girl's face was getting darker and darker, the single lady burst into laughter, "Hahaha... I look like you are scared. Brother Wenren is raising you as his own daughter."

"..." Xiaodouzi.

Who is that Wenrenfu? What exactly did I experience during the three years and three months I was asleep?

After laughing, Madam Shan gently poked Xiaodouzi's head and glanced at her with a strange look, "You are so cute, little devil. No wonder Brother Wenren looks at you. I like you too." And you."

Xiaodouzi: "..."

My dear daughter, look into my eyes and like me! ! !

An inexplicable cold started from the soles of my feet.

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