My different world is game mode.

Chapter 2 Invisible Cage

Chapter 2 Invisible Cage

Lindsay was stunned.

He boasts that he has seen many beautiful girls, and he has seen even more in the game.

But when such a beautiful girl looked at him in reality with a gaze that penetrated his soul, Lindsay was still inevitably shaken.

"I, yes, here's dinner for you."

"Tomorrow is [Harvest Day], today is the eve of the celebration, and the village has prepared food for you."

Lindsay's shock was true, but her mentality had been built up over many lifetimes, so she adjusted quickly.

He immediately regained his composure:

"Also, hello."

Lindsay walked into the mill and handed the food in her hands to the other party.

At the same time, he was also sizing up this amazingly beautiful girl.

The opponent was sitting on the sack of the mill, wearing a pair of bright silver armor, but there was no sword. When Lindsay walked in, the girl held her face in one hand and watched his actions with a smile.

Always feel like something's not quite right?

"Thank you."

While Lindsay was still thinking, the girl thanked her but did not stand up from the ground.

She took the food briskly, sat down on the sack and began to eat.

The Law Knight who came to the village today...

Guests in the village...

Lindsay thought of these two pieces of information, and a bold idea came to her.

"Are you...the Law Knight?"



The air in the mill was silent for a second, and then was broken by the girl's laughter.


Lindsay's words seemed to be asking something extraordinary.

The blonde girl laughed heartily, and then the violent movements made her choke on the food she just ate.

"Cough! Cough-cough-cough!"

Seeing this scene, Lindsay also knew that she had made a mistake.

He hurried up and patted the girl on the back, but when he touched the metal armor, it made a crisp slapping sound.

"I just guessed your identity wrongly. Is this question that funny?"

"No, I'm sorry." The blond girl stood up from the ground, shook her head and smiled at Lindsay, "It's just that the term "Law Knight" was a bit sudden for me."

Lindsay continued reluctantly:

"You are not a knight of the law, so you should have come with him, right?"

This time the girl did not refute, but admitted Lindsay's conjecture:

"Well, it's okay if you say that."

"However, child, you are not simply curious about my identity when you ask this, right?"

The girl's problem goes to the root.

And when she said the last question, her eyes became extremely aggressive.

Lindsay didn't know if it was an illusion, but the curiosity and desire to explore him in the other person's eyes seemed to have turned into some kind of substantial air, filling the space in the mill.

Lindsay thought about it carefully and decided not to lie, so she answered honestly:

"I want to know how to become an Awakened One."


"I'm just saying, that guy Bagat, how could he let a defenseless awakened person get close to me? It turns out you are a child who awakened on his own."


With just one answer, Lindsay felt a crisis.

But just as he was thinking about how to get out.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you."

The blonde girl came up to control Lindsay without any intimidation.

Instead, she sat on the ground generously, and even patted the ground with her hand, beckoning Lindsay to come over and sit down together.

Later, she explained candidly:

"To put it simply, I am the prisoner of the Law Knight you mentioned, and I am now being secretly escorted by him and bound here."

Lindsay's vision swept around.

The mill is empty, and there are no chains or other restraints on the girl. What kind of prisoner is this?

"Restraints? Prisoner?"

The blond girl noticed Lindsay's doubts. She spoke directly with the facts and reached out to touch the wall.


In an instant, golden light erupted on the wall of the mill, and the girl's fingers were bounced back by the light.

Lindsay was shocked by this magical scene:

"This... what is this?"

The girl explained unabashedly:

"The law of the Knight of the Law is what binds me."

Lindsay couldn't help but ask:

"Don't you have any other way to escape?"

"Yes." The girl glanced at Lindsay with a teasing look, "If I push you, a little awakened person, to the ground and drain the essence from your body, then there is no problem in escaping."

Only then did Lindsay remember the conversation between the two of them just now.

He suddenly woke up:

"Wait a minute, you just said I was an awakened one. What did that mean?"

The blonde girl replied:

"It literally means that you have awakened."

"Huh?!" How could Lindsay accept such a statement? "Are you kidding? I am an awakened person. How is this possible?"

The girl asked firmly:

"Think about it carefully, today is the day to feel the essence and awaken yourself. There must be something special about you that you haven't noticed yet."

<divclass="contentadv">"I can't be wrong about this!"

Lindsay was about to retort, but was speechless the next second.

Because just today, he awakened the memory of his previous life.

No matter how many wonderful experiences there are in the world, this is definitely a miracle that ranks high on the list.

"Look, you understand."

Lindsay's silence made the girl extremely happy.

But she didn't laugh at Lindsay's slowness. Instead, she immediately advised:

"However, my child, I also want to remind you. Self-awareness is a very precious gift, and it must be grasped well."

Lindsay noticed the important point in the girl’s words:


The girl continued to explain without reservation:

"Once every ten years, the source of essence in the world will become active, and those with excellent talents can awaken at this moment. Those with less talent can feel the source of essence with the help of a strong person, and they can also awaken."

When talking about the second half, the girl pointed back at herself:

"A long time ago, I was the kind of person who had less talent and could only rely on others to help me awaken."

The girl has made it clear, and Lindsay's problem has changed:

"Since I have awakened, why don't I have any special abilities? Master Bai Lin and the village chief can obviously do many magical things in the village."

Lindsay's question made the girl laugh again.

She smiled and punched the mottled wall of the mill, but was restrained by the golden light the next second.


The girl stared fiercely at the golden lines on the wall.

Then he turned around and continued to explain:

"Communication with the source of matter only means that you have the energy to perform your skills."

"Those wonderful abilities of each faction still need everyone to hone and cultivate their own skills before they can manifest their real effects."

I have magic power, or energy bar, but I haven't learned any skills.

Lindsay immediately understood his current situation from the perspective of a gamer.

New questions arise:

“Then where should I go to learn my craft?”

The girl gave a reassuring answer:

"Once you become an awakened person, you have a lifetime to explore your own skills. Or you can join a certain school with the talent of independent awakening. Believe me, this is very popular. In short, this is not a problem... …”

At this point, the girl suddenly raised her eyebrows.

She looked towards the center of the village, and the content of the conversation changed accordingly:

"Son, you should go back."

"The laws that imprison me have been triggered several times. Bagatt will definitely come to check. His stubbornness has been distorted by the laws to the point of losing his humanity. You will be in bad luck if you are seen."

The Law Knight is indeed not someone he should mess with.

Lindsay knew it was time to go.

But before saying goodbye to the girl prisoner, he still had two questions:

"Didn't you just say that you could control me and extract my essence? Why not do that?"

The girl answered frankly:

"If I take away the essence from you here and then escape, then the Law Knights will think that you are helping the fugitives, and at the same time, they will label this village as a rebel camp and start to eliminate the rebels."

"Even if I want to escape, I can't do it at the expense of other people's safety!"

Lindsay asked the second question:

"What crime did you commit?"

Faced with a child, the imprisoned person did not deceive or abduct him, and even made quite friendly suggestions.

From the perspective of the entire communication process.

Lindsay really didn't think this was a vicious criminal.

"You asked me what crime I committed?"

For the first time since they met, the girl scratched her cheek with some trouble, and then held her head with her right arm:

"Um... intending to rebel and overthrow the dynasty?"

"But to be honest, I really don't think this is a crime."

At this time, the girl held her chin in one hand and pulled the food tray in front of her with the other hand, picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it into her mouth.

It is precisely because of this action of opening the arms.

Lindsay saw the coat of arms on the girl's chest armor, which was a pattern of long swords, thorns, and codes intertwined.

——Sword of Thorns.

The coat of arms of the ruler of the capital of France and the King of Righteousness in "The Young King's Conduct of Righteousness".

The emblem of the ruler of this world appears on a prisoner?

And the person responsible for escorting.

It was the Law Knight who was supposed to work for this!

Lindsay didn't want to dwell on this issue, which was obviously a death wish.

Saying goodbye to the girl in the mill, he immediately walked towards the village, his heart a mess.

"Awakened One, Law Knight, Rebellion..."

As Lindsay murmured, she returned to the center of the village.

Shockingly, I saw the huge elk tied up with wheat straw, which was also a symbol of harvest, falling to the ground at this moment.

A knight is stepping on the head of an elk, looking calm and confident!

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