Ice apocalypse, I hoard tens of billions of supplies

Chapter 1 After the end of the world, I was reborn

It hurts, it hurts too much!

Unforgettable pain filled Zhang Yi's whole body.

This was not a feeling, but a reality that actually happened to him.

At this time, he was mercilessly trampled to the ground by friends and neighbors whom he had trusted and helped, and fists, feet, and even sticks rained down on him.

In this end of the world where supplies are scarce, they didn't even consider Zhang Yi's help to them and attacked him!

When he was dying, he vaguely saw his goddess Fang Yuqing standing behind the crowd, shouting with a pitiful look: "I asked him to open the door, you have to give me an extra share of the supplies!"

It was this woman who tricked Zhang Yi into opening the door and then killed him.

Zhang Yi looked at her, his eyes full of hatred and regret.

The only thing to blame is that I am too stupid and too kind, and that is why I have become a stepping stone for others in these last days.

How he wished he could do it all over again.

When the time comes, he will no longer be merciful to anyone and will only live for himself!

Zhang Yi's vision soon went dark and he lost consciousness.

However, the next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the sofa.

The hell scene I had just experienced, the terrible pain, was still vivid in my mind.

Zhang Yi gasped for air, and his whole body was soon soaked with sweat.

"What's going on? Wasn't I killed by those beastly neighbors?"

After regaining consciousness, Zhang Yi began to look at everything around him.

This place is no stranger to him, it is his own house.

The comfortable temperature in the air made him feel unusually surprised.

Because in December 2050 of the Western calendar, Blue Star was affected by the explosion of a supernova five hundred thousand light-years away, ushering in a global Cambrian storm.

Global temperatures have plummeted. The daily temperature in Tianhai City, where Zhang Yi lives, is minus 60 or 70 degrees Celsius. Blizzards have continued for a month, flooding the entire city.

It is said that in the north of China, the temperature even reached the terrifying minus 100 degrees, and the earth was completely buried in ice and snow.

All kinds of creatures were extinct on a large scale, and even humans lost more than 95% of their lives in this disaster.

Zhang Yi stood up, took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and drank most of the bottle.

Although the temperature of the refrigerated water is very low, to him now, this water is simply like nectar.

In the apocalypse, the only way for people to get water is to go out and brave the extremely low temperatures of minus 60 to 70 degrees, dig snow and melt it into water.

This kind of work can easily cause someone to freeze to death.

After Zhang Yi drank the water, he opened his mobile phone and took a look.

It shows the time "November 11th".

There is still a full month until the end.

"It seems that I have been reborn."

Zhang Yi took a deep breath and quickly understood what happened.

The experience of that month could not be a dream, especially the pain of being decomposed, it was too real.

Zhang Yi raised his head, feeling extremely lucky after surviving the disaster.

At the same time, his eyes also flashed with an extremely sharp light.

He clearly remembered the people who killed him in the first place.

In this life, he must live well and never show kindness to those beasts again.

Moreover, on the premise of ensuring his own safety, he must ruthlessly retaliate against those students!

But now, the first thing Zhang Yi needs to consider is how to survive the apocalypse that will come in a month.

Zhang Yi's own living conditions are pretty good.

His parents died early, and he inherited a house in Tianhai City with an area of ​​120 square meters.

There are also more than 200 million in savings in hand, which in normal times seems relatively comfortable.

But when the end of the world comes, there will be a huge shortage of supplies all over the world.

With the little money he has in hand, he can't survive for long.

After all, to survive alone, one needs a huge amount of supplies.

Being able to prepare in advance, Zhang Yi not only wants to live, but also hopes to have a certain quality of life in the future.

You have to take care of both food and entertainment, otherwise, your spirit will definitely collapse over time.

And weapons and equipment are also necessary. Only in that way can he protect his own safety and complete his revenge on his neighbors.

At this moment, a ray of white light suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yi's eyes.

He felt that his right eye was a little blurred, so he stretched out his hand to rub it.

But suddenly, a strange idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

It seemed that this ray of white light itself was a part of him, and the information of the white light also appeared in his mind.

Zhang Yi thought, and his consciousness instantly entered the white light.

As a result, when I went in and took a look, I found that it turned out to be a huge, white space.

I don't know how big the area inside is, there is only a large blank space.

"This is...a different space?"

"It seems that after my rebirth, I have some special abilities."

Zhang Yi suddenly felt happy.

It seems that the passage of gamma rays caused his body to mutate and produce extraordinary powers.

With this huge space, it will be much more convenient for him to store supplies for the doomsday.

However, Zhang Yi wanted to know how much stuff could be stored in this space and whether there were any limits on the objects that could be collected.

His consciousness immediately returned to his room, and then he began to try to put things at home into the space.

I started with the teacup and washbasin, and they were all easily put in.

Zhang Yi began to try to stuff all the large household appliances inside.

Color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, computers, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners.

White space accepts all comers and takes in all these things.

Moreover, Zhang Yi can take things out of space with just a thought.

However, some objects that are subject to strong external forces and do not exist alone are difficult to include in space.

For example, if he tried to dig out a piece of floorboard from the ground, nothing would happen.

"There seem to be a lot of rules in different spaces. I need to explore them slowly."

"But just this huge space that can store objects allows me to store a huge amount of resources!"

He licked his lips and had a bold plan in his mind.

Zhang Yi's job is a supervisor in the South China warehouse of Wal-Mart Supermarket.

As the world's largest supermarket, Wal-Mart has everything you need.

It has three giant warehouses in Central China, South China and North China.

The size of these three warehouses is terrifying, especially the South China warehouse.

Completed in 2040, it is 1500 meters long, 720 meters wide, and covers an area of ​​millions of square meters! It is the world’s largest giant warehouse!

It was once hailed as the eighth wonder of the world by the president of Walmart Greater China!

Of course, there are only seven wonders recognized by the world, while the eighth wonders are all rated by themselves, and there are thousands of them.

However, the area and storage capacity of South China Warehouse are indeed the largest in the world's warehousing field.

Its internal supplies can supply tens of millions of people in several cities for a week.

In other words, as long as Zhang Yi empties out all the materials in a warehouse and moves them to his own space.

Then he would not be able to use up so many supplies in ten lifetimes, let alone a lifetime!

The most important thing is that Wal-Mart's quality control is very strict.

There are no low-grade brand-name goods in the warehouse.

Whether it is food, department supplies or luxury goods, they are all big brands with good reputations.

If Zhang Yi could empty out a warehouse in Wal-Mart, not only would he not have to worry about supplies for the end of the world, but he would also be able to live a very comfortable life.

As the manager of the warehouse, Zhang Yi is extremely familiar with every shelf, monitoring equipment, and personnel schedule in the warehouse.

It is definitely not difficult for him to empty the warehouse.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yi felt a lot more relaxed.


At this moment, Zhang Yi's stomach made a cry of protest.

Zhang Yi touched his belly and glanced at the braised chicken and rice bought on the table.

Zhang Yi touched his chin and hesitated, then finally smiled and shook his head, choosing to give up eating takeout.

"It will be the end in one month. There are many delicious things that you have to eat quickly, otherwise you will have no chance in the future. Why are you still so stingy with yourself?"

He had been cold and hungry for a month, and now he desperately wanted to eat some hot and delicious food.

Why keep this money thing?

After the end of the world, money will become useless paper. It is better to spend it all now so that it will not be wasted.

Zhang Yi turned around calmly, preparing to find a high-end restaurant that he had been reluctant to go to before, and have a good meal.

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