Everyone was startled by the sudden appearance of the strange face, especially the timid woman, who couldn't help but scream.

Zhou Keer and Yang Mi hugged Zhang Yi tightly and leaned against him desperately.

Because this is not a horror movie!

But real zombies!

The video also ended abruptly, leaving only a large snowflake on the screen.

Everyone was shocked, including Zhang Yi.

But it wasn't because he was afraid, it was simply because he didn't expect something like that to suddenly appear.


Zhang Yi said.

But soon, he suddenly laughed, "But this also shows that our judgment is correct. There are indeed intelligent creatures down there!"

"The Corpse King is there, I've found it!"

That big pale face is most likely the Corpse King.

“If we don’t kill it, the crisis facing shelters will not stop.”

Fatty Xu quickly asked: "But how can we kill that corpse king?"

"There are too many zombies underground. We are fully armed and go in to clean them up. We don't know how long it will take to clean them up!"

Yang Xinxin also mentioned: "And the subway tunnels extend in all directions. The Corpse King has wisdom and will run away when he finds something is wrong."

Zhang Yi crossed his arms and said in a deep voice: "If you want to do it, you have to do it once and for all!"

"Although there are many zombies, their combat power is limited. As long as we want to kill them, no matter how many they are, it won't be a problem."

"But we must prevent them from escaping. So we have to start from the subway!"

Liang Yue suggested: "We can start from Songzhuang and blow up the tunnel there! This will also block the retreat of the corpses."

"Our goal is just to kill the Zombie King, as long as it can't escape."

"As for other zombies, we have many ways to eliminate them."

Uncle You crossed his arms and said to Zhang Yi with a smile: "Zhang Yi, it's up to you to come up with an idea on what to do!"

"Anyway, there is no way to avoid this battle."

Yes, this battle is unavoidable.

If they don't take the initiative to fight, sooner or later those zombies will become more and more intelligent.

After the zombies understand all their weaknesses, they will launch attacks tirelessly.

Sooner or later, even this shelter, which is stronger than steel, will be breached.

If there are too many ants, they can kill an elephant!

Zhang Yi took a deep breath and leaned on the soft sofa, thinking about the feasibility of this approach.

After a while, he said: "Get ready, we will take action tomorrow!"

Night after night, the Corpse King might become stronger.

It's better to take the initiative to attack it before it grows up!

This time the operation is still their main five-man group.

All kinds of equipment are ready-made, including weapons and ammunition, gas masks, and supernatural food that Yang Mi makes every day.

These things were enough to support them in a week-long continuous battle underground.

Everyone nodded without any comments.

They also don’t want to waste time and effort cleaning up zombies every day.

But Fatty Xu looked at Zhang Yi and said worriedly: "Boss, are you so anxious? This... doesn't seem like your style!"

In the past, Zhang Yi was extremely steady no matter what he did.

This time Zhang Yi's approach made Fatty Xu feel a little rash.

They don't know anything about the situation underground, so is it really appropriate to just dive in like this?

"What if something happens underground? I mean, actually we don't know much about the situation underground."

"Perhaps we underestimated the combat effectiveness of the zombie swarm?"

Fatty Xu, who was most afraid of death, was also the most cautious.

He is even more cautious than Zhang Yi most of the time.

But this is also his biggest weakness.

Zhang Yi is a coward and Fatty Xu is a coward.

So Fatty Xu will miss many opportunities.

Zhang Yi smiled mysteriously, walked over and patted Fatty Xu on the shoulder, giving him a confident smile.

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of everyone's life safety."

"I'm fully prepared. You'll understand when the time comes."

Fatty Xu saw Zhang Yi's eyes.

It was as gentle as jade and full of confidence.

Fatty Xu's heart calmed down, and he asked with a smile: "Boss, why are you doing it so mysteriously? Can't you tell us directly?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "You just need to know that I can help you escape even if you encounter the most dangerous situation."

It's not convenient for him to talk about the specific aspects yet.

Liang Yue tilted her head and looked at Zhang Yi, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

"I understand. If this is the case, then we have nothing to worry about, right?"

Yang Mi sat up from the sofa and said with a smile: "Then I will prepare some food for you!"

Zhang Yi nodded: "Okay, the more the merrier!"

Zhang Yi also slowly figured out Yang Mi's abilities.

The superpower is poured into food, which can help strangers recover their superpowers, and the effect of helping ordinary people recover their physical strength is also very significant.

However, if it is stored for up to a week, the superpower will disappear from the food.

But after being placed in Zhang Yi's different space, this problem was perfectly solved.

So until now, Zhang Yi asked Yang Mi to use up all his super powers to make super food every day. He didn't know how much super food was stored in his super space.

This is one of the reasons why he dared to take people and fight deep into the subway tunnels.


On Zhang Yi's side, things are developing in a good direction.

At least they even basically grasped the movement patterns of the zombies and confirmed the existence of such a thing as the Corpse King.

But there are two sides to the story. The other forces are in dire straits!

Due to the existence of the Corpse King, the corpse group has a very high ability to learn and evolve.

With each round of attacks, their combat effectiveness is increasing, and they will adjust their fighting methods specifically according to the conditions of each force.

Unlike Zhang Yi and others, the four major forces have a small number of people and follow the route of an elite team.

There are too many surface buildings to defend, and there are many soldiers, laborers, and slaves. On the contrary, they have no good way to deal with the constantly evolving zombies.

The method you used to fight off zombies for the first time was no longer so useful the second time you used it.

But the zombies are like locusts, they can't be killed no matter how hard they are killed.

I spent a lot of energy to fight off a wave of attacks today, but when I opened my tired eyes the next day, they were coming again!

Xiao Honglian, Xing Tian, ​​and Wei Dinghai were all very distressed.

They cannot give up their oil refineries and steel plants and seaport bases.

Otherwise, abandon them and go to the underground base. Once the door is closed, the zombies will not be able to attack.

But the problem is, those resources are their lifeblood!

If they really give up, they will completely lose their qualifications to compete for supremacy in Tianhai City in the future!

It is precisely because of this that they would rather bear the attacks of zombies every day than fight desperately.

However, facing the zombies that can continue to evolve, their defense methods began to become weak.

The fence allows zombies to learn to climb the wall, and the barbed wire will not cause much harm to the frozen zombies.

Firearms are essentially useless and can only be destroyed with blunt objects and heavy firearms.

Later, I basically relied on heavy firearms and the powerful combat power of aliens to destroy zombies!

Gradually, Xiao Honglian and others also realized that something was wrong.

These zombies are weird, not like walking zombies, but like an organized and disciplined swarm of insects.

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