Naruto: Everything can be copied

Chapter 1 My stupid Oudouyou

It was midsummer, and cicadas were roaring desperately on the trees, making a very noisy chirp. There was a three-year-old child under the tree, sitting on a big rock, looking up at the clear sky.

The sunlight filtered through the mottled leaves and reflected on the child's upturned face. The child let out a "qi" sound and blocked the dazzling sunlight with his hands in disgust. He moved his buttocks to the other side of the stone and continued to look up at the sky.

Afraid of the glare of the sun, the child tried to raise his hand to cover his head. As if he found it troublesome, he raised his arm halfway and then lowered it.

The child muttered to himself: "From today on, I, Umino Kakugi, also have a younger brother. Alas, my stupid Oudouyou..."

As he said that, Kazuoki looked at his father Umino Ikkaku, who was stamping his feet back and forth anxiously at the door of his house, and rolled his eyes.

"Dad, don't worry, my mother and brother are definitely fine!"

"Hi, hi, don't worry, little Kadomu, your mother will be fine, and your brother will be very cute too."

Umino Ikkaku, who was anxious and angry, heard his son's words and thought that his son was worried about his mother, so he took a moment to coax his son out of the busy schedule and said, "Play nicely, little Kadomu, daddy has something to do."

"..." Kakugi had a dark look on his face, so he hated being treated like a child. After all, the three-year-old Kakugi has a 20-year-old soul in his body.

In the previous life, Umino Tsunoki was born in a tomato orphanage. He managed to survive until he graduated from college and soon found a job. He just experienced the beatings from society. Before he had time to deeply taste the cakes drawn by his boss, he was hit by a dump truck at work one day. .

When he woke up again, he had become a newborn child.

When I heard my parents talking in this life, I thought I was reincarnated in Sakura Country after death.

But when I got a little older, when I went out with my parents, I saw the ninjas swooping down on the roof and running quickly with their arms behind them, and after seeing the Hokage Rock in the village, I realized that I had traveled through time, to the Hokage's world. world.

Thinking of the names his parents gave him, and then thinking of his father's name, Umino Ikkaku, and his mother's name, Umino Koizumi, I had a brainstorm for a long time before finally remembering that I seemed to be... the brother of the unborn Iruka Umino?

Perhaps due to the butterfly effect of his own time travel, the Umino couple, who originally had only one son, Iruka Umino, "created" themselves first.

Umino Tsunoki has always been worried that Iruka will be wiped out by his appearance, right?

It wasn't until later that his mother became pregnant again that Kakugi felt relieved.

Although, if parents choose not to have children because they have him, it seems to have nothing to do with him, but if Umino Iruka no longer exists, Kadouki will still feel a little regretful, even... guilty.

Kakugi was an orphan in his previous life, and he was very happy to have his own biological parents in this world. But as a soul that traveled through time, Kakumu always felt that he was... incompatible with this world.

Just like now, my father was waiting nervously at the door of the house, while I was sitting on the stone under the big tree outside the house, looking up at the clear sky through the leaves.

"Woah~ woah~" A loud cry sounded, and Umino's eyes suddenly lit up as he was stomping back and forth outside the door.

"Squeak~" The door opened from the inside, Wen Po smiled reassuringly, raised her arms lightly, and said with a look of relief: "Umino-san, you have lived up to your expectations..."

Umino pushed Wen Po away without noticing that Wen Po was pushed to the ground by him. He rushed in with a single stride, shouting: "Little needle! Little needle! I'm coming!"

"Ha", Kakumu chuckled when he saw his father's reckless look, went over to help Wen Po up, carefully helped Wen Po dust the dirt on her body, and asked about her mother and brother.

Wen Po, who hurriedly climbed up, had a calm expression on her face, teasing Kakugi's face with her fingers, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, kid. Your mother is fine, you have an extra brother."

"Really..." Kakugi let out a long sigh, and unknowingly unclenched his fists.

At this time, the father's shouting came from the room: "Hahaha, I have another son. The Umino family is prosperous. Thank you for your hard work, little needle!"

Umino Ikkaku held the baby with a flower blooming on his face: "I've thought of a name, it's Iruka! Hahaha..."

Yes, I have a younger brother, and his name is Umino Iruka.

His younger brother's name will always remind Kazuoki that he has lived two lives and is in the world of Naruto. Here are his biological parents, his younger brother, and his home.

Dad was still playing tricks in the room, accompanied by mother's soft scolding voice. Kakugi chuckled and walked to the room to see his biological brother.

"My stupid brother~~~" Kakugi chuckled, rubbing his hands together, his eyes shining brightly.


"My lovely little brother... why are you crying again?!" Kakugi held the cute little Iruka, rocking his body back and forth, slapping his hands gently, and his eyes were no longer bright.

"I won't say you are stupid anymore, please stop crying, okay?" Kadaki, who was on the verge of collapse, finally remembered that Iruka might be hungry, so he put Iruka in the cradle and fumbled to get the bottle. Pour boiling water and make milk powder.

After finishing all this work, Kakugi looked at Iruka who was still unwilling to let go of the bottle after eating and drinking. He ignored the sweet smile on his cute baby face and growled with a broken face: "Smelly." Dad, when will you come back?"

A year has passed in the blink of an eye. The 4-year-old Umino Tsunoki did not refine chakra at the age of three, learn the Three Body Technique at the age of four, and learn shadow clones at the age of five, as usually written in time-travel novels.

Kakuaki once took the initiative to approach his father and wanted to learn. His parents told him that refining chakra under the age of 6 would have an impact on physical development, so Kakuaki had no choice but to follow suit.

Now 4 years old, Kakugi's main job, besides learning school calligraphy at home, is to take care of his children at home.

His mother, Umino Konee, is a Jonin in the village's barrier class. Her main job is to maintain the protective barrier of Konoha Village on a daily basis, and to always monitor whether there are any incidents that attack the barrier.

Due to his busy work schedule and a burning heart devoted to Konoha, Umino Koizumi immediately threw himself into work after taking maternity leave. Umino Koutoki could usually only experience his mother's love when his mother was taking turns.

His father, Umino Kazuo, is the leading jounin of the village. He currently leads three young genin who have just graduated from the ninja school. He spends most of his time in the village. He usually has a shadow clone at home to look after the children, but occasionally he goes out of the village to do some work. During the task.

The reason why they work so hard is because the Umino family lives in a two-story one-family building located in a prime location in the center of the village. It is different from just building a house on the edge of the village, or living in a dormitory or low-rent "tube house" arranged by the village. Ninja, you have to spend money to buy a house in this area, and you still have a mortgage to pay off...

In this way, there will occasionally be situations where the father is on a mission and the mother is on duty, leaving only Kadaki and his younger brother Iruka at home.

Now, this kind of cheating situation is happening.

In fact, when his mother didn't come home for three days in a row, and when his father's shadow clone disappeared yesterday, Umino Kazuoki already knew his fate.

Obviously...I am still a baby...

Umino Kakugi wants to cry but has no tears.

Iruka's parents

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