"Congratulations on graduation, Kakumu!" Mother's eyes were full of joy, and she gave her a big hug.

The father, on the other hand, had an expression that said, "As expected of his son," and he patted Kakugi on the shoulder.

Mother brought the food to the table. Today's meal was extremely rich.

Iruka excitedly boasted about the "respect" he had gained in the class, and his father was rarely allowed to have a few drinks, shouting loudly:

"My son is more powerful than three generations of sons!" The mother grabbed a chicken leg and stuffed her mouth full.

Kazuoki echoed with a smile while eating.

The mother looked at the chattering family, her face filled with happiness and satisfaction.

It feels so good to be at home.

After dinner, my mother took out a scroll and whispered:

"This is a binding array. Four sealing symbols are posted on the preset battlefield in advance. Targets within the range of the sealing symbols will have their mobility restricted."

Mother frowned and looked apologetic:

"Because my mother was in the barrier class before, and many of the ninjutsu she knew were secrets that were not taught in the barrier class, and they basically required multiple people to perform them together, so..."

"This gift is great, thank you, mom!" Kazuoki interrupted his mother excitedly:

"I thought the Ishito Light Array was too restrictive before, but this binding array is just right!"

Compared with the Ishito Light Array, although the Sealing Array has great limitations, it has a larger range.

Moreover, it completely frees the hands of the caster. Even if he is alone, he can cast this spell and attack the bound opponent!

For me at this stage, it is already very good!

"Come, come, look at the gift I have prepared for you."

My father also took out a scroll and said directly without any pretense:

"This is the shadow clone technique. Judging from my test on you yesterday, your chakra is completely satisfied.

And I think that the shadow clone technique is more suitable for you to use clone induction tactics, so the gift I prepared for you is this one. "

"Thank you, dad!" Kakugi grabbed the scroll and quickly stuffed it into his arms, as if he was afraid that his father would take it away again.

He has been thinking about the shadow clone technique for a long time. For him with abundant chakra, the shadow clone technique is simply an artifact for practicing cheating.

The father smiled hoarsely, brat, are you still afraid that your father won't give it to you? He shook his head and began to popularize the hornwood:

"The art of shadow clone uses chakra to create a physical clone, which has independent consciousness and a certain ability to resist attacks.

It should be noted that the shadow clone technique will divide your chakra equally. Even if the ninjutsu is lifted, the lost chakra will not return, and you can only wait for it to slowly recover.

When you consume a lot of chakra, be sure to use it with caution.

And when the shadow clone is released, the clone's memory and experience will return to the original body, which will have a certain impact on your spirit. You must pay attention to this..."

It can be seen that Umino Ikkaku is still worried about teaching his son the shadow clone technique, and he patiently teaches him from the sidelines.

Kazuoki listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

Although I have a certain understanding of the Shadow Clone Technique based on the original work, this is the undisclosed teaching of a jounin father, and it is definitely deeper than my shallow understanding.

I'm afraid there won't be many opportunities like this to receive my father's careful guidance in the future, Kakugi thought to himself.

He has become a ninja, and both father and son are busy with tasks respectively. The days to come will probably be filled with less gatherings and more separations.

"So, when using the shadow clone technique, you must always pay attention to your own chakra, and be careful not to clone too many at once."

Father finally finished speaking. He picked up the teacup and took a big gulp of the tea, as if he still had something to say.

Looking at Kadomu who was listening carefully to the explanation in front of him, his father couldn't help but sigh.

My child is good at everything, but he is too stable and not lively at all, not like an 8-year-old child at all.

As a father, I am relieved but also a little frustrated.

"By the way, do you want to know what gift I prepared for you before?" Father looked at the steady Kadomu and smiled narrowly.

Um? Any surprises?

The father took out another scroll, did not put it on the table, but raised it high and laughed:

"If you grab it, it's yours~"

"Come and let me see, dad, come on~"

Kakumu used his hands and feet to grab the scroll in his father's hand with all his teeth and claws. He didn't hesitate to act cute and actively cooperated with his father's teasing.

A sage in the ninja world once said this famous saying with great sincerity: For the sake of ninjutsu, it is not shabby.

His mother smiled softly on the side, and Iruka watched the "fierce" fight between father and son, laughing loudly while cheering for his brother.

Finally, after his father's hand slipped "accidentally", Kadaki succeeded in grabbing the scroll. The father smiled and introduced:

"This is the Naraku no Jutsu, a type of illusion that allows the enemy to see the most fear-inducing scenes in their hearts. It is a mental blow to the enemy.

The technique is easy to perform in actual combat and can effectively disrupt the enemy's rhythm..."

His father explained patiently with a dry mouth. Kakugi listened attentively. Iruka beside him was already a little drowsy and was being held gently by his mother.

Kadomu really cherishes the time he has now.

The time we get together is always short. My father has to go on a mission tomorrow; my mother is holding Iruka, who has already fallen asleep; I also need to be energetic and prepare to meet my new teammates the day after tomorrow.

New teammates, new team, new environment.

To be honest, Kazuoki was a little uneasy.

As if seeing Kakugi's inner uneasiness, her mother handed Iruka into his father's hands and sent him back to his room.

Mother tilted her head, stepped forward and asked gently: "What's wrong, Kadomu, are you worried about the class placement the day after tomorrow?"

"I'm not worried at all...I just can't help but wonder what the team I want to assign will be like."

Kazuoki answered honestly.

"Haha." Mother bent down and fiddled with the ends of Kakumu's hair:

"Don't worry, Kadaki will definitely integrate into the team soon."

"Don't worry, the team you are assigned to will all be very reliable teammates."

Mother winked mischievously: "Don't forget, mom is a jounin."

Kakugi's eyes lit up. Is this the legendary Jonin's internal channel?

Just as he was about to ask excitedly, his mother quickly stopped.

"I can't tell you too much. This is a secret among ninjas."

Mother stretched out her index finger and stopped Kakugi's words. Then he said:

"It's very late, go to bed. Take a good look tomorrow at the ninjutsu your parents gave you today, and don't hold back the team."

The mother couldn't help but exhorted, hugged Kadomu, patted her son's back, and said good night.

Kadomu lay on his bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. After listening to my mother's words, the previous anxiety about the unknown class turned into excitement.

My mother must have known something in advance. Did the results come out so quickly? She just passed the test this afternoon.

Could it be that there was someone with unique vision and foresight who could tell at a glance that I was a talented and powerful ninja and booked my membership in advance?

Is it Namikaze Minato or Konoha White Fang? Kadomu moaned happily and slowly fell asleep.

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