Naruto: Everything can be copied

Chapter 73 Jiraiya’s inquiry

Inuzuka Claw's injury was okay, and Nonoyu finished it without too much effort.

He gave the usual instructions, but Inuzuka Claw ignored him.

All the while, Inuzukapaw remained silent.

Nonoyu wiped the sweat from his face and walked towards Kumate.

When passing by Kakuaki's hospital bed, Kakuaki heard Noonoyu sigh softly.

Maybe there is something going on between Inuzukazuma and Nonou. Kadomu thought secretly.

At this time, Jiraiya patted Umino Ikkaku on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards Kazuoki.

"Boy, you did a great job this time." Jiraiya sat on the stool with a flourish, his eyes showing satisfaction.

"Let me see your Burning Release." Jiraiya asked simply.

"Okay." Kadomu didn't waste any words, and lay down making a seal with one hand.

It is worth mentioning that the Blood Succession Limit also requires sealing, but the Blood Succession Limit is deeply rooted in the bloodline, so the seal can be greatly simplified based on proficiency.

Even Senju Hashirama's technique of "clap your hands and shout whatever you want".

Kakugi had already had a premonition that Jiraiya must be looking for him for the sake of the Burning Escape.

However, in this camp, in front of Nonou and two assistants, Jiraiya asked openly and carelessly, which still surprised Kazuoki.

Mainly in Kakugi's heart, Nonoyu has always been inextricably linked to the root.

However, Kazuoki also knew that thanks to Jiraiya, the news that he had defeated Yakura had spread throughout the battlefield.

When it came to the choice of protecting himself or trying his best to demoralize the Sand Ninja, Jiraiya chose the latter without hesitation.

Kadomu can also understand and accept this.

After all, Burning Escape is for use. In the future, I may have more blood inheritance limits to be "developed". There is no point in covering it up blindly.

A small flame immediately appeared in front of Kakumu, and instantly expanded to form a blazing fireball.

Under Kakumu's deliberate control, the fireball was not big and floated quietly above Kakumu's chest.

With the appearance of the fireball, the air in the camp instantly became anxious.

Jiraiya stared closely at the fireball, his eyes shining brightly.

"Okay, okay!" Jiraiya stood up and looked at Kakugi in surprise, becoming more and more satisfied as he looked.

With Jiraiya's eyesight, he can naturally tell the difference between the Burning Release Fireball and the ordinary Fire Release Fireball.

As for Kakunoki's spontaneous awakening of the Burning Escape, Jiraiya felt that it might be an epiphany between life and death, or it might be a matter of accumulation.

After all, Umino Kazuoki cannot be of foreign blood. He is a child born and raised in Konoha. This is certain.

Moreover, Kakugi's intensive research on chakra has already laid the foundation.

"Here! Give it a try!"

Jiraiya took out a chakra test strip and gave it to Kazuoki. It looked like it had been prepared in advance.

After Kakugi became a ninja, his father also tested his attributes. At that time, he had all five attributes.

Umino Ikkaku didn't know that many of Kakunoki's attributes were copied. He thought that Kakunoki was born with all attributes, and he was very happy at the time.

At this time, Jiraiya took out the test paper again, thinking that he wanted to confirm it himself.

Hold the test paper between your index and middle fingers, and with the infusion of chakra, the test paper suddenly assumes five postures.

Cut, burnt, wrinkled, wet, all appearing on a piece of test paper at the same time, with one corner even broken.

Sure enough, it has all the attributes!

And being able to awaken the Burning Escape on its own means that the two attributes of wind and fire have completely mastered the changes in nature and form!

Completely mastering one of your own chakra attributes, and then developing and mastering the second attribute, is the hard power requirement for promotion as a jounin in Konoha.

But in terms of ninjutsu, Kakugi has reached the level of jounin.

And being born with all attributes means higher potential!

Moreover, Jiraiya had witnessed with his own eyes the bond between Kakugi and his companions, which in Jiraiya's opinion was particularly valuable.

Jiraiya forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, but he couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

He sat down slowly, smiled at Kakugi and said:

"Boy, tell the truth, except for the wind and fire attributes, how well do you control the other attributes of chakra?"

Kakugi thought for a moment and decided to tell the truth: "There is also water escape chakra, and I have completely mastered it."

"Ouch!" Jiraiya stood up again and looked at Kakugi excitedly, as if he had discovered a priceless treasure.

10 years old, full attributes, mastering the changes in the nature and form of chakra of three attributes, what a concept!

Unparalleled genius!

There have been rumors before that Umino Tsunoki's fighting talent is extremely amazing, and he can learn the opponent's ninjutsu in battle!

Now he has awakened the blood inheritance limit on his own, making up for the last shortcoming!

Such talents must be cherished.

Thinking of this, Jiraiya felt a little regretful about helping Kazuoki "make a name for himself" on the battlefield today.

But it's not too late now. Umino Kakumu is still too young and must be protected.

Next, Jiraiya didn't say anything more, nor did he ask about the specific situation of the battle. He must have learned enough from Umino Ikkaku.

Jiraiya smiled and encouraged Kadaki a few words, and then left.

After a while, the pharmacist Nonoyu who finished treating Kumashou politely said goodbye to everyone and left the camp.

Before leaving, he exchanged a few words with Kanfang. Kanfang nodded and followed the pharmacist Nonou out.

The camp suddenly became empty, with only four patients and black pills left.

Kuromaru waggled his tail and sauntered towards Inuzuka Claws, muttering: "Why is this woman here to treat you?"

"Who says it's not the case!" Inuzukazuma was obviously in a bad mood: "It's just soul light that can only confuse people's hearts!"

"If it weren't for her, how could there be no news about Xiaolie for more than two years? The last news was... Humph!"

The circles under Inuzuka Claw's eyes were red, indicating that Retsu had probably encountered misfortune.

"Don't say that, Claw." Umino Ikkaku comforted him: "Nonoyu left the roots last year and focused on taking care of an orphanage. He has nothing to do with the roots anymore."

"Besides, dying in battle is also the fate of ninjas. The roots are part of the village, and working for the roots is also for the village. It's just that the confidentiality of the roots is higher."

"But, but!" Inuzukazuma became even more excited after hearing this, retorting sentence by sentence.

Kazuoki understood clearly at the side that Xiao Retsu was Inuzuka Retsu, a sideline child of the Inuzuka family. He was originally recruited into the roots by the pharmacist Nonou himself.

In addition to the orphans trained since childhood, recruitment at the root is mostly done from among active ninjas.

In addition to ninja talent, the most important thing for recruits is to agree with Danzo's ninja philosophy.

Orphans who are easy to accept ideological reform and ninjas who are originally inclined to Danzo's hawkish thinking are the best choices.

Not everyone wants them at all. For example, in the original work, Metkai signed up on his own and was rejected instantly...

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