It turns out it’s not a farming system.

Chapter 71 Cultivation Test (14)

A few people walked along the sparse weeds for a distance, and the sounds of "rustling" small animals began to be heard in the grass around them.

Su Qi stopped the team, and the others gathered around.

Zhang Bufan covered his nose and said with a calm expression: "Qiqi, have you pooped your pants? They smell so bad!"

Su Qi: "..." Don't stop me, I'm going to beat him to death!

Su Qi pointed to the clothes piled on the grass. They were the equipment of the Special Affairs Office that Wang Vietnam and Zhang Bufan had replaced. After washing them, the smell could not be washed away.

The two had no choice but to wear sportswear two sizes too small.

Su Qi found these two pairs of clothes that were very tasteful, so she found a button to put them on, for fear of polluting the air in the valley.

Before leaving the valley, she threw a vest in the valley to prevent predators from occupying the magpie nest.

"Either wear these clothes or tear them off. Each person carries a piece of cloth to avoid attacks by small animals. If large animals dare to attack, we probably won't be able to defeat them and will have to wait for death."

Wang Vietnam thought for a while, picked up his pants and put them on his legs. The quality of sportswear is incomparable to professional equipment. If the clothes are torn, you can go shirtless. If the pants are torn, it won’t be good~

Zhang Bufan also thought about it, took the pants and asked, "Qiqi, do you want to return these sportswear pants to you?"

"You... do whatever is convenient for you!" Su Qi waved her hands and didn't want to say anything else.

There were two pieces of clothing and a vest left. Su Qi used scissors to cut off the vest. She and Xu Xiaoying put one piece in their pockets and tied one piece to their backpacks.

The two pieces of clothing were put into buttons by Su Qi and handed to Wang Vietnam and Zhang Bufan.

This will probably be a fun trip...

As expected, there were no ferocious birds or beasts to harass them along the way. Xu Xiaoying concentrated on acting as a navigator, pointed in a direction, and the group of people moved forward quickly.

Bai Tuanzi was not idle either. While playing with Xiao Honghua and watching her plant spiritual plants, he also helped Su Qi act as a navigator to plug Xu Xiaoying's loopholes.

Several people purposefully searched for people who were alone or in distress. It was not until evening that they found traces of people in a small campsite.

This small campsite was transformed into a shallow cave, surrounded by a wooden fence. It seemed that they had been staying here for a while.

It's a pity that all four people were killed in one blow. The murder happened not long ago and the blood has not dried yet.

One person fell at the gate of the fence, and the two lay in front of the extinguished fire, both with their throats cut. The last person was stabbed in the back and was facing down with his head pointing towards the cave. It seemed that he was trying to run into the cave and was stabbed from behind.

Xu Xiaoying put on a mask, covering her whole body tightly, and did a careful inspection.

Wang Yueguang went to dig a hole nearby. Chinese people are very particular about burying their bodies in peace, and they cannot let their bodies be exposed in the wilderness.

"Obviously, they were attacked when they were preparing to spend the night." Sitting in front of the fire, Wang Vietnam had nothing to be afraid of.

"Did the man in black do it?" Zhang Bufan suddenly asked Xu Xiaoying.

"I can only detect one-shot kills, nothing else." Xu Xiaoying was a little shy, as if she didn't know anything and couldn't help.

"It was the men in black who did it, or the four men in black who were chasing us." Su Qi suddenly said.

"The knife in the back was the same as the beheading we saw that day. Hold the knife in your backhand, and move the knife from the lower right to the upper left. The front is strong and the wound is deeper; the back is weak, but the tip is sharp and the wound is flatter." Su Qi He spoke calmly based on the knife mark on the last person's back. (The above injuries are purely fabricated)

"How did you know?" Xu Xiaoying was a little surprised.

"I've seen them chase and kill people. If you look more closely, you can see the similarities."

Xu Xiaoying was silent, so is this the gap?

Bai Tuanzi was silent. You already knew everything before I started analyzing? What a genius?

"Would you like to look around?" Zhang Bufan couldn't accept the sudden silence and broke the silence.

"No, let's light the fire, cook the rice, and let the aroma waft out, and people will come." Wang Vietnam suggested, "It's too late after all."

Xu Xiaoying started roasting potatoes and corn on the fire, boiled milk and eggs, and cooked corn grits porridge. Wang Vietnam went to wash a bunch of tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, and a small pot of strawberries and green apples.

Without condiments, it is considered rich to be able to make it like this.

In the past, when Su Qi was around, she would always sing and laugh. Although she would occasionally be in a daze, she was always smiling. There was sudden silence, and Zhang Bufan was a little worried.

He walked over to Wang Yuetue and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with Xiao Su?"

Wang Vietnam also replied in a low voice: "Do you know about PTSD? This is the first time she is facing this and she needs psychological counseling. You must know that she has been living in a peaceful era for more than 20 years, and the bloodiest scene she may have ever seen is Killing chickens and pigs. It was a big shock to suddenly make her face murder."

"How about psychological counseling?" Zhang Bufan asked.

"Well, one of you and Xu Xiaoying will act cute and the other will act stupid to tease her." Wang Vietnam smiled softly, and Zhang Bufan turned around and left.

Wang Vietnam quickly stretched out his hand to pull Zhang Bufan, "I'm joking. I don't understand this very well. Ask Xu Xiaoying if she knows."

Being lonely, Zhang Bufan had already jumped to Xu Xiaoying's side. Wang Yueue looked at Zhang Bufan who was about to make a move, and felt vaguely that he had done something wrong.

Sure enough, while eating, Zhang Bufan was already a little stupid, but now he was even more stupid and blinding.

Su Qi was on the farm, watching Little Red Flower planting spiritual plants, flattering her, and making Little Red Flower dance with joy. With Bai Tuanzi's nagging in its ears, it was also worried that Su Qi had a mental problem.

Su Qi comforted Bai Tuanzi: "Don't worry, Tuanzi, I think very clearly, this is not a personal problem. As time goes by, there are always people who have to bear the burden and move forward."

Su Qi thought of the tears in the corners of Du Xinhui's eyes at dinner that night; she thought of what Tang Lan said to Xu Ze, my father died for the country; she thought of Director Yang scratching the corner of the table; she thought of Director Zhang dragging his sick body with him. The Shadowless Sect is dealing with things; and Song Chen is being laughed at...

"What the hell are you doing? I haven't experienced so many separations from them, so these are nothing! Don't worry!"

Su Qi showed a big smile to Bai Tuanzi. Bai Tuanzi turned around and burst into tears.

"This road must be difficult. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on farming? The little red flowers are also here. You can grow whatever you want in the future."

"But that road must be walked by someone. Didn't you say that? With great ability comes great responsibility!" Su Qi comforted it.

"I didn't say that. What I said was that the greater the ability, the more wasteland will be opened up!" Bai Tuanzi retorted loudly.

"Almost almost!" Su Qi came back to her senses and saw the other three looking at her worriedly.

"It's okay, I saw that a few days ago. Just take it easy!"

Su Qi suddenly turned to face the fence: "Someone is coming!"

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