

I'm a news bird.

Business was good today, we sold a lot of newspapers, and the weather was fine. It was a beautiful day.

When you get off work, you must go to the pier to get some French fries! This is what Niao Sheng pursues.

"I am a small business selling newspapers..."


Tomorrow and accidents, who will come first, are often unpredictable, but what you do know is that there is a high probability that you will not be able to eat the French fries.

Newsbird: "Gah!!!!!!"

Bai Yun: "Ah!!!!!!"


In the forest, Garp and Luffy, two grandsons, were walking on the road.

The older one picks his nostrils with his little finger, and the younger one also picks his nostrils with his little finger. Well, he looks very much like his grandson.

"Grandpa is a liar!"

"Didn't you say there is delicious food in the forest?"

"Kick me off the cliff! Fight with the wild boar! And the tiger, so big!!"

A complaint from Luffy.

It can be seen that Garp trained Luffy before handing him over to Dadan.

Forcibly returning life to become passive, and Luffy's strong will that shocked Kaido and Big Mom.

Why not afraid of fire? Because I have a strong will!


"You brat! Just tell me whether wild boar meat is delicious or not!"

"And what's wrong with that tiger? Grandpa just rode it for fun when you were a kid!"

Garp smiled and replied that he was indeed not lying. When he was a child, he was a tyrant in the forest.

Thinking of wild boar meat, Luffy salivated in his mouth. Apart from anything else, it was indeed delicious.

"You are as old as me and riding a tiger? Grandpa is still lying!"

Luffy didn't believe Garp's feats as a child, but after the words came out, Garp didn't respond, and Luffy looked up.

A certain old man had fallen asleep standing up with his nose bubbling.

Luffy was not surprised by Garp's "problem".

Just wake her up. If you can't wake her up, pop the snot bubbles.

But before he could say anything, he vaguely heard shouts from the sky.

"What's the noise?"

Luffy looked up and saw a news bird coming down from behind someone.




It hit Garp's head accurately, and there was an "echo of a skull", indicating that Garp's head was a good one.


People sleep on the road, people come from heaven.

Garp was sleeping soundly, his eyeball bulged from the blow, and Bai Yun and News Bird rolled down his head and fell to the front.

"Who dares to sneak attack me!"

Garp was woken up by the impact and immediately became vigilant. He dared to sneak attack me in front of my grandson. He felt that my fists were not strong enough, right?

But the "Assassin" didn't see it, but saw two creatures in front of him.

A child and a news bird.

There were circles in the eyes of the two of them, and they probably fainted.

"Grandpa, they suddenly fell from the sky and hit you."

Little Luffy reminded him kindly.

Garp nodded, "How did this kid fall from the sky?"



Bai Yun slowly opened his eyes, his vision gradually changed from hazy to clear, and he saw a wooden ceiling.

"Where is this?"

A standard line after waking up from a coma.

Bai Yun felt that his body was extremely heavy, like a stone pressing down on him, and it no longer looked like his own. If he moved his body with difficulty, it would feel like it was falling apart.

He raised his hands with the strength of breastfeeding, only to see that they were covered with broken bandages.

He turned his head slightly and looked around. The layout of the room was very simple. There was a bed, a bedside table next to the bed and a clock on the opposite wall. There was nothing else.

"Which kind person saved me?"

Turning his head straight, Bai Yun stared at the ceiling again. Now that he had nothing to do and was still lying on the bed, it was a good time to think about life.

"That stupid system!"

Before he could think about his life, the sound of that unique system came to mind, and Bai Yun was so angry that his tooth ached.

“Half the words were lost!!”

"I'm so frail and sick, thank you so much!"

"Replica fruit? It can replicate other people's skills and abilities. If devil fruit abilities can also be replicated, then this skill is incredible."

"Also, the real name? Is this fruit the same as Luffy's rubber fruit?"

"The most important thing is, what is the third ability!!!"

For Bai Yun's obsessive-compulsive disorder, he would run away half-way through what he said, and he wouldn't believe him even if he understood half of the things. It was really terrible.

I tried calling the system a few times in my mind, but the sound was like nothing. There was no reply at all.

"It seems that guy was really attacked by the virus."


"I hope He will appear again in the future to tell me about the third ability."

Bai Yun prayed. He was very persistent. If he didn't know what this third ability was, he would die without resting in peace.

"Forget it, let's sleep for a while. It's uncomfortable to move now. Let's see if anyone is there when we wake up."

Talking to himself, Bai Yun then closed his eyes.

But these eyes are like a switch. Just close them and just listen.

"Clang!" a sound.

The door to the room was kicked open, and the situation was like a debt collection.

Bai Yun was so frightened that he immediately opened his eyes, regardless of whether it hurt or not, and turned his head to look over.

An old man and a young man appeared in sight.

Although Bai Kuan is not a die-hard pirate fan, but if you don’t know Luffy and Garp, will you watch "The Bandit King"?

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