After Gu Chen left the command room, he did not forget to make a call to the police station to inform them about the presence of diamond smugglers in Yokohama Port.

Although the police were surprised as to why the call came from the Cote team, they still took action immediately. At least the Cote team did not kill it first, giving them the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

After getting into the car and starting the engine, Gu Chen looked at the map and drove towards the Yokohama port.

In a short time, he arrived at his destination, but the police arrived before him.

At this moment, the port of Yokohama has entered a state of martial law, and police are stationed at every pass to prevent diamond smugglers from escaping.

As for the accuracy of the intelligence, they were willing to believe that Team Cote would not lie about military information on this matter.

When they saw Gu Chen driving up with the logo of the Kurt Team on the car, the police quickly let Gu Chen go.

After parking the car, Gu Chen looked for Hoshino Isamu and the others at Yokohama Port.

After a while, they came to a coast and saw Isamu Hoshino and others who were listening to the old sailor telling stories.

Old seaman: "Yes, Gesla is an amphibian living in South America. It likes cocoa fruits the most. It specializes in eating pests that hinder the growth of cocoa fruits. It is a good animal!"

Hoshino Isamu: "In other words, Gosla is the patron saint of chocolate raw materials."

Old seaman: "That's right! You can eat sweet chocolate every day thanks to Gesla!"

Jiro: "Uncle, where did you know about animals like Gesla?"

Old sailor: "I am a sailor who specializes in running routes to South America, but Gesla is so huge, it is incredible!"

Hoshino Isamu: "Well, uncle, why did it come to Tokyo Bay?"

Old seaman: "Maybe when the ship was loading cocoa, the eggs of sea beasts were mixed into the fruits. Gesla is an amphibian that lives in the sea and on land."

Just as the old sailor was explaining Gesla to Hoshino Isamu and others, the sea behind him suddenly boiled.

This phenomenon immediately caught Jiro's attention, causing him to open his mouth wide, point his finger at the sea and exclaim: "Ah!!!"

Where the sea water boils, a huge monster head emerges from the sea, followed by a huge body.

The old seaman turned around and saw a scene that could cause him to have a myocardial infarction on the spot: "Ah, it's Gesla!"

Gesra seemed to just surface to take a breath, and then quickly sank back under the surface.

When Hoshino Isamu and others saw this, they didn't feel any fear at all, and even wanted to run over to say hello and get in close contact with Gesla.

Perhaps it was because the old sailor just said that Gesla was a good animal and the protector of the raw materials for their favorite chocolate.

But just when they were about to leave, Gu Chen's left and right hands patted Hoshino Isamu and Jiro on the shoulders at the same time, holding them firmly in place.

"Consultant Gu Chen? Why are you here?" Hoshino Yong turned around and saw Gu Chen and asked subconsciously. Then he realized and immediately reported to Gu Chenhui: "Consultant Gu Chen, did you see it just now? It's a monster. It’s Gesla.”

Gu Chen nodded. He came at the right time and saw the scene of Gesla emerging from the sea.

"Of course I saw it. I will notify Team Kurt immediately, but after that, you guys have to go back with me." Gu Chen said.

Hearing this, Isamu Hoshino and his friends immediately showed expressions of "Why is this happening?" and pouted their mouths in dissatisfaction.

However, Gu Chen's status as the consultant of the Kurt Team made them accept it even if they didn't accept it. After all, as the Kurt Team who fights monsters on the front line, it still holds a lot of weight in the children's minds.

After taking the children back to the car, Gu Chen started the engine, turned on the antenna of the meteor badge again and again, and called: "Headquarters, I am Gu Chen. If you hear me, please answer."

"This is the headquarters, Advisor Gu Chen, what happened?" Fuji Akiko responded immediately.

"Trace of a monster was found in the port of Yokohama. It is suspected to be a mutant of the amphibian living in South America - Gesla. The target briefly surfaced and is now lurking back into the sea. I suspect that it is responsible for several recent shipwrecks. The culprit is here, so you should hurry up and investigate." Gu Chen said.

Over in the command room, everyone was immediately attracted to Gu Chen's words. Unexpectedly, Gu Chen just went out and discovered key clues to several shipwrecks. This was much more efficient than what they discussed in the command room. .

"Understood. By the way, how are Hoshino and the others?" Hearing this, Fuji Akiko couldn't help but start to worry about the safety of Hoshino Yu and others.

Gu Chen: "Don't worry, Fuji team members. I have found them. I will send them home now."

"Really, that's good. It's really troublesome for the consultant." Hearing this, Fuji Akiko felt relieved.

Immediately, the communication was hung up, and the Kurt team dispatched under the order of Muramatsu Toshio, while Gu Chen drove Hoshino Isamu and others to their homes.

At the same time, the diamond smuggler and his accomplices were also arrested by the police. Then they received news from the Cote team and began to evacuate the port.

Soon, the Kurt team arrived at the port, and the plot continued to unfold as time passed.

When Gu Chen sent Hoshino Isamu and others back to their homes and drove back to the port, Gesla had already arrived at the port from the sea and destroyed several port buildings.

At this moment, with a dazzling light, Ultraman appeared on the stage and fought with Gesla.

Due to lack of understanding of Gesla, Ultraman came up and used his hand knife on Gesla, slashing him firmly on Gosla's body.

The hand knife caused some damage to Gesla, but it also infected Ultraman with its own poison.

Before mutating into a huge individual, the tentacles and spikes on Gesla's body contain toxins that can pose a fatal threat to the human body.

After mutating into a giant individual, Gosla's ability not only did not disappear, but was strengthened. Even Ultraman was inevitably affected by the poison.

It's just that Ultraman's body is many times stronger than that of humans, so Gosla's toxin is not fatal to Ultraman, but it will cause a certain burden on his body.

Until the toxin is decomposed, Ultraman's power will be weakened to a certain extent.

Therefore, the battle situation began with Ultraman having the upper hand, and gradually evolved into an even match.

And when Gesla realized that Ultraman was not easy to mess with, he very wisely chose to change the battlefield and pulled Ultraman into the sea.

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