Unfortunately, the Kurt team was a step too late for Gesla and failed to arrive at the scene before it was taken back into the card space by Gu Chen.

This is a matter of course. After all, with Gu Chen as a "ghost", how could Team Kurt's operation go smoothly?

After taking back Gesla, with the help of Tiga's power, Gu Chen rushed back to the headquarters of the Kurt team to create an alibi.

Fortunately, technology in this era was relatively backward, otherwise the Kurt team would have immediately discovered Gu Chen sneaking out as soon as they monitored the energy reactions around the world.

However, despite this, Gu Chen also planned to stop temporarily. It was not that he had softened his heart, but that he had to first see what the news media and the Japanese people thought of these incidents to see if they could awaken their awareness of environmental protection.

If they realized that Gesra's act of destroying the sewage treatment plant was retaliation for human pollution of the marine environment, then there would be no need for Gu Chen to work so hard and run around at night.

But if they still haven't awakened their awareness of environmental protection, it's a pity that Gu Chen may have to prepare for a protracted war.

Among them, Gu Chen felt that perhaps the one he felt most sorry for was Muramatsu Toshio. After all, he was the captain, and the Kurt team was a team fighting monsters. If they were unable to deal with Gesla, they would have to bear a lot of pressure.

This pressure comes not only from the Defense Forces, but also from the Paris headquarters of the Cote team.

Therefore, Gu Chen was embarrassed to "commit crimes" frequently, for fear that his actions would cause the Cote team to withdraw from the front line of the battle early and let the guys from the Defense Force take over.

Gu Chen didn't want to make those annoying bastards happy, and had even begun to plan to add some trouble to them during Ultraseven's plot time.

As time passed, the members of the Cote team sent out, led by Toshio Muramatsu, returned to the command room dejectedly.

As soon as he came back, Daisuke Arashi slapped the table angrily and cursed angrily: "Damn Gesla, he runs so damn fast. He better pray not to be found by me, otherwise I will definitely kill him..."

Seeing Daisuke Arashi's words becoming more and more intense, Muramatsu Toshio said: "Arashi, calm down."

Hearing Muramatsu Toshio's words, Arashi Daisuke could only swallow them silently, no matter how much resentment he felt in his heart.

Seeing this, Gu Chen silently took out a tissue and wiped away the coffee that had spilled on the table due to Daisuke Lan's smash.

"But having said that, the appearance of Gesla this time is simply too troublesome and completely unpredictable." Mitsuhiro Yichu sat down and thought about the useless work he had done in the past few days, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Muramatsu Toshio nodded, smashed his pipe, and said: "It's really strange. Logically speaking, as a monster, Gesra should succumb to its instinct, just like before, it attacked the passing cocoa fruits on the ocean. ships, or factory buildings in coastal ports where cocoa fruit was stored.”

"But this time, Gesla only focused on destroying the sewage treatment plant and had no interest in the cocoa fruit. It felt like someone was directing it behind the scenes."

Upon hearing this, Shin Hayata's eyes lit up and he said, "Do you think there is a possibility that the Gesla who destroyed the sewage treatment plant is actually the same one as before? The reason why he attacked the sewage treatment plant was also affected by that silver Giant’s instructions?”

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen's drinking of coffee immediately stopped, and then he immediately covered it up, so that no one else noticed.

If this is like the way the protagonist in other novels performs a human fountain when called to reveal a secret, wouldn't it be equivalent to three hundred taels of silver in this place?

"Silver giant?" Muramatsu Toshio heard this and frowned tightly.

Fuji Akiko came over at this time and said: "It shouldn't be possible. That giant is so gentle, how could he do something to destroy the sewage treatment plant?"

After thinking about it carefully, Isumi Mitsuhiro agreed with Hayata Susumu's point of view and said: "No, I think it is not impossible. I don't know if you have noticed that although Gesra destroyed the sewage treatment plant, it did not cause any casualties. , maybe this is the giant’s warning to us humans.”

Daisuke Arashi: "Warning? Warning us humans not to pollute the ocean again?"

Gu Chen sat aside, silently listening to the discussion of the Kurt team, and nodded secretly in his heart.

They are worthy of being an elite group of humans. They guessed what he was thinking so quickly. It would be great if everyone could be as smart as them.

"Counsellor, I wonder what you think about this matter?" At this moment, Hayata Shin suddenly looked at Gu Chen, who had been talking less in the past few days, and asked.

"Ahem, uh... well... I think what you guys said is right. I have nothing to add." Gu Chen, who was suddenly called, choked on his coffee. It was so good, why did he let him Into a group chat?

Could it be that Hayata Susumu discovered his true identity?

Gu Momo checked his golden finger and felt a little relieved when he saw that the hidden identity item had not entered the settlement state.

The plot of Ultraman has just started not long ago. If his identity is exposed, the reward he can get is probably not much better.

Muramatsu Toshio: "No matter what, we still have to make corresponding plans. Hayata, make a report on this speculation. Ichu, notify the sewage treatment plants in coastal areas and ask them to suspend the discharge of sewage for a few days. We need to check the situation first. Lan, notify the defense forces and ask them to be alert to the sewage treatment plants built along the coast. Once traces of Gesla are found, they are allowed to attack."

After a series of orders were issued, the two organizations, the Kurt Team and the Defense Force, quickly started operating.

But it's a pity that their actions are destined to be fruitless, because Gu Chen doesn't plan to take action now. Even if he takes action again in the future, it will have to be when the Cote team is busy, otherwise the Cote team will have to keep watching what he does. Don't let go?

In the following days, everything was so calm, and Gesla did not appear again. The National Defense Force and the Cote team could not withstand the joint complaints from the person in charge of the sewage treatment plant, so they had no choice but to evacuate the troops.

In civil society, the topic of protecting the marine environment is also gradually increasing, but it has not yet reached the level where the Japanese authorities will formulate measures to change the current situation.

But this can be considered a good start, allowing Gu Chen to see the side of human beings that are willing to correct their mistakes.

"Give it a try, humans. If you want to live well on this planet, you have to learn how to treat the natural environment well."

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