The power of the Eagle Strike missile was indeed as powerful as the defense force staff said. After the Baltans withstood several rounds, they leaned over and fell to the ground, shaking the ground several times.

The Defense Force looked at the fallen Baltans and felt very excited. After all, this proved that the Defense Force had the ability to face monsters and space invaders. In this way, they would have more capital to confront Team Kurt.

But before the defense forces could be happy for too long, the back of the fallen Baltan suddenly split open, and a brand new Baltan emerged from it.

This scene, which was like shedding a shell, shocked the defense forces and swallowed back the cheers they were about to blurt out.

Immediately, the Baltans who shed their shells immediately launched a retaliatory counterattack against the defense forces.

The pliers of both hands opened, and a large number of white destructive light bombs were sprayed out, falling on the defense forces that surrounded the science center.

Those rocket vehicles loaded with Eagle missiles became the Baltans' primary attack targets and were blown to pieces directly by the white destruction light bombs.

In addition, the armored troops of the Defense Forces also failed to escape the vicious hands of the Baltans, and were also blown into the sky.

Facing the Baltan offensive, the defense forces were defeated on the spot, let alone organizing a decent counterattack.

This scene made the defense force staff officers in the command room dizzy when they saw it, and they wanted to greet the Baltan family.

"Fighter troops, dispatch immediately to destroy this hateful alien!" The staff officer picked up the phone on the table and issued the attack order viciously.

Soon, several fighter jets flew towards the science center with roaring sounds, and powerful Eagle Strike missiles were mounted on the fuselages.

The Kurt team also received the news, and the scene at the science center was simultaneously broadcast to the command room.

Upon seeing this, Muramatsu Toshio immediately contacted Gu Chen and Hayata: "Gu Chen, Hayata, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it!"

However, Gu Chen and Susumu Hayata did not respond to Muramatsu Toshio's call.

"Gu Chen! Hayata! Please answer if you hear me!" Muramatsu Toshio's expression gradually became serious and he called again.

However, he still didn't receive a reply, which made Muramatsu Toshio's heart gradually sink.

Is it possible that in this incident, their Kurt team will lose three people?

If it is true, then their Kurt team does not have to wait until next year, they can disband on the spot now and return all the privileges of the Kurt team.

But Muramatsu Toshio didn't know that the science center had been cut off from communications by the Baltans, and communications could not be restored to normal unless they were on the rooftop or leaving the building.

In the science center, Shin Hayata got up, and the glass shards on his back immediately fell to the floor.

"Consultant Gu Chen, are you okay?" Hayata Jin helped Gu Chen up and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thanks to you being here, Team Hayata." Gu Chen patted the dust on his body and thanked him.

"It's okay, it's okay. The situation is out of control now. Leave here quickly and report to the captain." After Susumu Hayata confirmed that Gu Chen was okay, he planned to send Gu Chen away so that he could transform into Ultraman to fight the invaders.

Gu Chen also knew this, so he nodded very cooperatively, and then ran outside.

At this moment, the outside of the science center has become a sea of ​​fire. The Baltans are no longer satisfied with attacking the defense forces, and have now begun to attack the surrounding buildings.

Fortunately, the SADF had already evacuated the residents of several surrounding blocks. Otherwise, the economic losses would be secondary. The loss of life and property would definitely give the SADF and the Cote team a good meal.

From the horizon, fighter jets roared in, intending to use air superiority to eliminate the Baltans.

But after the Baltans leapt into the sky, they immediately wiped out the defense forces.

I originally thought that launching an attack from the sky would be foolproof, but who would have thought that the enemy could actually fly.

As expected, the Eagle missiles launched by the defense force's fighter formations at the Baltans not only missed their targets, but also landed in the city, causing considerable casualties.

But then, the fighter pilot no longer had to feel guilty, because the white destructive light bombs of the Baltans had already hit the enemy, directly blowing the fighter into a pile of scrap metal.

As we all know, as long as it is not a team like the Kurt team, when facing monsters, it will basically be reimbursed by the establishment.

Unlike Team Kurt and the others, when hit by a monster's attack, only the engine part of the machine body is damaged. Basically, it will end up in a crash, and it is almost impossible to explode and disintegrate on the spot.

When the defense force staff officers saw this scene, they were heartbroken because they had obtained all the battle command rights in this operation, so the defeat of the battle could be directly attributed to them.

As for Team Cote's responsibility, there is basically no responsibility. Can we still blame Team Cote for poor communication and irritating the aliens? Wouldn't that be like a slap in their face? You must know that they are all staunch militants, and they wanted to start a war at the meeting.

Now that the war is coming, if you want to blame Team Kurt for losing the battle, you have to ask Muramatsu Toshio if he is willing.

Fortunately, at this moment, our cosmic hero-Ultraman finally appeared on the scene, finally preventing this corrupt war situation from deteriorating further.

As soon as Ultraman appeared on the scene, he caught up with the Baltans in the sky and started a fierce fight with them.

On the other side, Gu Chen also contacted the headquarters and informed Muramatsu Toshio and others about what happened in the science center. Of course, the content was handled by him personally. After all, there was no third person present at the time, and neither the Baltans At this time, I came over and said that Gu Chen was wrong.

Moreover, Gu Chen only added what the Baltans themselves said in the original play, and did not add any private goods to it.

Everyone in the Kurt team who received Gu Chen's contact couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, but after hearing the news about the Baltans, they couldn't help but be a little shocked.

After all, the destruction of the planet by nuclear weapons testing and the extreme disregard for life are quite impactful to today's human beings, especially among the humane Team Kurt.

While everyone in Team Kurt was silently digesting the news brought back by Gu Chen, the battle between Ultraman and the Baltans also came to an end.

Just like the original plot, the Baltans were completely incapable of being defeated by Ultraman. They were wiped out by Specium's beam after three strikes, five divided by two, and their remains fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ultraman looked at the Baltan spaceship hidden in the sky, revealed it through a special sight, and then pushed it into outer space.

Taking this opportunity, Gu Chen quickly picked up a piece of debris. With the golden finger ability activated, a Baltan card appeared in his hand.

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