This is a dense and huge primitive jungle on the edge of Shiwanda Mountain. Qin Yu, Qin Xuan and Pang Gaofeng have already entered it.

The three of them dispersed at three points, climbed to the top of three trees respectively, converged and hid themselves, and secretly observed the activities of monsters under the trees.

At this moment, there happened to be two red ancient beasts grazing under the tree. This beast was only a little over one meter long and less than one meter tall. It looked like a calf.

Qin Yu was quite surprised that this kind of monster didn't look ferocious, but rather simple and honest. How could it cause such a big disaster?

Who knew that the two red beasts under the tree actually started fighting each other because they were fighting for the same patch of grass?

They separated on both sides, lowered their heads and pointed their sharp horns at each other, kept tapping one hoof to accumulate strength, and then both sides sprinted and crashed into each other at the same time.

The collision was like two cannonballs colliding, both of them were hit and retreated continuously, but the two red beasts did not flinch, and after separating, they adjusted their postures again to charge up.

After many collisions, the two Chigu beasts were stabbed in many places by each other's horns and were bleeding, but they had no intention of retreating.

In the end, one of the stronger Chigu beasts knocked the opponent to a big stone more than two meters high. The stone was broken into several pieces. Qin Yu thought that the attacked Chigu beast was now dead.

As a result, the ancient red beast lay on the ground for a while, then stood up again, but it was defeated and turned away.

The victorious Chigu beast did not lie down to rest, but turned around and started eating grass again.

Qin Yu, who had watched the whole process from the tree, also understood why this kind of monster was terrifying. The huge collision force plus their horns meant that if the beasts charged at the same time, it would be difficult to stop them.

And although this kind of monster is not cunning, it is very reckless and will not be afraid once it is fought.


The three of them carefully scouted in the woods all afternoon. They moved to several places and saw many monsters, but they never found any trace of the black grizzly bears.

Until night, because the huge branches and leaves blocked the moonlight, it was already dark in the woods.

The three of them discussed that nothing could be gained from this and decided to go back to the military camp first.

So they jumped down from the tree and started to return, but after taking a few steps, Qin Yu's spiritual sense detected that there were a lot of auras nearby, and they were all second-level monsters.

"Don't move yet! Find a place to hide!" Qin Yu quickly called Qin Xuan and Pang Gaofeng, and the three of them lay down in the grass and held their breath.

"What's the matter, Junior Brother Qin?" Pang Gaofeng asked in a low voice.

"There are many second-level monsters nearby," Qin Yu replied in a low voice. Upon hearing this, Pang Gaofeng immediately shut up and stopped talking.

After a while, a huge figure appeared from the woods opposite. The figure was lying on the ground and was obscured by the branches and leaves of the grass. It could not be seen clearly. It walked slowly to a tree and leaned against it. The tree was shaken by the leaning. rise and drop a lot of leaves

One after another, black shadows came here from the forest, and one of them suddenly stood up, more than three meters high! Qin Yu relied on his keen insight and a little bit of moonlight at that moment to recognize them - black grizzly bears!

Qin Yu told the two people around him with his mouth that the three of them were surrounded by black grizzly bears. Qin Yu confirmed through his breath that there were more than a dozen nearby.

What's even more embarrassing is that these black grizzly bears come here to sleep, and Qin Yu and the others are surrounded in the black grizzly bears' bedroom!

Qin Xuan mouthed and asked what to do now. Pang Gaofeng said no, so they stayed here and hid until dawn, after the bears left, before they left.

Qin Yu couldn't think of a good way for a while, so he could only wait and see what happens.


As the night progressed, the surrounding area gradually became quieter. There was only the sound of heavy breathing, and the bears all fell asleep.

Qin Yu and the others were not sleepy at all, they were always in a state of nervousness, for fear of accidentally attracting the attention of the bears.

The three of them lay down in the grass and didn't dare to move. Fortunately, the bears stopped running around after they fell asleep. As long as they didn't move, they wouldn't be discovered.

A bee buzzed over, and Qin Yu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Then the bee landed on the nose of a black grizzly bear. The sleeping grizzly bear felt that his nose was itchy and scratched it with his paws.

After the bee was driven away, it hovered twice in the air and landed back on the grizzly bear's nose. The grizzly bear went to scratch it again.

After repeating this three or four times, the black grizzly bear became angry and decided to kill the bee!

The heavy body that was originally lying stood up in an instant and rushed towards the bee.

The bee is so tiny that you can't even see it in the middle of the night. The grizzly bear only uses its buzzing sound to identify its location.

As a result, the direction it flew was exactly where Qin Yu and the others were!

Seeing that the huge figure was about to pounce, Qin Yu and the other two hurriedly rolled to avoid the black grizzly bear that pounced.

"Bang!" After a loud noise, a giant tree was broken by the grizzly bear. The huge noise woke up the nearby black grizzly bears.

They are paying attention here one after another

Although Qin Yu and the others were lying on the ground and their bodies were not revealed, they dodged in desperation and their auras still leaked out.

Black grizzly bears become very alert when they smell human scent and let out a loud cry to alert nearby others.

"Oops!" Qin Yu shouted, they were exposed

Although the three of them may not be able to defeat these dozen black grizzly bears together, it will be troublesome if the fight here attracts a large number of beasts, especially if the grizzly king is alerted, then the three of them will be in danger Got it

"Don't move, I'll lure them away!"

Pang Gaofeng made a quick decision and told Qin Yu and Qin Xuan not to move. He would distract the bears and create a chance for them to escape!

"No, Senior Brother Pang, it's too dangerous!"

"It's too late. Leave me alone. I have a way. If you don't leave, we won't be able to leave!" After saying that, Pang Gaofeng jumped up from the ground and struck the grizzly bear that he had just bumped into.

The thick-skinned black grizzly bear also felt the pain from Pang Gaofeng's blow and roared at Pang Gaofeng.

When Pang Gaofeng saw that he had achieved his goal by irritating them, he turned around and rushed into the woods.

When the group of grizzly bears saw the human running away after attacking them, they became furious and chased after them.

When the movement gradually faded away, Qin Yu and Qin Xuan emerged from the grass. They didn't care too much and ran towards the military camp, alarming countless wild beasts along the way.

After they ran back to the military camp, they happened to meet Deputy Commander Fang Shuhai who was inspecting the night patrol.

They told Fang Shuhai the situation and asked him to lead people to rescue Pang Gaofeng, but Fang Shuhai refused.

"Master Qin, it's not that our Shuhai side is greedy for life and afraid of death, but it is late at night when the soldiers are tired, and you have just made a huge noise. Now the monsters in the woods have woken up. It is equivalent to bringing people over now. Let the soldiers die."

Qin Yu can also understand that it is indeed too dangerous to go there now.

So he decided to go to Pang Gaofeng alone, but Qin Xuan and Fang Shuhai stopped him.

"Don't be impulsive Yu'er, you're just asking for death if you go there yourself."

Qin Xuan tried to calm down Qin Yu

"Senior Brother Pang is a prudent person. We have to believe him when he says there is a way. Let's wait until dawn. If Senior Brother Pang doesn't come back yet, we will go look for him."

After Qin Xuan said this, she felt uncertain. After all, it was too dangerous to face the terrifying bears chasing her in the dark and vast primitive jungle.

Qin Yu had no other choice, so he ran to the gate of the military camp and waited. If Senior Brother Pang hadn't come back at dawn, he would set out immediately to rescue Senior Brother Pang.


As the sky turns white, a ray of sun rises from the distance

Qin Yu was about to call Qin Xuan to rescue people when he saw a figure staggering towards the military camp in the distance.

Qin Yu released his consciousness and took a look - Senior Brother Pang is back!

But he was seriously injured. The wounds on his body looked like they were caused by sharp claws. A few streaks of blood had solidified, and he was limping away.


After seeing the military camp, Pang Gaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief. When he saw Qin Yu running towards him from the military camp, he smiled and then fainted on the spot.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw Qin Yu bandaging his wounds. They were in the military tent at this time.

Qin Yu saw that Pang Gaofeng was awake and quickly called Qin Xuan over. The two of them gathered around Pang Gaofeng.

Qin Yu said gratefully: "Senior Brother Pang, thanks to you, my sister and I can come back safely. Thank you so much."

Pang Gaofeng said weakly: "Whatever, if it were you, you would do the same thing, which makes you worry."

Qin Xuan also had tears in her eyes: "Senior Brother Pang, it's great that you can come back alive. No matter what, you can't take risks like this next time."

"Well, I couldn't think of a better way at the time. Rather than putting all three of us in danger, it would be better for me to move more flexibly to distract the monsters."

"Junior sister Qin Xuan, please call Commander Xu and ask everyone to come over. I have a new situation to inform everyone."

Xu Yong came to the tent with his two deputy commanders and Lin Zhong. Pang Gaofeng wanted to sit up and salute, but Xu Yong quickly asked him to lie down.

Then Pang Gaofeng told everyone about his major discovery—the leader of the black grizzly bear was not one, but two!

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