Elf: Champions reborn, starting from scratch

Chapter 78 Ending, training begins again

Back in the villa, Xu Jing was a little confused and couldn't help but asked curiously: "I said you invited Sister Xuening, but you didn't talk about what happened before, and you didn't ask any questions or ask for advice. The whole time, you were chatting about some family history. You What is this doing?"

Lu An just smiled slightly: "There is no purpose, just make friends with the other party."

Seeing that Lu An didn't want to say anything, Xu Jing shook her head and asked no more questions.

Back in the villa, Lu An went back to his room.

Sitting back at the computer desk, Lu An gently rubbed his fingers, his eyes flickering slightly: "Frozen Bird, Bai Xuening is hiding quite deeply."

Yes, during the previous conversation with the other party, Lu An used the system to scan the elves carried by the other party. Among them, in a relatively hidden elf ball, he saw an elf that surprised him, Frozen Bird.

As for why the other party was able to conquer the Frozen Bird, although it was a bit surprising, Lu An didn't think much about it.

It is not impossible to conquer the legendary elves. In his previous life, he knew some trainers who had conquered the legendary elves.

After all, Lu An still doesn't know about the existence of God's destiny, so he can't think of anything more.


On the first day, the bell rang outside the door. Lu An, who was making breakfast, stopped what he was doing and glanced out the window calmly.

After wiping the oil stains on his hands, Lu An walked out and saw several figures in uniforms outside the iron gate not far away.

With a confused look on his face, Lu An couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Police, what's the matter?"

"Are you Lu An?" a policeman asked after looking at the information in his hand.

Lu An nodded: "I am."

"We have a case here that is related to you, so we want to ask you something." The policeman said seriously.

Lu An nodded doubtfully, opened the door, and ushered in several police officers.

When she walked to the hall and sat down, Xu Jing seemed to be woken up and walked down wearing all her clothes.

When he saw several police officers coming in, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "Is this?"

"There is a case that is related to me and I need to ask some questions." Lu An said.

A few people sat down and the police began to ask for some information.

"Where were you between seven and eight o'clock last night?" one of the middle-aged policemen asked. He looked extremely majestic, and he seemed to be an upright person.

"At that time, we ate out at the Crocodile Floating Restaurant." Xu Jing thought for a moment and said.

"Can you prove it?"

Xu Jing and Lu An took out the call information and receipt, and called the phone number on the opposite side to ask the police and staff to confirm.

The staff also confirmed their presence. After all, they booked their best private room and invited Bai Xuening, who the restaurant paid great attention to before.

After asking more related questions, the leading police officer said, "Okay, I'll have someone go to his place to investigate. I'm sorry to bother you."

Xu Jing was even more confused. Seeing the police leaving, she couldn't help but curiously asked: "Hello, I want to ask what happened?"

The policeman thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "You can check it online. We can't talk about this kind of thing."

Xu Jing didn't ask again. Maybe it would be hard for the other party to tell them this kind of thing, but it shouldn't be a hidden matter. After all, it can be checked online.

Xu Jing sent the police out and Lu An took out his cell phone and took a look and found that the news on the Internet was already overwhelming.

[Murder, Jiujiang Provincial Event Planning Department Minister Han Tian and Lei Ming Company Chairman died mysteriously! 】

[The death scene is exposed, the tragic scene is not for the faint of heart! 】

[Panic, a silent killing method! Who is so cruel? 】


Lu An looked at the news in front of him with a downcast face and calm eyes.

In addition to the information released by the self-media, there is also an official announcement.

It detailed the persons who died and the causes of death, and severely criticized this behavior, informing the public that an investigation team had been set up to investigate, and the truth would come to light.

Netizens on the Internet have also gone crazy with the discussion and left messages one after another.

[Oh my God, these death scenes are so miserable. One was strangled to death after swallowing money, and the other was swallowing elf eggs directly. It is said that the entire face has been changed beyond recognition! 】

[It’s so terrifying. I didn’t expect there to be such a terrifying murderer in China. The officials must catch the murderer quickly! 】

[Haha, if you ask me to say that it is a good death, neither of them are good people. They will only do harm to society if they die! 】

[Have you heard? It is said that in the final awards ceremony of the Jiujiang Competition, these two people seemed to have joined forces to award the first place's quasi-god elf egg to the second place. What was even more outrageous was that they directly gave a dying one. The elf egg is given to the first. 】

[Ah, if this is true, your revenge comes too quickly. It feels like a coincidence. 】

Not long after this incident broke out, there was another incident to be reported.

It is said that many important people lost their eyesight overnight. The eyelids were closed directly and they could not open them with all their strength.

Some rushed to the hospital to have their eyelids cut open, only to find that only the whites of the eyeballs were left inside, and the pupils had disappeared.

Lu An just felt bored after watching it, put down his phone and went into the kitchen to continue working.

Xu Jing looked at her phone and covered her mouth for a long time, unable to make any sound.

She recently looked up at Lu An, who was busy in the kitchen, but quickly shook her head and dismissed the impossible.

Regardless of time, place or ability, Lu An can be ruled out directly.

At the dinner table, Xu Jing was eating and looked at Lu An with some confusion.

Lu An frowned: "Why did you see me? Today's food is not to your liking?"

"No, no." Xu Jing shook her head quickly, suppressed her inner emotions and continued eating.

Lu An was speechless. He looked at his phone and said, "You have to eat quickly."

"Huh? Why?"

"The team competition seems to be about to begin. I remember our school is the first one, right?"


Seeing the other person hurriedly leaving with the bread in his mouth, Lu An rubbed his brows helplessly.


Lu An didn't pay much attention to the team competition. After finishing his individual competition, he also started all-round training for the elves and himself.

After receiving a gift from the quasi-champion Thorn Dragon King, the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp is still in a period of soaring strength. Lu An has raised its resource level by one level, striving to make a leap in progress during this period.

At the same time, with the Gui Ling Cube, Lu An made major changes to the customized energy cube of the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp, reducing the energy storage capacity and increasing the ability to improve basic attributes.

With the cooperation of the two energy cubes, proper training and special training, and the continuous absorption of top-level props and evolution stones, the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp's entire strength has increased at a rocket-like speed during this period.

In terms of moves, maybe it has an additional dragon attribute, and its own move pool must have changed.

Lu An referred to Thorn Dragon King's move pool and purchased learning devices available on the market, trying to let him learn some practical or high-power moves.

After continuous efforts and nearly two months, he was very satisfied with the several moves he had successfully learned.

Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance, Meteor Swarm, Freezing Ray.

As for Dora, with the big brother of the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp as the pursuit target, of course he also started life-threatening training.

With the constant supply of resources, Kodora quickly reached the level of evolution.

However, knowing the importance of foundation, Kodora took the initiative to wear the Stone of Immutability, hoping to realize all his potential during Kodora's period.

At the same time, Kodora also started training on the fusion of the two special forms. Although the energy conflict left him bruised and bruised after each training session, Kodora had no intention of giving up. Instead, he learned from his failures and continued to fight with them. Lu An explores possible paths together.

In terms of supplementary moves, Lu An also added some moves to each of its three forms, and also began to try some moves that Kodora could not learn.

In his normal form, Kodora has learned how to hit hard, press against the mountain, and come back to life, improving his close combat ability in his normal state again.

In the flame state, he learned high temperature and pressure, and in the ghost state, he learned resentment.

While accompanying the training, Lu An also began to prepare the resources needed for Kodora's evolution, frantically searching for rare resources on the Internet.

The situation of the Long-tailed Firefox is much better. With the accumulation of countless resources, it has also already exceeded the level required for evolution.

But just like during the Fire Fox period, there is still no sign of evolution.

The long-tailed firefox itself doesn't care. Apart from improving its strength, it only does two things.

The first is to ask the trainer Lu An for advice on various uses of superpowers, and try to break the previous restrictions on low-power moves by his own characteristics.

Although the progress is very slow, it can already control the amount of super power used without using moves.

You must know that many of its moves rely on super energy to be converted into other attributes for release.

Controlling the amount of super power used means controlling the power. If you continue to work hard in the later stage, you will eventually gain something.

In addition to this, another thing is that the Long-tailed Firefox no longer worries about how many powerful moves it can use, but has begun to try combinations and fusions to create new moves that are unique to it.

Of course, it will definitely do moves that combine eighteen attributes, but the power of some common attribute moves rarely reaches more than 100. It may take some time to realize this dream.

Lu An didn't need to worry about the training of the three elves. His main focus during this period was on the burning insects.

The little guy is still very interested in getting stronger, so the first training session went very smoothly. He will actively complete the training plans and battles arranged by Lu An.

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