Reborn Dragon Vein Warlock, Genius Beauty Mage

Chapter 24 Title Succession Ceremony

In addition to Baron Stewart, there are five other nobles above Baron in Brittany County, and they must be invited. No more than twenty people with hereditary honorary noble titles such as baronet or above must be invited.

No invitation is required for both levels of Lord and Knight. Of course, one's own vassals must participate.

Each noble built a villa specifically to entertain other visiting nobles. Because of its wealth, Baron Stewart's standards were based on those of Rennes City, which made the nobles who came to participate in the celebration very satisfied.

The host is responsible for all the food and lodging of the guests. Although nobles at all levels have different standards, as long as they are met, they will not lose their dignity. However, if they can provide better things to entertain them, they will win praise.

Christine was willing to spend money, so her standard of entertaining people was raised to a higher level, which made everyone more satisfied.

On the day of the celebration, a hanging flag embroidered with the Stuart family coat of arms was hung on the wall of the renovated castle.

The badge is in the shape of a silver shield, with ribbons on both sides symbolizing the title of baron. A flying dragon is painted on the top to symbolize the dragon bloodline. Below is a long sword and a staff crossed together, symbolizing that the family has produced fifth-level knights and knights. A fifth-level mage. At the bottom is a patch of thorns, symbolizing the family's battles for the kingdom.

On one side of the wide square, the original parade platform was repainted and decorated with flowers as a ceremony platform, and a huge flag embroidered with the Stewart family emblem hung on the back.

A red carpet stretched straight to the ceremony stage. On both sides of the red carpet were the nobles watching the ceremony, and behind the nobles were their entourages.

Behind them were fifty soldiers on each side wearing chain mail and robes embroidered with the Stuart family emblem. The spears they held were topped with gun flags embroidered with the family emblem. They demonstrated the lord's military power.

The bells on the bell tower rang, signaling the beginning of the title succession ceremony.

Following the music played by the trumpeter, Christine walked calmly from one end of the red carpet wearing a blue ceremonial robe with red copper patterns.

The sunlight shining on her face added a touch of sacredness, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

On the ceremony stage.

The hereditary honorary count Hartmann Segura, envoy of the kingdom, presided over the ceremony on behalf of the king and the noble assembly of the Kingdom of France.

Originally, for the Baron Succession Ceremony, the noble council only sent a hereditary honorary baron, or at most a viscount, but Christine was willing to pay extra, so a hereditary honorary earl was sent.

Honorary nobles also have to live, make money, and not be shabby.

Bishop Antonis Harewood, who came from the capital, gave blessings on behalf of the Dragon God Church.

Bishop Salman Cross of the Church of God of Order in Rennes gave the witness.

Master Dubois Deldo came to watch the ceremony on behalf of the Rennes City Mages Guild.

Master Adlet Morningstar, a fifteenth-level mage, came to watch the ceremony on behalf of the elves. He was also the person sent by the elves to preside over the construction of the mage tower.

By the way, in the entire Kingdom of France, not counting the major True God Churches and major guilds, there are no more than 20 master-level professionals above the fifteenth level. If it were not necessary to build a high-level mage tower, the master-level elves would not be sent to preside over it. Master Leit Morningstar has arrived.

Christine slowly walked up to the ceremony stage, and hereditary honorary Earl Teman Segura read out the inheritance document. The content was nothing more than official words such as abiding by the noble convention, being loyal to the king, loving the people, and honoring the surname Stewart.

After the reading, Christine used the seal ring to stamp the seal of the Stewart family on it and signed it. Hereditary Honorary Count Teman Segura stamped his seal as the speaker, Seleman Cross, the God of Order. The bishop also signed and sealed it.

The document is made in triplicate, one is kept by Christine, one is sent to the Capital Noble Council for safekeeping, and one is kept by the Church of the God of Order.

Then Bishop Antonis Harewood dipped his hand in holy water and flicked it on Christine's head three times to express his blessing. Holy water also has the ability to identify evil, and any abnormality will be revealed under the holy water.

At this point, the title succession ceremony was successfully concluded, and Christine became Baron Stewart.

In the venue, the applause of the nobles watching, the cheers of the soldiers, and the music played by the trumpeters were intertwined to celebrate the inheritance of a new baron.

The ceremony must be followed by a grand banquet.

Its richness made all the nobles present marvel in admiration.

A sea fish weighing more than 100 kilograms came from the Principality of Wende. The price of the fish was only fifty gold coins, but the shipping cost a thousand gold coins. This is frozen with a spell and then sent to the Wren City Mage Guild through a cross-border teleportation circle, and then sent to the Baron of Stewart by fast horse, which ensures its delicacy to the greatest extent.

Together with other exquisite ingredients and drinks, this banquet alone cost three thousand gold coins. It can be said that this is the most extravagant event in Brittany County in the past century. After all, no nobleman is willing to spend a thousand gold coins for a dish.

Christine also had a purpose in doing this. She wanted to use the title succession ceremony to spread the reputation of the wealthy Baron Stewart. Besides, the money is not in vain, just like this banquet, doesn't it increase one's reputation in the aristocratic circle?

In addition to slaves and subjects, there were also free people under the rule of noble lords. Needless to say, slaves belong to the scope of private property. Freedmen literally mean they can move at will and live wherever they want, but they must abide by the laws of the local lord. Territorial subjects can be regarded as free people who cannot leave the jurisdiction of the lord.

Half of the free people are craftsmen or professionals with a certain skill, such as blacksmiths, tanners, merchants, adventurers, bards, etc. After all, the land cannot be moved with it, and you cannot survive without life skills.

Christine naturally spreads the reputation of the territory's wealth to attract these free people. The next step is for her to start building the port of Salzo. It is impossible to expand villages and towns without a population. She cannot wait patiently for a generation to grow up.

Christine's inheritance of the title is a great joy, and the people of the entire Stewart Barony naturally want to share this joy.

Every village and town in the territory will hold a celebration banquet under the organization of the village chief and priest. Passing merchants can participate. Although each person can only get a spoonful of stewed meat, the black bread and pumpkin, carrot and vegetable soup are enough. However, It cannot be taken away.

Those with official positions such as village heads, militia captains, mill managers, etc. can also get a small piece of barbecue, while the village chief and priest can enjoy white bread and barbecue as they like.

In fact, there are many such celebrations a year, such as the day of the Belief in the True God, the Autumn Harvest Festival, the New Year, etc. If the lord is generous, the people will eat better. If the lord is stingy, the people will eat less. However, the festival will not fail to be held.

The celebration didn't cost much, and Christine wanted to take this opportunity to spread the reputation of the territory's wealth, so it was better to treat the people to a meal.

The day after the ceremony, the noble guests left one after another, taking with them the good name of Baron Stewart.

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