Reborn Dragon Vein Warlock, Genius Beauty Mage

Chapter 29 Post-War Inventory (1)

At dawn the next morning, the port security officer led the soldiers and mobilized the villagers to start searching for the hidden pirates. Some of the fleeing pirates hid in civilian houses, causing the death and injury of seven villagers. They were immediately found and killed.

After cleaning the battlefield and tallying the results, a total of more than 600 pirates were killed and more than 300 prisoners were captured. Only our own soldiers were injured but not dead. Three hundred and fifty well-trained soldiers with high morale cannot defeat a hundred pirates with different ideas. It is normal for elites with armor and formation to defeat a ragtag group. Moreover, there is a priest's magic to provide timely treatment.

The spoils of war were five three-masted sailing ships, nine two-masted sailing ships, and a batch of cargo loaded on board by a disguised caravan, which was worth about thirty-four thousand gold coins, mainly due to the value of the ship.

After the war, timely rewards and punishments must be carried out. The port security officer, the prisoner of war camp management officer, and the guard captain of the Mage Tower construction site were each given a reward of one hundred gold coins, which was very generous.

The three hundred prisoners of war who participated in the battle were exempted from further work on the spot. They are now regular soldiers of the Baron of Stewart, and officials will allocate fields later. All soldiers and militiamen who participated in the war were rewarded based on their merits. Those who were injured were given an extra gold coin, and the citizens who died tragically were given compensation.

Of course, the construction of the Mage Tower and Salzo Port still requires these three hundred people to continue to work hard, and the work cannot be stopped in the middle of the work. These new soldiers were already immersed in the joy of allocating fields and did not care about continuing to work.

Knight Eric Bernard brought fifty cavalrymen and four priests from Dragon Claw Town. The priests originally used for battlefield treatment were not used, so they cooperated with the soldiers to identify the surrendered pirates.

Those who believe in evil must be put to death immediately, but there is no such thing among these pirates. Furthermore, those who killed too many people would show blood under the magic detection spell, and they would be executed immediately. Among the more than 300 pirates who finally surrendered, more than 100 were executed. They were all hanged on wooden poles in the port. This was also to warn subsequent fleets and spread the reputation of Baron Stewart.

The remaining two hundred or so pirates are exempt from death penalty and cannot escape life imprisonment. They will all work as slaves for three years. At that time, if they perform well, they can be released as territorial citizens. This is a general rule in mainland China. After all, the population and labor force are also important resources and cannot be wasted.

It is impossible for pirates to live on a ship all the time. They also need to have their own lair on land. They usually choose small islands in the sea. Christian sent Knight Eric Bernard to escort several pirates to their lairs to transport all valuable items back.

Under normal circumstances, when pirates rob a merchant ship, they will find black market merchants to sell the stolen goods. If they cannot contact a buyer for a while or the price cannot be negotiated, there will always be some goods stored in the lair, and there may also be some other valuable things.

In the end, Knight Eric Bernard brought back goods and three two-masted sailing ships with a total value of more than 5,000 gold coins. Among them, the pirate leader Redbeard Hull contributed his personal collection worth more than 1,000 gold coins.

Yes, when the pirate leader Redbeard Hull led his men to attack the Mage Tower construction site, he was lucky enough not to be affected by the "Death Cloud Technique" because he was directing from behind. He came from a small businessman family and had some experience. He knew that a mage who could kill hundreds of pirates at once was definitely not a low-level mage, so he surrendered immediately.

As a result, in the final appraisal by the priest, Red Beard Hull was not considered a heinous person. It turns out that he did not rise to power by killing and robbing. He first served as a dog-headed strategist for the pirate leader. After the leader died, he was supported as the new leader. As a leader, you definitely don't have to do it yourself when it comes to robbing and killing. Although he usually kills pirates who disobey orders, the pirates themselves are not good people. This actually makes him survive by sticking to his standards.

Afterwards, Redbeard Hull answered all questions during the interrogation, because concealing the existence of the lie detection technique would only result in more punishment for himself. Besides, there are no pirates who are unyielding.

What surprised Christine the most was that Eric Bernard Knight actually brought back a pair of twin fox girls.

(According to the setting of this book) Orcs are how humans are called. They call themselves "Beamon" internally and are divided into dozens or hundreds of small races such as lions, tigers, leopards, foxes, cats, and rabbits.

Because of their combat power, powerful races such as lions and tigers must be well-deserved leaders. Because of their population, pigs, ratmen, goblins, etc. are cannon fodder and slave races, while foxes, wolfmen, etc. are known for their intelligence.

Every year, a large number of small groups of orcs would cross the narrow strait to rob human territory. Because the orcs were poor, they robbed whatever they could find. After a few years, when the population overproduced, they would organize a large-scale southward invasion.

Similarly, human adventure groups and slave-catching teams are also active in the orc continent. After all, the furs, gems, and rare magic materials there are very valuable in the human world. Beautiful orc female slaves from the fox tribe, cat tribe, rabbit tribe, etc. are even more popular among the nobles of various countries.

The first choice among all the races on the mainland in terms of appearance is definitely the elves, but the elves are friendly with humans and half-elves have their own territory, so capturing elves as slaves is strictly prohibited. Of course, nothing can be completely suppressed, but once found out, not only the slave catcher will be sentenced to death, but the nobles who bought the elf slaves will also die.

It's not that the elves are powerful, but that the elves are willing to pay high gold coins to execute these people. For the sake of money, all the major kingdoms and the True God Church are willing to cooperate with the elves.

Not to mention dwarves, humans with normal aesthetics cannot accept dwarf beauties. Not to mention other races with a small number of people.

Because orcs and humans are hostile, it is encouraged to capture beautiful orc female slaves. Fox Girl, Cat Girl, and Rabbit Girl are exactly the same as humans except for their animal ears and tails. According to what Kristen said before she traveled through time, they correspond to royal sisters, lolita, and girls.

An original orc female slave costs at least 500 gold coins, and the top quality ones cost 1,000 gold coins. Don't ask about the price for rare twins like this if they cost less than 4,000 gold coins.

According to Redbeard Hull, the pair of fox girls were bought by a noble from a certain country in the south. The fleet they were transporting encountered a storm at sea, and only one ship escaped. What was even more unfortunate was that it encountered pirates who robbed them, so they It became this result.

Just because the pair of fox girls were so valuable, no pirates, including Redbeard Hull, dared to use their brains, and they all wanted to sell them.

You must know that each pirate who is sold can get at least five gold coins, but not everyone is eligible to enjoy it if he stays. Redbeard Hull does not dare to cut off everyone's income for temporary enjoyment.

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