As a new lord, Christine has never been to several villages in the Barony of Stewart, except when she accepted the allegiance of several villages in the Barony of Lorient. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect her territory after the harvest. .

In addition to the necessary maids and cooks, this inspection also included his uncle Liam Stewart, a knight, with thirty cavalry escorts. Agricultural officer Dimit and tax officer Holkar, who were familiar with the village, also accompanied him.

Not to mention Dragon Claw Town. It was originally built in a well-planned manner, with stone roads and sewer systems. The greening was also very good. After Christine became Baron, she appointed officials responsible for greening and cleaning. Each household has annual There is a cleaning fee of one silver coin, so the town is very neat and clean.

The newly expanded blacksmith workshop now has more than 20 craftsmen and nearly a hundred apprentices. It can produce five sets of standard kingdom soldier equipment including long swords, iron helmets, half body armor, and arm armor every day. If it is just to make long swords, If so, it can produce fifty pieces, and if it produces long spear heads, it will be even more.

Currently, half of the craftsmen are building soldiers' equipment after receiving orders from the Baron to upgrade the territory's armaments, while the other half are building various iron farming implements and tools and then selling them to various parts of Brittany by the Tulip Merchant Guild.

Next to the blacksmith workshop is the barracks of Dragon Claw Town, where a squadron of fifty soldiers is stationed.

The blacksmith workshop was placed in the town because it occupies a relatively large area. Others, such as the bow and arrow workshop, can produce one compound bow and one hundred standard three-sided heavy arrows per week. It can produce five sets of leather armor, The leather workshop that provides standard noble soldier protective equipment, including thick leather gloves and leather boots, and the shield workshop that can produce five small bucklers or one tower shield every day, are all built in the castle. After all, Stewart Castle is very large.

The roads between villages and towns have been repaired and improved, which saves the patrol team a lot of time. Occasionally, you will see people or caravans going to Longzhao Town to buy items, which shows the prosperity of the territory. .

The most significant change in the village is that a four-meter-high and two-meter-thick stone wall was built as required, a wooden watchtower was also built, and the road was repaired into a stone road. The village chief and pastor generally reported that the village was much safer after the heightening and thickening of the fence, and there were almost no incidents of wild beasts sneaking in at night.

In fact, four meters is only the minimum requirement. Many villages will build higher walls based on experience in places where wild beasts could easily sneak into in the past. In addition, in accordance with the practice of the town being higher than the village, the walls of Longzhao Town were built to five meters high.

A village only has more than 200 households and more than 1,000 people. It is easy to see the condition of the villagers. Most of his subjects had red faces and neat clothes, which showed that the new policy over the past year had been effective, which made Christine very satisfied.

In fact, the reason why there will be no major problems even if the lord spends all day drinking and drinking in the territory is because although the lord's orders are executed by the village chief, militia captain, tax collector, etc., the village is supervised by a priest.

Once the village chief and others distorted the lord's order or had any secret activities and the priest learned about it, they would report it to the superior priest in the town, and then the lord would know about it. After all, the people are the Lamb of God, and the lord is a noble who can oppress the people. How dare you, a village chief, do such a thing? The treatment methods of ordinary nobles are also very simple, ranging from whipping to removal from office, to death at worst.

As for the collusion between the priest and the village chief, there is no such thing. This is a world with a true god. If a priest does something that violates the doctrine, it will affect his promotion. If it is serious, it will be regarded as minor blasphemy, and he will usually be burned to death. Besides, due to the existence of the tithe, one-tenth of the village's income goes to the church, and the pastor's life is very generous. How much can you, a village chief, give to make the true priest of God join in with you?

After patrolling the territory, Kristine realized that she was so rich.

In addition to the tea leaves in Dragon Claw Town, which can bring in five thousand gold coins every year, and the port in Sarzo, which also has tax revenue of two thousand gold coins every year, the village of Vannes and the village of Longidique, newly acquired from the barony of Lorient, are both rich in high-quality wine. Although the quality is definitely not as good as the famous wine producing areas such as Bordeaux and Burgundy in the mainland, it can still be used at noble banquets and can bring in an income of two thousand gold coins every year.

The ancestors of the Stewart family found that the village of Loko Amandong was suitable for growing olives, so they planted it on a large scale and established an oil press. Olive oil, a necessity on the table of the nobles, can bring in four thousand gold coins every year in addition to their own use. income.

The village of Purouai, obtained from the barony of Lorient, grows beets, which are the raw materials for making sugar. The beet sugar can bring in an income of two thousand gold coins every year, and now it also belongs to Christine.

Together, these can bring her a net income of 16,000 gold coins every year. This is why Christine continues to build the Mage Tower even though she knows that there is a shortfall of tens of thousands of gold coins. It is also the reason why she has the confidence to raise so many soldiers.

The iron ore mine in the Stewart Barony is located near the village of Serang. In fact, this village was built for mining, and most of the young people in the village are miners. This iron ore mine is a rich mine, and its output ranks first among all mines in Brittany County, and also among the entire Kingdom of France.

In this case, the cultivated land in Serang Village is relatively barren, and women and the elderly are usually doing the farming, so the food output is not high. However, because the rewards for working in the mines are not low, the standard of living is actually ranked second in the territory behind the port village of Sarzo.

After visiting all the villages, towns and mines in the territory, Christine finally arrived at the Baron Castle of Lorient. Of course, it must not be called this name now. It has been renamed Castle Labia. Fifty soldiers are stationed here. Apart from daily drills, they are maintaining and repairing the castle. There is nothing else to do.

Below this castle is the town of Lorient, which belongs to Baron Orica Lorient.

Yes, Olika, the second son of the original Baron of Lorient, also successfully inherited the title and became the new Baron of Lorient. However, the family wealth was basically compensated and there was only one town left, so the inheritance ceremony was relatively shabby.

Although invitations were sent to all the nobles in Brittany County, most of them did not come in person due to business reasons. Instead, they sent subordinate lords, knights, and retinues as representatives. This is not because the nobles do not give Baron Orica Lorient face, but to take care of his face.

As mentioned before, there are different standards for entertaining nobles with different titles. If local nobles such as the Earl of Rennes and the Viscount Brieux come to Orica in person, it will cost a lot of money just for the entertainment. For him who is not originally rich, it can be said that it is Adding insult to injury.

We are all nobles from the same county, so we still need to take care of each other in some matters.

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