Seeing death approaching, the incoming mage gritted his teeth and took out a scroll of the fourth-level spell "Lightning Javelin". After activating it, a bolt of lightning instantly hit Christine.

Why do you say gritting your teeth? Because this spell scroll is not only worth eight hundred gold coins but also difficult to buy. It is his last resort to save his life.

But what made him despair was that although it hit, it had no effect.

This is because Kristen cast the third-level spell "Protection from Elemental Damage·Lightning" instantly when she saw the opponent's activation scroll. Of course, the third-level protection spell was not enough to resist the fourth-level attack spell, so she activated the "Mage Armor" on the magic ring, but it was still impossible to completely prevent it, and she could only bear the remaining damage.

Don't forget that she is a Dragon Vein Warlock. The specialty she gained at the fifth level is "Dragon Scale Armor". She can use magic power to generate scale armor on the surface of her body that is equivalent to twice the defense power of "Mage Armor".

At this time, the incoming mage had used up all the scrolls of protective spells. He could only activate the magic ring on his hand to bless himself with a "mage armor". At the same time, he turned around and flew away. At this time, he could only hope that the other party would not be able to protect himself. The spell slot casts attack spells.

However, the reality is cruel. Christine first used a spell to knock off the "Mage Armor" on his body, and then activated the "Magic Missile" ring on his hand to make a big hole in his body.

So the battle ended like this, and the body of the attacking mage was smashed to the ground, dead.

Originally, a tenth-level mage should not die in such an aggrieved manner, but the opponent was first deceived by Christine's behavior of hiding her level and underestimated the enemy. Then, she did not expect that she would have the "spell prompt" specialty and was dragged into the least technical one. In the low-level spell battle, I used my own shortcomings to attack the opponent's strong points, so I died.

When Christine landed on the ground, Albert Knight, Elena and others immediately came up to her.

"Lord Baron, are you not injured?" Elena asked with concern.

"I am fine."

"Go and change your clothes first."

Savannah wrapped Kristine in her own cloak. Although she had withstood the "Lightning Javelin" just now relying on the "Dragon Scale Armor", a big hole had been blown into the mage's robe. If she didn't want the beauty to leak out, I have to change clothes quickly.

This attack only resulted in the loss of two carriages and two coachmen. Since Christine stopped the opponent in time and did not cause any further casualties, it was considered a blessing in misfortune. However, the economic loss was huge, because the carriage she rode in including the horse and cart was worth two thousand gold coins.

A magic ring worth 500 gold coins that could cast "Mage Armor" and a magic ring that could cast "Fireball" worth 3,000 gold coins were found on the incoming mage's body, which made up for some losses. As for the other party's "secret box", it can't be opened because the person is dead.

A few days later, Christine arrived in Rennes City and first went to the Temple of the God of Order.

After recounting the attack, Christine finally said: "Bishop Seleman, I suspect that the people who attacked me were sent by the Priory of Sion. Apart from them, I can't think of anyone else who would be as big as me." hatred, or who else can let a tenth-level mage attack me, a noble of the kingdom."

Bishop Salman Cross also said with great indignation: "Baron Stewart, I will write a letter to the headquarters and report the matter. The Priory of Sion is really too rampant."

He had already sent someone to examine the body of the incoming mage, and with the certificates of Baron Stewart, Knight Albert, and Mage Olivia, there must be no falsehood in this matter.

The Church of the God of Order had just issued an internal order to wipe out the Priory of Sion. Not long after, they openly attacked Baron Stewart. Isn't this a slap in the face of the church? How could it be tolerated?

Christine added: "Bishop Seleman, as a victim, I hope to seek justice from the murderer."

Bishop Seleman said simply: "Of course, this is your right. I will issue relevant documents for you."

It doesn't end when the murderer who attacks a noble is killed on the spot. The victim can use this as a basis to retaliate against the other family or the instigator, provided that you have this ability. The document issued by the Church of the God of Order proves that your behavior is legal. Of course, you will also need to ask a fellow priest to witness it.

After leaving the Temple of the God of Order, Christine came to the Rayne City Mage Guild.

The attacker was a tenth-level mage. Kristen knew the opponent's appearance and captured the opponent's mage emblem. It was only a matter of time before he could be found.

Sure enough, there was news from the Mages Guild in a few days. The attacker was a free mage from the High Mountain Principality. The other party's family was not big. There was also a low-level mage and two apprentices in the family. Of course, it is impossible to find out whether it is related to the Priory of Sion, but this is enough.

The Alpine Principality is located to the east of the Kingdom of France. The two countries have a short border, and the area is only one-third larger than the county of Brittany. It is called this because of the mountainous land. The ruler is Grand Duke Gustav, and it is also the headquarters of the Mages Guild and the headquarters of the Church of the Goddess of Magic.

Because it is the location of the headquarters of the Mages Guild, many mages will go there to "further their training" after reaching a high level. Many mages from civilian backgrounds have taken advantage of this opportunity to make their homes in the High Mountain Principality. Over time, many mages' families have been formed. Their descendants rely on the knowledge and experience left by their ancestors to become mages more easily, and then serve the Mages Guild in exchange for various resources.

After finding out the details of the other party, it will be easier to handle. Christine summoned Olivia and Knight Albert, and said: "Olivia, you and Knight Albert go to the Alpine Principality to deal with the other party's family. "


She took out the captured "Mage Armor" magic ring and handed it to Olivia: "I'll give this to you for self-defense."

After taking it, Olivia said happily: "Thank you, Lord Baron, you are so generous."

"I won't send you any soldiers. With the documents from the Church of the God of Order, you can just recruit mercenaries on your own after arriving in the Principality of Gaoshan."

Christine is a noble, and the other party's unprovoked attack on her violates the Continental Convention. She is a mage, and within the Mage Guild, this is a personal grudge between two mages, and the guild will not care if it is resolved individually.

At that time, as long as Olivia takes the documents of the Church of the God of Order and reports them to Grand Duke Gustav, she can legitimately recruit people for revenge. Even some high-level mages don't mind making some quick money if they can afford the price.

Knight Albert asked: "Lord Baron, what result do you want?"

“Cut the grass and root out the roots.”

"As ordered."

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