The two knights and dozens of soldiers were naturally not afraid of wild beasts that appeared at night, so they rushed back to the Baron Castle of Lorient overnight.

The baroness fainted on the spot after hearing the bad news, and the maids worked for a long time to revive her. The second son of the baron, Olika, was also dumbfounded, and he didn't know what to do.

Nobility is inherited by primogeniture, and as the second son, he has never participated in family affairs. Of course, this is not a big problem. With a loyal butler, even nobles do not need to worry about eating, drinking and having fun in the territory every day.

But now that the Baron of Lorient and the Baron of Stewart are at war, what to do next, not to mention the housekeeper, even the knight can't make the decision for the lord. Orika has to make her own decision.

But then again, after all, Orika said that the second son of the baron had received a systematic aristocratic education, and after the initial panic period, he showed some responsibility.

The next day he called everyone together, including the baroness and her adult younger siblings, the steward, three knights, two wizard apprentices trained by the Baron of Lorient, two lords and several retainers.

"Gentlemen, this is what happened. What suggestions do you have?" After telling what happened, Olika asked.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. There is nothing you can do about it.

"Mr. Orika, I will obey your orders." A knight said.

"The same goes for us." The other two knights immediately echoed.

The fact that the three knights "retreat" is actually not their fault. The Baron of Lorient is dead. If he doesn't have someone to loyal to, is he still waiting to be captured if he doesn't run away?

Under normal circumstances, nobles would not be at the forefront even if they participated in the war, unless they were professionals like Baron Lorient and had fighting ability.

But even so, Baron Lorient can be said to be very careful. The two protective spells of "Mage Armor" and "Protective Arrow" on his body can ensure that he will be fine as long as he is not shot by bows and arrows more than ten times. There are guards with shields.

But he was really unlucky to meet a genius named Christine, who was a fourth-level mage at a young age. In fact, if he had prepared in advance and blessed himself with "Mage Armor" and "Resistance to Elemental Damage - Fire", he might be seriously injured but not necessarily dead.

But there is no if in reality, so Baron Lorient died.

One of Olika's younger brothers opened his mouth and said: "Since we can't beat it, we might as well vote..."

The baroness covered his mouth before he could say the second half of the sentence. Surrendering at this time and in this situation would be without emotional intelligence, but if you think about it carefully, the other children of the nobles except the eldest son really can't ask too much.

"Take him out," the Baroness said to the attendant, so as not to cause further trouble.

Orika thought for a while and asked: "How many soldiers do we have? Can we hold the castle?"

A knight reported: "Mr. Olika, there are still more than 20 cavalry, 10 standing soldiers and 40 militiamen in the castle (the escaping knights brought back some soldiers), and 20 more can be summoned from each village. Militia. Defending the castle won’t be a problem, if the other side’s mages don’t take action.”

Olika looked at the two mage apprentices, and they immediately lowered their heads.

According to the description of the knight, the magician can use the third-level "Fireball Technique" scroll. Even the fourth-level magician is not something that the two apprentices can handle.

The standard for a baron's land is that it has at least five villages and one town. It can be managed directly or entrusted to lords or knights. There are no hard requirements for whether to build a castle or not. In fact, many barons who have just been granted a title and have limited financial resources are not in a hurry, but build it slowly over several generations.

The Baron of Lorient has been enfeoffed to three lords over the past few hundred years. Two of them each have one village and the other has two villages. Each of the three knights has one village. He directly manages four villages and one town.

The two lords present were silent.

Unlike the knights, they have much higher autonomy. Although they are obliged to respond to the lord's call, there are limits. The two families have already sent a total of fifty soldiers. If they are asked to contribute again, even the lord will have to show additional support.

Of course, if Baron Lorient was still there, there would be no need for this, but Orica didn't have the dignity to go whoring for free.

As for the several subordinates, their fiefdom only had one manor. After each of them sent out ten militiamen, they would have no troops left to send even if they tried to do more.

Olika obviously didn't know the secret, and just said to the knight: "Since they can't attack the castle, they must gather soldiers to defend it."

"As ordered."

Since nothing could be discussed anymore, Olika arranged for everyone to gather soldiers, reserve food and grass, check the castle defense, etc.

After everyone left, the Baroness said: "Olica, I want to write to Count Rennes and ask him to mediate. Of course, this requires paying a certain price. What do you think?"

"Mother, as long as you can get through this crisis, you should pay some price." Olika agreed without hesitation. Even if it was an emergency, indiscriminate medical treatment was still a solution.

Due to the intermarriage between nobles, many people were related to each other. The Baroness and the Earl of Rennes were also considered distant relatives, so she immediately wrote a letter and asked the attendant to ride to Rennes City.

Besides, on Christian's side, the large group of soldiers could not march quickly. In this day, they only occupied the village of Longidique in the Barony of Lorient, and it would take three days to wait for Knight Abel and the hundred soldiers to return. Only then can we proceed to the Castle of Lorient.

There was no resistance from Longidik Village, and besides, they were incapable of resisting.

The average number of residents in a village is about two hundred households. Among the less than a thousand people, there are also old, weak, women and children. Even if they don't die, they can't be the opponent of more than 300 armed soldiers. Besides, what does a nobleman have to do with civilians when fighting? relation.

Baron Stewart believed in the Dragon God, so the soldiers who died in battle were taken back and buried by the Dragon God priest. The Baron of Lorient believed in the God of Order, so he asked the chief of Longidique Village to send people to collect the bodies of the soldiers who died in the battle.

The families whose family members died were naturally grieved, while the families of the surviving soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to pray and thank God for blessing their families.

As for the war dead belonging to other villages, the village chief will send someone to notify them and let them transport them themselves.

People from other villages also brought news that Olica, the second son of Baron Lorient, had summoned militia to defend the castle. However, the knights of the other side could not divide their troops to occupy other villages without solving the problem, so he had to go.

Three days later, Knight Abel returned with his soldiers, so Christine left fifty soldiers to defend the village of Longidique, and led the group towards the Castle of Lorient.

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