All the villains can hear my voice

Chapter 28 Grandpa is here!

The emperor began to have a headache. According to Zhang Hui's urine, all the officials had been tested by him. It was his turn next. He was feeling tired. He didn't know whether Aiqing would test whether he would have a good heir or whether he would have a good wife this time. Too many patrols.

However, when he raised his eyes, he saw that the Prime Minister was squinting in another direction. Looking in that direction, he saw that most of Chuanwen's body was almost leaning on the pillar. At this moment, he was still concentrating on moving towards the pillar bit by bit. Rely on.

"Your Majesty, I still want to participate!"

Chuan Wen didn't pay any attention to it. He listened with one ear and heard it with the other, so he just took part in it. It had nothing to do with her anyway. However, the emperor and others were full of sympathy and pity for this fourteen-year-old girl.

"A message from the second daughter of the Marquis of Changxing!"

Zhang Huiyi was speaking, Chuanwen suddenly heard his name, [Huh? Who called me? Grandpa is here! 】


The scene was eerily quiet. Mrs. Changxing Hou felt that she was almost too embarrassed to see anyone. When she looked at Prime Minister Zhang's face, she saw that his face was already completely black!

The emperor and the officials who had been invited by Zhang Hui just started to gloat, hahahaha, Prime Minister, just tell me whether you deserve it or not!

Zhang Hui almost gritted his teeth, "As a woman, I can't sit or stand properly! Although I grew up in the countryside, now I have come to the capital and entered the palace, and I still have no manners or rules. How can I be decent?" ! Wouldn’t it make people laugh if you spread the word!”

[Uncle Zhang must have been driven insane by the mess at home, right? Making people laugh is also a joke for our Changxing Marquis Mansion. What does it have to do with him? 】

Chuanwen's eyes were confused and he complained in his heart:

[Besides, who told him to climb on the roof of his concubine’s house to play, otherwise he wouldn’t have discovered the concubine and the guards on the beams]

"shut up!"

Zhang Hui scolded angrily, his beard twitching in response. Chuan Wen was frightened, and his ignorant eyes gradually showed some pity when he looked at the poor Uncle Zhang. [Sure enough, he is still mentally disturbed, no one is there. say something】

The dark faces of the emperor and the officials who were kneeling on the ground suddenly showed expressions of realization after being stunned for a few seconds. They were so negative about the little girl's voice in the court, but they turned around and quietly climbed to the roof. No wonder the thief has never been caught!

The sudden realization gradually turned into suppressed laughter,

Phew~haha, haha

The officials who had been touched immediately felt relieved, their faces were no longer dark, they were no longer depressed, and their backs were straightened.

On the other hand, Zhang Hui's face turned red, he glared at the messenger angrily, and snorted: "As a woman, if you don't have the right manners, you should be punished by having the female ring copied ten thousand times!"

This punishment was such that even the emperor was stunned. It must have been a bit of a personal grudge.

However, the emperor readily agreed and set a time limit for the transmission of the document on the spot.

"Ten days later, hand it over to the Prime Minister's Mansion in person for inspection. If it fails, it will be copied again."

Several officials also cheered in their hearts, "Yes, yes, yes, let's do it. She will have to suffer for the mess she made herself, and don't let the Prime Minister trouble them again."

Especially that little man, he was afraid that if something happened he would be dragged out by the Prime Minister, so he smiled happily.

The emperor also smiled happily. I am really a good emperor. He did this to protect his beloved ones from the prime minister's troubles. It was definitely not to avenge the little girl's personal revenge for comparing him to a chicken. Haha. Ha ha.

The one who passed the text regretted it and went to the palace, but there was no benefit. Instead, he was rewarded with a plate of unpalatable snacks and a female ring ten thousand times. You know, she didn't come back even after she behaved and wallowed.

[Yeah, yeah, you’re the one who laughs the most, right? You have two bastards who are older than your eldest son while you are raising an aunt outside, does your wife know? 】

[Hey, hey, uncle, your mouth is so wide open because you want to catch excrement. I hope you can still smile so happily when you know that your 80-year-old father has a husband.]

[And you, you are so happy to see a little girl being bullied. When the emperor finds out that you embezzled disaster relief funds, you are going to jail! 】

The enraged Chuan Wen began to reveal the news indiscriminately. Although she was just enjoying her words in her heart, she didn't know that her voice could be heard.

At first, everyone was laughing at the joke, yes, yes, does your wife know? Yes, yes, look, can you still smile so happily? Yes, yes, just wait to go to jail...


He reacted with a smile and said, "I'm going to jail!" Corruption and disaster relief money!

Chuanwen went home with the reward, but the official was left behind. Chuanhai also went home very late that day, and sighed after coming back.

He had found some clues in the past few days, but when it came to Cao Huan, the head of the household department, he had no clue, and even if he suspected him, there was no evidence.

Although the Chuanwen revealed today that Qiu He, the left minister of the household department, was asked by the emperor to investigate, he still suffered from the lack of evidence. Qiu He insisted that the Chuanwen's voice was not credible, and there was nothing he could do.

The frowning Chuanhai and Changxing Hou murmured in the study for a long time, and then they brought a box of snacks to Chuanwen Courtyard.

At this time, Chuanwen was lying on the table writing something. Of course, it was impossible for her to copy the ten thousand female rings. Instead, she planned to expose the officials involved in embezzlement of disaster relief funds and make atonement for her sins. The emperor must He could save her from taking the female precepts ten thousand times.

But she couldn't reveal the plot, in any way, so the content she wrote was very clever. It couldn't be seen that she was revealing the plot, and the readers of the letter had to see that those people had embezzled disaster relief funds.

Alas, it’s so difficult. Chuan Wen took a pen to think about it for a long time but didn’t write a single word.

Chuanhai and Changxinghou came in at this time. When they saw Chuanwen holding a pen, they thought she was copying the female ring, so they quickly brought the snacks.

"Come on, come on, don't copy it at this late hour, let's have some snacks first."

Marquis Changxing handed a piece of crystal clear persimmon in the box to Chuan Wen, already complaining in his heart about how the emperor could be so cruel and let a little girl copy the female ring 10,000 times in ten days!

Chuan Wen was so moved that he took a bite of the persimmon, it was so sweet, "It would be great if the cheap uncle could find Zhang Qing. If the uncle found out the case of embezzling disaster relief funds, the emperor would love the house as much as he could, so he would let me go."

Chuanhai's eyes lit up, Zhang Qing? He remembered that he was the number one pick last year, and there had been no news about him since he asked for a release. However, Chuanhai recalled it carefully and briefly in his mind. The place where Zhang Qing took office seemed to be in the drought area. Does he have evidence?

Changxing Hou and Chuanhai looked at each other with excitement in their eyes.

The message was that after thinking about Zhang Qing, she wanted to read the gossip about Chaoyang County Lord and Zhang Qing. She hadn't paid attention to these two people for several days, but she didn't know it and was shocked when she saw it.

[Hey, Chaoyang County Lord is very fast. He has confessed his love to Zhang Qing forty-eight times.]

[Hey, why did Zhang Qing only reject her forty-seven times? Could it be...]

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