Good pregnancy, quick to wear: the soft heroine is pampered by the group in the plane

Chapter 174 Lucky Star is farming without panic, and the husband who has no heir pursues his wife

Zhezhi spoke very softly. After she finished speaking, she put down the brush and pointed at the numbers marked on the tea leaves with her little finger.

"Let me take a look?" The queen took the account book from her little hand and read the fine print on it carefully.

At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs purchased a lot of goods from various places, plus the tributes from small countries and various treasures and tributes from various states. All these account books were piled up, and they were dazzling and overwhelming. What Zhizhi pointed out was the account of tea. .

The Queen loves white tea, and "white" and "hundred" are written very similar in the accounts. The words "four hundred tea" are easy to mistake at a glance.

"Zhizhi, how did you find out?" After the queen put down the account book, she looked at her in surprise. It was not easy to find this typo. She is only three and a half years old now. Usually, for a child of this age, the family has just begun to make arrangements. She was ready to read and write, but she just picked it up and flipped through it for a while, and found the loophole accurately.

"My mother also bought some white tea before, but the housekeeper also made a mistake when doing the accounting," Zhezhi hugged the queen's arm and acted coquettishly. Her small ball hung on the queen's body, which would not make people think she was rude. , on the contrary, when they saw her for the first time, everyone would praise her for her cuteness. Just when they saw the queen mentioning the account book, she sighed. Zhezhi blinked and said sweetly, "Zhizhi occasionally helps mother read the account book at home. If you don't mind, I will Come and see these.”

"Okay, okay," the queen was open-minded by nature and didn't care at all that these account books were read by her three-and-a-half-year-old child. Even if she did, it wouldn't make any difference. She smiled kindly, "I heard about it when I went to Jiangnan. Zhizhi and your brother are both child prodigies. If grandma had seen our little cotton-padded jacket Zhizhi earlier, she would have felt warm and comfortable."

The Queen happily sat on the couch next to Fu Huaichu. While watching Zhe Zhi holding a brush that was much bigger than her own hand, she opened the account book and looked at it carefully. At the same time, she talked to Fu Huaichu, "Huaichu, Zhe Zhi" Ye Zhezhi is already so big, you should be more considerate and bring Ruan Ruan back as the crown princess as soon as possible. You are so efficient in doing things on weekdays, but you don’t dare to take the initiative when you meet the woman you like? "

"She will be the Crown Princess, there is no doubt that she will be the Queen," Fu Huaichu looked at his little daughter. She looked very similar to Su Zhiruan. They both had white skin, big eyes, and delicate and beautiful features. He picked up the tea cup and opened it with the lid. Putting aside the tea leaves, he said calmly, "Yesterday, the Third Emperor's brother also met Ruan Ruan."

The Queen withdrew her eyes and took a sip of tea, "What then?"

"Then the third emperor's brother told me that he wanted to marry Ruan Ruan as the third emperor's concubine, and he didn't mind taking the twigs and leaves with him. He also said that it was love at first sight." Fu Huaichu calmly explained what happened yesterday.

"Pfft -" the queen almost spat out the tea she drank in her mouth. Her plan to find young talents to stimulate Fu Huaichu had not yet been implemented, and her other son took the lead, "I haven't even started yet." Let’s start!”

"Come on?" Fu Huaichu caught this word keenly, his deep eyes slowly fell on her, and he asked leisurely, "What does the queen want to do?"

The queen put the teacup away and sat upright, "It's okay. Huai Zhong is grown now. It's time for him to take care of her."

Fu Huaichu smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble my mother to hold a flower-viewing banquet for the three emperor brothers to see the noble ladies."

In a few words, he made the final decision for Fu Huai. Apart from checking the account books, the queen had nothing important to do, so she agreed to the banquet.

The Queen thought about it and then said, "Let your father negotiate with the Ministry of Rites about the prince's wedding, and also ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be prepared at all times. If you catch up to Ruan Ruan as soon as possible, I can have one more daughter and two more grandchildren." , when the time comes, even the broken branches and leaves will be canonized, I have long wanted to hear them call the imperial grandmother."

"Okay." Fu Huaichu put down his teacup, stood up and walked to Zhezhi, "Do you want to go to the East Palace with your father to see Zhezhi?"

Zhezhi placed the last account book under her hand on the pile on the left, pushed the abacus aside, and placed the wolf hair next to the inkstone. She opened her small hands and allowed Fu Huaichu to pick her up easily.

"Dad, grandma, these account books have been sorted out," Zhe Zhi smiled sweetly after being picked up. She pointed to two piles of account books, one on the left and one on the right. "Some of the ones on the left don't match up, and everything on the right doesn't match up. It’s right, but where it’s not right, the branches are drawn with circles.”

"Have all the branches been sorted out?" The queen was shocked and stepped forward to look through the ledgers.

Just as Zhezhi said, the ones on the left have holes, and she has drawn them all out, which is very eye-catching.

The pile of account books on the right is very neat. When you open it, the accounts are very clear.

Fu Huaichu was holding his little daughter in his arms. He had long heard about the reputation of Zhe Zhi Zhe Ye and the two prodigies, but until he saw them in person today, he was still extremely shocked.

Both of his children are prodigies in the eyes of the people. As a father, Fu Huaichu felt proud in his heart. At this moment, he was extremely grateful to God for allowing him to meet Su Zhiruan in Sujia Village. Now he has such two lovely people. children. He was also very grateful to Su Zhiruan. The two children she educated were outgoing and eloquent. The daughter was talented in arithmetic and the son was a teacher.

"Mother, you might as well do the math again. Your son will take Zhe Zhi to the East Palace to sit for a while." Fu Huai first saw that the Queen's eyes were completely dull at this time. He didn't think much and decided to take Zhe Zhi to the East Palace to play. , and you can become familiar with it faster later.

After he saluted, Zhizhi also bowed in a proper manner, following the same pattern, but her way of doing it was cuter.

Then, Fu Huaichu took Zhi Zhi's little hand and led her away from Kunning Palace.

After the father and daughter left, the queen continued to settle accounts with an abacus.

At this time, a man wearing bright yellow court clothes and a majestic look suddenly walked in from the door. The servants wanted to salute, but the emperor stopped him and waved his hand to signal them all to go down.

"What are you doing, Queen?" The Emperor stood behind her and watched for a while. He was surprised to find that she had sorted out the account book. He took a quick look and saw that the accounts were outlined in circles. "Why did you settle the accounts so quickly today?"

"Your Majesty?" The Queen was too absorbed in her calculations just now. Only then did she realize that there was a person standing behind her, and this person was none other than the Emperor. She stood up and saluted, "See Your Majesty."

"Sit down, sit down," the emperor didn't care about these red tapes. After he sat down, he opened the account books. Then, he saw the lightly outlined circle on it, and the accounts in the circle didn't look right. " Did you do all this?"

"Your Majesty, Huai Chu came just now, and he brought some broken branches with him." The queen put down the account book in her hand and sat down to chat with the emperor. "You don't know what happened just now!!"

"What happened?" When she said it, even the emperor's curiosity was aroused.

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