The task force fought bravely in the mountains, with gunshots and explosions intertwining into a chaotic symphony. Mr. Tang paced back and forth anxiously in the command center, and every gunshot seemed to sting his heart.

"Yijun, do you have the satellite data? We can't delay it any longer!" Mr. Tang asked eagerly, the wrinkles on his face seemed to be full of anxiety.

Tang Yijun pursed his lips and stared at the screen. He worked hard to adjust the satellite data to find the most accurate breakthrough point.

"Grandpa, I'm trying my best, but the mountainous terrain is complicated and satellite signals are easily interfered with. They are trying their best to resist, and we must be patient." Tang Yijun tried to comfort Mr. Tang.

Mr. Tang took a deep breath: "I know, but every second may be related to the life or death of Uncle Jia's son. We can't wait any longer, we need to act!"

At this moment, a member of the task force came through the intercom: "Sir, we encountered strong resistance, but we have cleared some of the enemies and are moving towards the location of the hostages."

Mr. Tang breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, okay. Please be careful, we can't lose anyone else."

After he finished speaking, he looked up at Tang Yijun: "Where is the satellite data?"

Tang Yijun's expression changed, and he seemed to have found a glimmer of hope: "Yes, I found a place with an unusually prominent signal, which may be the location of Uncle Jia's son."

"Then tell the task force to go immediately!" Mr. Tang's voice was full of expectation.

Tang Yijun quickly contacted the task force: "Task force, the target signal has been locked. Adjust the direction immediately and go to the new coordinates. Be careful, the enemy may set up an ambush."

The leader of the task force responded immediately: "Understood, we will rush to the new coordinates as soon as possible."

Mr. Tang was full of expectations at this moment. He knew that everything now depended on the actions of the task force.

"Yijun, we must make all preparations to ensure that the task force can rescue the hostages safely." Mr. Tang held Tang Yijun's shoulders tightly, his eyes revealing his trust in his grandson.

"Yes, grandpa, I will monitor the situation closely to ensure everything goes smoothly." Tang Yijun nodded firmly.

At this moment, the task force sent another message: "Sir, we are approaching the new coordinates, but the enemy seems to have been prepared, and we are under sniper fire."

Mr. Tang's face instantly became solemn: "They are sniping the task force! Yijun, we must provide air support immediately and we cannot let them fall into a passive situation."

Tang Yijun quickly communicated with the helicopter: "Go to the task force's location immediately and provide fire support to ensure their safety."

The roar of the helicopter gradually faded away, and it flew into the mountains with fire support.

Mr. Tang's frown gradually relaxed. He knew that everything now depends on the coordinated operation of the task force and the family.

The task force fought in the mountains, and the fire support from helicopters was like a timely rain, stabilizing the entire battle situation.

While coordinating support, Tang Yijun continued to monitor satellite data to ensure that the task force could approach the hostages as quickly as possible.

Under a fierce line of fire, the task force finally succeeded in approaching the new coordinates.

"Old man, we found a hiding place. Uncle Jia's son may be there." The leader of the task force reported urgently.

Mr. Tang clenched his fists, and his heart finally relaxed a little: "Keep going, we must bring them back!"

The task force moved forward resolutely and launched a critical attack on the hiding place. Helicopters provide precise fire support in the air, gradually suppressing the enemy.

"Grandpa, they are cleaning up the hiding place. Everything is under control." Tang Yijun reported to Mr. Tang by monitoring satellite data.

Mr. Tang breathed a long sigh of relief, his eyes full of gratitude and expectation: "Thank you for your hard work, Yijun. We must make sure that Uncle Jia's son is safe and sound."

"Yes, grandpa, they will definitely succeed." Tang Yijun firmly believed. He knew that this was not just a rescue, but also a burning belief in the family.

After a while, good news came from the task force: "Old man, we found Uncle Jia's son. He is safe and sound."

Mr. Tang instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and the tension and anxiety on his face disappeared: "Okay, okay. Bring him back immediately."

The task force urgently arranged an evacuation operation and escorted Uncle Jia's son to a safe area.

Helicopters flew high over the mountains, taking them away from the enemy's sight.

Mr. Tang looked at the satellite data on the screen and confirmed that everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Yijun, thank you for your help. If it weren't for you this time, I really can't imagine the consequences." Mr. Tang said with emotion.

Tang Yijun smiled: "The family is a whole, and only by uniting together can we overcome all difficulties. Uncle Jia's son is safe and sound. This is the result of the joint efforts of all of us."

Mr. Tang looked at Tang Yijun deeply, feeling proud of his grandson in his heart: "Yijun, you did a great job, you are the pride of the family."

"Old man, since you can mobilize satellites, I would like to ask you for one more favor!"

"Boy, I know you want me to help that female classmate Jiang Suotong, right?"

"Grandpa, how do you know?"

"The only people you want to help now are these people!"


"I can try, but you must also know that there are not many times I can help you. Your 10 opportunities are almost used. You have to think about it yourself. Our agreement must still be implemented!"

Tang Yijun looked at Mr. Tang with gratitude in his eyes:

"Grandpa, thank you! I know you have always been the backbone of our family, and I will find a way to make sure this is the last time I need to use your power."

Mr. Tang smiled slightly: "Okay, tell me about Jiang Suotong's situation first, and I'll see if there is anything I can do."

Tang Yijun briefly introduced the lawsuit Jiang Suotong faced, as well as the other party's power and methods.

Mr. Tang frowned, thought for a moment and then said:

"This is not a simple lawsuit. The forces behind the other party are very powerful. But since you asked me for help, I will do my best."

Mr. Tang stood up and walked straight to the big screen in the command center. He began to call satellite data, analyze information related to the case, and try to find some key clues.

"Yijun, go find Jiang Suotong's lawyer. We need to know more details about the case.

At the same time, let her provide any evidence that might help us. Mr. Tang said thoughtfully.

Tang Yijun nodded and quickly left the command center to perform the mission.

At the same time, Mr. Tang continued to look for clues in the satellite data.

Soon after, Jiang Suotong's lawyer hurried over and reported the details of the case one by one. After thinking for a moment, Mr. Tang came up with some potentially useful clues and asked the lawyers to search for relevant evidence.

"Yijun, we need to strengthen the investigation of the other party to see if there are any weaknesses that can be exploited.

I believe that no matter how powerful the opponent is, there will always be some loopholes. "

As Mr. Tang said, he began to coordinate the family's internal resources and investigate the other party's trump card.

"The Bai family just wants to delay time so that Jiang Suotong and his family can't afford it! Then they use some means to control and influence the judge's decision!"

"This Bai Jingtang is really out of character. This kind of thing can obviously destroy money and eliminate disaster, but Ning Ren wants to use this method to make things difficult for a student!"

"Grandpa, I am also deeply dissatisfied with the Bai family. They actually use such despicable methods, which is really annoying!" Tang Yijun said angrily.

Mr. Tang frowned and nodded: "It is indeed a shameful approach, but we must calm down now and find a way to break their conspiracy."

Tang Yijun quickly contacted Jiang Suotong's lawyers and told them about the possible methods the Bai family might adopt, so that they could strengthen their defense preparations in a targeted manner.

At the same time, Mr. Tang assembled a professional investigation team to conduct in-depth investigations into all aspects of the Bai family.

The clues they want to get are not only about Jiang Suotong. Since the Bai family is going to have trouble with them, Mr. Tang can only conduct a comprehensive investigation on him!

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