Yang Shuimiao stood shyly at the door of Professor Rong's office, with a trace of nervousness on her face.

"Miaomiao, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't be restrained." Professor Rong said with a smile.

She started talking when she saw Professor Rong alone in the office!

"Professor Rong, I...I want to discuss something with you." Yang Shuimiao stammered.

Professor Rong glanced at her and had some guesses in his mind, but he still nodded patiently for her to continue.

"Actually...actually I'm pregnant." Yang Shuimiao whispered the truth.

Professor Rong was stunned for a moment, and then showed an unnatural expression.

He didn't expect things to develop to this point, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"Pregnant?" Professor Rong repeated thoughtfully, then looked at Yang Shuimiao, "This...this thing...is too sudden!"

Yang Shuimiao lowered his head and said shyly: "It was so careless. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Professor Rong sighed. He knew that this problem was not so easy to solve.

"Miaomiao, let's do this. I'll take the time to take you to the city hospital for a check-up. If you are really pregnant, we will abort it!"

"This, this is not good!"

"Miaomiao, you are still a first-year graduate student. Do you want to ruin your studies like this?"

This Professor Rong seems to be a veteran. He knows how to grasp the psychology of students!

"But I..."

"Stop it, it must be removed!"

"But I don't want this!"

"If you don't take it away, both of us will be finished!" He said in a low voice!

"As for it?"

"I don't have any objection to you taking a leave of absence, but you have to live somewhere else for a period of time!" Professor Rong seemed to have his mind racing, and he had already thought of a way out!

Yang Shuimiao felt confused after listening to Professor Rong's suggestion.

"But this is so unfair to me. I don't want to give up my studies." She tried to argue.

Professor Rong shook his head, "Miaomiao, you have to understand that real society is not always fair.

Your current identity and responsibility is that of a student, and I also have my own life.

The appearance of this child is a problem for us, and I don't want to break up my family because of this. "

After hearing Professor Rong's words, Yang Shuimiao felt a sense of grievance and helplessness in his heart.

She didn't mean for things to be like this, but the pressure of reality made her feel like she had nowhere to escape.

"What should I do?" she asked almost pleadingly.

“I will give you a sum of money so that you can spend this time in peace in the field.

Wait until things cool down before you come back and continue your studies. "Professor Rong proposed a compromise.

Yang Shuimiao felt confused after hearing this.

She knew that such a decision would have a great impact on her future, but the current predicament also made her feel unable to escape.

"Professor Rong, you can't be so irresponsible!"

"Tell me a number. Is 50 enough?"

Yang Shuimiao never imagined that he could actually get half a million yuan at this moment!

"Five million?"

"If it's not enough, I'll give you another 10 yuan in nutrition. The child will be mine after birth, but you have to help me take care of the child! The child cannot live without a mother!"

When Yang Shuimiao heard the conditions proposed by Professor Rong, she felt even more entangled.

Five hundred thousand is an astronomical figure for a first-year graduate student, and it is also a huge temptation.

"Professor Rong, isn't this... bad?" Yang Shuimiao said hesitantly.

Professor Rong said firmly:

"This is my compensation for you and your future travel expenses.

I don’t want this child to affect your life, and I don’t want my life to be thrown into chaos because of this. "

Yang Shuimiao bit her lip and thought about her choice.

She knew that this was not only related to her personal future, but also related to the fate of a new life.

"Is it difficult to suspend school? Can I go back and continue studying?"

she asked in a low voice!

"This is not a matter of my words. Why are you worried? You can rest for a year and a half. When the child is older, I will help you resume school!"

Professor Rong immediately agreed to a lot of promises!

Professor Rong showed a proud smile, "Miaomiao, I love you, you know it! I hope you can also understand my difficulties!"

It was the first time that Miaomiao heard a man say that he loved her, and it was actually an old man. This made Miaomiao very embarrassed. She didn't feel excited at all!

Yang Shuimiao felt heavy, but she also knew that this might be the most realistic choice at hand.

When she left the office, she had tears in her eyes and her heart was full of confusion and helplessness about the future.

Her heart is full of contradictions and helplessness, and her confusion about the future is getting worse.

On the way back to the dormitory, she silently thought about her choice.

Taking a break from school for a year and a half was undoubtedly a long and unknown process for her.

Professor Rong's promise and the temptation of half a million yuan made her feel uneasy.

After returning to the dormitory, Shen Lu and Jiang Suotong saw her expression and couldn't help asking with concern:

"Miaomiao, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Yang Shuimiao shook his head and tried to force a smile: "It's nothing, I just feel uncomfortable. I will take care of it."

Shen Lu and Jiang Suotong exchanged glances, seeming to notice something unusual.

But they also knew that there were some things that Yang Shuimiao might not want to reveal.

"Miaomiao, if something happens, please don't be polite to us. We need help!" Jiang Suotong said!

Yang Shuimiao naturally did not dare to tell her that she was pregnant, and she was still pregnant with the child of a fifty-year-old man like Professor Rong!

The atmosphere in the dormitory seemed a bit dull. Although they had always been good friends and talked about everything, there was an insurmountable gap at this moment.

Yang Shuimiao was immersed in the dilemma of taking a break from school and continuing to go to school.

She didn't know that Shen Lu and Jiang Suotong were anxious and troubled by her situation.

"What happened to her and why didn't she tell us at all?" Shen Lu frowned and said to Jiang Suotong.

"Maybe it's family problems or academic problems." Jiang Suotong guessed.

"We can't just be kept in the dark. Why don't we try to ask her again?" Shen Lu suggested.

The two discussed it and decided to find another opportunity to talk to Yang Shuimiao.

A few days later, they asked Yang Shuimiao to go to a cafe near the campus.

In the aroma of coffee, Shen Lu said:

"Miaomiao, we have always felt that something is wrong with you recently. Is there anything you can tell us?

We are friends and will always support you. "

Yang Shuimiao looked at the concerned faces in front of him, and felt a burst of gratitude in his heart.

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