I will take revenge on the villain of the whole family. Don’t call me a millionaire.

Chapter 71 The fierce public opinion cannot be stopped (page 12)

Bai Mingzhe was revoked from his temporary position in the logistics management center, which was a huge blow to him.

He originally thought that he would be able to run rampant in the school, but he did not expect that the students and the media would unite to fight back.

His sister Bai Qingyun was also extremely disappointed with him and even threatened him not to want to join the board of directors again.

His parents were also angry and ashamed of his behavior and ordered him to reflect on his mistakes.

Bai Mingzhe felt that he had lost everything at once. His power, his status, his reputation, and his family all collapsed in this storm.

He didn't know what to do. He could only hide in the dormitory, not daring to see anyone.

He constantly received various mocking and threatening messages on his mobile phone, and his WeChat, Weibo, and Q/Q were all attacked indiscriminately.

His photos, videos, and information were all maliciously exposed.

His classmates, friends, and even his girlfriend all drew clear boundaries with him and no longer wanted to have anything to do with him.

He felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world, and his heart was filled with despair and fear.

He didn't know if he could continue studying in this school. He didn't know if there was any hope for his future.

He wanted to find someone to talk to, but he found that he had no one he could trust.

He wanted to find an exit, but found himself trapped in a dead end.

He began to doubt everything about himself, he began to regret everything about himself, and he began to hate everything about himself.

He thought if he hadn't been so greedy, if he hadn't been so arrogant, if he hadn't been so ignorant, if he hadn't been so selfish, maybe everything wouldn't have turned out like this.

He thought, if he could start over, what would he do, would he change himself, would he cherish himself, would he be kinder to others.

He thought, if he had another chance, would he seize it, would he study hard, would he actively make progress, would he fight for his dreams.

He thought a lot, but he also knew that it was useless.

He has missed so much, he has lost so much, he has so much left.

He could only cry alone in the darkness, suffer alone, and despair alone.

Although Bai Mingzhe suffered a huge blow in this storm, he did not give up completely.

There was still a trace of unwillingness and resistance in his heart. He didn't want to be stepped on, he didn't want to be forgotten, and he didn't want to be obliterated.

He wants to get his dignity back, he wants to get his power back, he wants to get his reputation back, he wants to get his family back.

He began to plan secretly, he began to look for opportunities, he began to contact people, and he began to create counterattacks.

He used his remaining influence within the school to bribe some students to speak for him, defend him, and build momentum for him.

He also began to use some of his connections in society to find some media and ask them to clear his name, reverse his case, and build momentum for him.

Bai Mingzhe can't be defeated like this!

He must find a way to fight back!

However, Bai Mingzhe knew that this counterattack would not be easy. He understands that even if he finds some support, rebuilding his image will take time.

In the dark dormitory, he began to think about his next plan.

First, he had to stabilize his emotions and no longer let despair and fear control him.

He took a deep breath and told himself that this was not the end of his life, but an opportunity to start over.

Bai Mingzhe began to organize his thoughts and list the steps he needed to take.

He decided to start from within the school and win the understanding and support of some faculty, staff and students.

He knew that he had to establish a foothold in his own territory first.

So, he began to secretly get in touch with some teachers and students/leaders.

Through small-scale private communication, he tried to explain the truth of the matter and emphasize his own changes and reflections. Bit by bit, he worked to rebuild his reputation within the school.

At the same time, he was not satisfied with the support within the school.

Bai Mingzhe understands that in this era of rapid information dissemination, the power of social media cannot be ignored.

He began to post positive remarks on major platforms, introducing his changes and future plans, trying to arouse public attention and sympathy.

Bai Mingzhe's plan did not happen overnight, but he was determined to make every effort.

He mobilized some friends around him and asked them to help spread the positive message.

He knew that this was a long tug of war, but he could no longer indulge in self-pity.

As time goes by, Bai Mingzhe's efforts gradually bear fruit.

Some students and teachers began to understand him and believed that he might change his ways.

The voices on social media have also begun to have more positive comments, although there are still many negative voices.

Bai Mingzhe knows that his image cannot be rebuilt overnight, but he firmly believes that as long as he keeps working hard, he will be able to counterattack and regain the trajectory of his life.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter more difficult things, such as Tang Yijun, who would not be able to succeed!

When he saw Bai Mingzhe building momentum on the Internet, he started to stop his behavior!

The campus forum post bar was Tang Yijun’s first target!

"Bai Mingzhe is just a hypocrite looking for fame. He doesn't care about the food safety of students at all..."

Dozens of such posts came out all at once, which made Bai Mingzhe at a loss!

"What's going on? Why are there so many posts!"

He asked the people who helped him post!

He also found the founder of this post bar and wanted to ask for details!

But no one knows what happened, because after these posts were upvoted, they became very popular, and the posters all posted anonymously, which left them with nothing to do!

Just when I thought I was back in the game, I immediately fell into the abyss again!

Bai Mingzhe found himself facing a new dilemma. He thought everything was going in a good direction, but he didn't expect that Tang Yijun's interference made him fall into a deeper quagmire.

"What's going on?" He paced back and forth anxiously in the dormitory. There were more and more negative comments on his mobile phone. He felt like he was in dire straits.

He decided to face this situation proactively and could no longer remain helpless. Bai Mingzhe decided to look for support again, and this time he chose to communicate directly with the students.

He launched an emergency symposium on campus, inviting all students willing to listen to his explanation.

At the symposium, Bai Mingzhe frankly faced the students’ questions and doubts.

He explained his situation in detail, as well as his reflections on and changes to his past behavior.

He admitted his fault and expressed his willingness to take responsibility for it, but also emphasized that some information may have been misleading or deliberately exaggerated.

Some students began to show some understanding and sympathy, but Tang Yijun's influence remained and they remained skeptical. Bai Mingzhe decided to take the initiative to communicate one-on-one with the students who made negative remarks, trying to resolve conflicts and find consensus.

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