Uncle Jia and Mr. Tang discussed the next plan together. He decided to publicly expose the Bai family's frame-up in the media and actively cooperate with Mr. Tang's investigation.

Mr. Tang organized a professional investigation team and acted quietly to try to uncover the truth of the disappearance.

As media reports drive forward, Uncle Jia stands in the spotlight and is not afraid to expose the Bai family's frame-up against him.

In a popular talk show, Uncle Jia spoke frankly about the process of being framed and accused the Bai family of their illegal behavior by name.

He revealed all the past grudges and conflicts, forcing the Bai family to bow their heads in public.

This explosive news quickly caused a sensation, and social media was filled with doubts about the Bai family.

After Bai Jingtang learned the news, he immediately became nervous. He felt the pressure from public opinion.

In the manor, Mr. Tang's investigation team also actively launched operations.

Through various channels, they followed clues about the disappearance and tried to find the mastermind behind it.

Mr. Tang knows very well that this is not only a fight against the Bai family, but also a war against a larger conspiracy.

During the investigation, they discovered some unusual signs, and it seemed that there was some unknown force behind the scenes.

Mr. Tang frowned, realizing that there might be a larger and more complex force hidden behind this.

At this moment, a member of the investigation team hurried into Mr. Tang's study, holding a document in his hand.

"Old man, we have found some key clues. It seems that a mysterious force is involved in this disappearance." The member said nervously.

Mr. Tang took the document and read it carefully with a solemn look on his face.

He took a deep breath and decided to tell Uncle Jia this information.

"Xiaojia, things may be more complicated than we thought, and there is a mysterious force behind it.

We must deal with it carefully and not take it lightly. "

Mr. Tang said to Uncle Jia in a solemn tone.

Uncle Jia's expression was stern. He knew that this battle was not just for revenge, but also against a more powerful enemy.

He nodded solemnly and said he would go all out.

Driven by Uncle Jia's public exposure and Mr. Tang's investigation, the Bai family immediately entered a state of emergency.

Bai Jingtang personally organized the response, and at the same time strengthened his control over the media, trying to take the initiative in public opinion.

"Mr. Bai, our stock has plummeted 50%"


"Yeah, there's no way we can deal with this!"

"How could this happen? There have been negative news before, but nothing like this has ever happened!"

Bai Jingtang almost threw the cup in his hand when he heard him!

"Mr. Bai, this time is different!"

"Why is it different? Is it just some negative news? Isn't it possible to handle it?"

"This time, the public opinion about Uncle Jia's 700 million /F/S/ is fierce. We have no way to suppress it, even if we use water/the army, we can't do anything!"

"Waste, it's all waste! Our public relations team is of no use at this time!"

Bai Jingtang slammed the tea cup in his hand!

"Mr. Bai, the pressure from public opinion this time is too great. We need to take some measures to ease the situation." A consultant carefully reminded Bai Jingtang.

Bai Jingtang's eyes widened and he was furious: "You are a bunch of trash, you actually put our Bai family into this situation! Can 700 million/F/S/ disgrace our Bai family?!"

"Mr. Bai, this is not a trivial matter. Uncle Jia's actions this time are too cruel, and his exposure in the media is getting higher and higher. We must stop this quickly." Another consultant hurriedly persuaded.

Bai Jingtang gritted his teeth and said, "I will immediately find out the forces behind Uncle Jia, and I will make him pay a heavy price!"

The assistants hurriedly started to take action, while Bai Jingtang was pacing in the office, getting angry from embarrassment. Suddenly, he picked up the folder on his desk and threw it to the ground, causing the files to scatter.

"What's going on?!" Bai Jingtang shouted angrily.

The assistant carefully explained: "Mr. Bai, these are the latest negative news reports and comments on social media. Public opinion has completely gotten out of control."

"Uncle Jia, this shameless guy, can actually stand up at this time. I want him to die without a burial place!" Bai Jingtang's voice became more and more roaring.

The consultants tried to stabilize Bai Jingtang's emotions, but Bai Jingtang had fallen into extreme anger and despair.

"I want all the media to disappear for me. No matter what means are used, I want Uncle Jia to disappear from the public eye!" Bai Jingtang ordered harshly.

The assistants nodded in agreement and hurriedly left the office.

Bai Jingtang was roaring alone in the room. The furniture on his desk was ruthlessly pushed down by him, and the whole office was filled with chaos and anger.

Bai Jingtang roared: "I can't lose to him like this, I must make him pay the price! This is not only my career, but also the reputation of the Bai family!"

He pounded his fists on the table, angry tears streaming down his face.

Bai Jingtang seemed like a violent beast forced into a desperate situation at this moment, losing all reason and control.

In the outside media and social networks, negative reports and comments about Bai Jingtang poured in like a torrent of water, but Bai Jingtang was alone in his office, bearing the pressure of it all.

This once proud business giant is now in unprecedented trouble.

"Mr. Bai, several people in our public relations team are going to resign!"

"No! No! What are they making fun of at this time!?"

Bai Jingtang didn't expect that there would be another internal problem at this time!

"They want to resign even without salary!"

"If they resign, I will sue them!"

"They said they don't care!"

At this time, Bai Jingtang's veins popped out! He looks like he wants to hit someone!

Bai Jingtang's face was as gloomy as a dark cloud over the city. He was like a wild beast trapped in a desperate situation, and could no longer control the anger and despair in his heart.

"Resign? Do they dare to resign?" Bai Jingtang roared, his voice filled with deafening roar. He angrily waved the items on his desk in all directions.

The assistants were frightened and backed away, and the office was in chaos. Bai Jingtang stood alone in the center of the room, looking menacing like an angry lion.

"How dare they resign at this time! I want them to know what will happen if they anger me!" Bai Jingtang's eyes flashed with crazy light.

Just then, a senior manager walked into the office cautiously. "Mr. Bai, I have tried to persuade them, but they are resolute and seem to have lost trust in you."

"Trust? Do they still have the right to lose trust in me?" Bai Jingtang's voice was full of resentment.

"They mentioned the company's values ​​and said they could no longer sacrifice the team's loyalty for one person's personal grudges." The senior manager reported carefully.

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