"What? Grandpa, you actually asked me to take leave?"

"Yes, please take leave and come back immediately!" Tang Yijun received a call from his grandfather very suddenly!

Under normal circumstances, Mr. Tang would not be so nervous. Why was he so nervous this time?

"Grandpa, what happened?"

"Don't ask, just listen to me!"

"Then I'll go find Lao Hu and ask for leave!"

"Well, I will send someone to pick you up secretly. Don't leave the school!"

Mr. Tang is so nervous mainly because the Bai family seems to have investigated the connection between Tang Yijun and Uncle Jia!

He was worried that Tang Yijun was in danger!

After Tang Yijun received the call from his grandfather, he was full of doubts. He walked out of the school gate and thought to himself: "What is going on? Why do you suddenly ask me to take leave to go back?"

On the way back to the dormitory, Tang Yijun called Lao Hu: "Lao Hu, I have something urgent and I need to take leave. Please help me deal with it."

Lao Hu was a little nervous when he heard Tang Yijun's voice, and asked quickly: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm not sure. Grandpa called me and asked me to go back immediately, saying it was urgent."

After thinking for a moment, Lao Hu said, "Mr. Tang, I understand. I will help you handle the leave procedures and then send someone to take you back."

"Okay, thank you, Lao Hu." Tang Yijun hung up the phone, still feeling confused.

When Tang Yijun returned to the dormitory to pack his luggage, a bodyguard in a black suit was already waiting at the door. He smiled and said: "Mr. Tang, please come with me. I will be responsible for escorting you back."

Tang Yijun was slightly surprised, but he didn't ask any questions. He followed the bodyguard out of the school and got into a black business car.

After the car started, Tang Yijun thought: "What is going on? What happened between the Bai family and grandpa?"

While the car was driving, Tang Yijun tried to call his grandfather, but no one answered the phone, which made him even more anxious.

Back at Tang's house, Tang Yijun was taken into the study. Mr. Tang sat at the table with a solemn expression. Tang Yijun stepped forward and asked, "Grandpa, what happened?"

Mr. Tang looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, and then said leisurely: "Yijun, the Bai family seems to have discovered our connection with Uncle Jia, and Uncle Jia's son was caught by them."

When Tang Yijun heard this, his face suddenly became solemn: "The Bai family came to visit? What do they want?"

"They want Uncle Jia to apologize, otherwise they threaten to take extreme measures against Uncle Jia's son. We must deal with it carefully now and not let the situation get out of control."

Tang Yijun gritted his teeth, thought for a moment and said, "Grandpa, we can't succumb to the Bai family, but we can't put Uncle Jia's son in danger. We need to find a balance point."

Mr. Tang nodded: "Yijun, the main reason you came back this time is to ask you to help me investigate the details of the Bai family. See if there are any weaknesses that can be exploited."

Tang Yijun nodded solemnly: "I understand, Grandpa. I will fully cooperate with the investigation and ensure the safety of Uncle Jia's son."

In fact, Mr. Tang, asking him to come back and ask him to help was just a gimmick. More importantly, it was because he was worried about Tang Yijun's safety!

"What do you want me to do?"

"Aren't you a computer expert? Here's your chance to show off! I want you to hack into the other party's phone and get the information we want!"

Mr. Tang said to Tang Yijun!

"Old man, you actually want my help. Aren't the people under your command very powerful?"

"It's different this time. They seem to be prepared in some way. Their mobile phones are encrypted!"

Mr. Tang nodded, looked at Tang Yijun and said, "Okay, Yijun, I'll leave it to you this time. You have to be careful, the Bai family is not someone to be trifled with."

Tang Yijun nodded solemnly to express his understanding, and then quickly started to act. He contacted the family's intelligence department, mobilized some trustworthy resources, and prepared to conduct an in-depth investigation into the Bai family.

At the same time, there was no peace within the Bai family. When Bai Jingtang learned that Tang Yijun was back to investigate, he felt nervous. He knows that the Tang family is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the other party will never sit still and wait for death.

Tang Yijun began to collect in-depth information about the Bai family. He inquired about the Bai family's business transactions, personal connections, and unknown insider information through various channels.

This time Tang Yijun is fully monitoring the mobile phones and computers of the Bai family!

It didn't take long for him to make a very important discovery!

Tang Yijun was conducting an in-depth hacking attack on the Bai family, his fingers dancing on the keyboard and his eyes sharply staring at the screen. With the technical support provided by the family's intelligence department, he gradually invaded the Bai family's highly encrypted network system.

"Old man, I have entered their main server and am collecting information." Tang Yijun reported the latest situation through the headset.

Mr. Tang was nervously waiting for a response in the study. He knew that this moment was related to the safety of the entire family.

Tang Yijun got deeper and deeper into the situation. The Bai family's network system was fortified at every level, but his computer skills penetrated deeper and deeper like a sharp blade. He quietly searched for information about Uncle Jia and his family in the Bai family's database.

Suddenly, he discovered a batch of key documents recording evidence of collusion and illegal transactions between the Bai family and some illegal organizations. This was a flaw that could shake the foundation of the Bai family, and Tang Yijun successfully found the weakness of the Bai family.

"Old man, I found their handle. Everything is under my control." Tang Yijun's voice revealed confidence and determination.

Mr. Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time expressed his sincere admiration for Tang Yijun's resourcefulness: "Okay, Yijun, we have the upper hand this step. Keep digging and see if there is any other useful information."

Tang Yijun began to analyze the Bai family's documents more deeply, looking for opportunities to further weaken the Bai family's power. His computer skills were fully utilized in this process. Through a series of ingenious techniques, he not only broke through the Bai family's defense line, but also left some deceptive traces, making it difficult for the other party to discover clues of the intrusion.

As the investigation deepened, Tang Yijun discovered an important plan. The Bai family was preparing to gain more power through a large-scale illegal transaction. He quickly reported the news to Mr. Tang.

"Old man, it seems that they plan to conduct a large-scale illegal transaction in a short period of time. If we can expose them at this time, it will be the most beneficial time for us."

Mr. Tang pondered for a moment and then nodded: "Yijun, continue to monitor their actions. Once we find that the time is right, we will take action. This time, we will make the Bai family pay a heavy price."

After Tang Yijun received the mission, he continued to lurk in the Internet, waiting for the time to mature. He knows that this battle is far from over, and that his hacking skills will play an even more important role in the next operation.

"Is there any way to locate the place where Uncle Jia's son last appeared?"

"I'm afraid this is very difficult. I am the one who kidnapped him. I would not be so stupid. I would definitely throw away his phone and move it to another place!"

"Then we have to give it a try! We can't do nothing!" Mr. Tang said!

Tang Yijun nodded and began to think about how to find the specific location of Uncle Jia's son. He knew that time was running out and every minute and every second might be related to the safety of Uncle Jia's son.

"Old man, I will try to track Uncle Jia's son's cell phone signal and see if I can find where they are hiding." Tang Yijun quickly launched a new round of operations.

He cleverly searched for the signal of Uncle Jia's son's cell phone on the Internet, and used his superb skills to avoid being noticed by the Bai family as much as possible. Mr. Tang was anxiously waiting for the results in his study.

"Found it! Uncle Jia's son's mobile phone signal is near an abandoned factory. It seems that they chose a relatively hidden place." Tang Yijun reported excitedly.

Mr. Tang immediately ordered: "Yijun, we must protect Uncle Jia's son. We not only want to expose the crimes of the Bai family, but we must not put Uncle Jia's family in any danger!"

"Old man, don't you stop asking about outside affairs?"

"Now is the time when there is nothing we can do. If I don't take action, Uncle Jia will be finished!"

Mr. Tang said!

Mr. Tang immediately arranged for someone to go to that location to investigate!

But when they got there, they found nothing!

They knew that the person must have been transferred, and no one knew where he was being held now!

But at least they have some news!

"Xiao Tang, you have to find clues through data comparison. We can't passively wait for their call!"

"Well, they will definitely call again. I'll install something on Uncle Jia's phone!"


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