The villain just wants to go offline

Chapter 48 Elf King: "Am I green?"

Miles hid behind a pillar, and the surrounding ruins provided a good cover, and he looked sideways and secretly looked over.

There is a lantern-like plant growing inside the palace wall, emitting green light, so there is no need to worry about obstructing the view.

Two elongated figures, one large and one small, were getting closer and closer.

After getting the Elf King's scepter, Elsa wielded a long rusty stick and walked up to the brave man lying dead on the ground. The smell of blood on the tip of her nose was unpleasant.

At this moment, Leo had lost too much blood, his face was pale, his chest was rising and falling weakly, and he was breathing more out than in, making people fear that he would die in the next second.


Elsa poked the fire stick, phew, it should be the scepter of the Elf King, and immediately a green magic circle enveloped Leo.

At this time, the rusty scepter emitted dazzling light from the inside, and pieces of rust fell off, revealing the original appearance of the scepter.

It was a scepter that was silver in color and as tall as a man. The surface of the scepter exuded a mysterious luster that was different from mithril, as if it contained some kind of mysterious power, but the luster was no longer the same as before.

A round magic stone is inlaid at the top of the scepter. After returning to the owner's hands, it begins to exude vitality, and a steady stream of magic power is blessed in the magic circle at its feet.

When the magic power of the magic gem was added to the magic circle, the natural energy that had been slowly repairing the wounds on Leo's back became turbulent.

I saw that the big tear on Leo's back was healed visibly with the naked eye, and the flesh sprouts were constantly entangled. The hole in his back quickly returned to its original state, revealing the white flesh.

Leo, who was pale due to excessive blood loss, gradually regained his color and his breathing became stable.

When the light of magic dissipated, Leo was back to his original state.

However, the recovered Leo still did not wake up. Under Elsa's instructions, the elf changed from a small one to a very big one, dragging Leo's two arms, dragging people away like they were mopping the floor. where.

"Will it still get bigger or smaller?"

Miles, who was hiding in a corner and peeping, seemed to have discovered a new world. It was very interesting to watch the elf turn into a big elf.

Look again, only Elsa is left in the ruins-like hall.

Before Miles could make his next move, he heard a magnetic female voice with a slightly serious voice: "You've seen enough, hiding in the dark and peeping is not what a noble should do!"


After being silent for a while, Miles stopped hiding and walked out openly.

"Who says nobles can't rest in the back? It's just a coincidence that you didn't see me!"

Miles retorted with a raised eyebrow, combing his collar as he walked. The coat of arms of the Bond family was embroidered on the collar.

Miles stood in front of Elsa.

As if she saw the coat of arms on Miles' collar, she heard Elsa say slowly: "I have seen this coat of arms. It was the family coat of arms of a young noble who charged bravely in the last holy war, Bond. That’s her last name!”

"You must be a descendant of the Bond family!"

"You should be talking about my grandfather, Wallace Bond. So, you are from the same era as my grandfather, but why are you now in the body of my maid? Do you want to take this body?" ?”

Miles's ruby-like eyes narrowed slightly and looked directly into Elsa's emerald green eyes. The two gem-like eyes looked at each other.

Elsa, who was offended by Miles who dared to look directly at her, clearly showed displeasure. But when she thought about what she was going to talk to him about next, she had to hold back her displeasure, asking one question after another. 's answer:

"An era, no, no, it can be said to be an era, but it can also be said that it is not an era. Perhaps it can be pushed back further."

"As for what you mean by seizing the body, I don't know what it means, but I can roughly understand that if I occupy this body, I don't even know how long I can hold on before it dissipates."

Elsa pondered for a moment and continued: "I appeared just to deal with the accident that occurred when this child awakened the bloodline of the Elf King, that is, to deal with the current dilemma he is facing."

Elsa, who brought the topic here, looked into Miles's eyes.

"So what does this problem have to do with me?"

Miles asked knowingly, and also reminded: "You tied me here. Once the sole heir of the Bond family disappears, it is likely to cause a war between the empire and the Bond family. An empire is likely to fall into There’s war!”

"This has nothing to do with me."

Unexpectedly, Elsa shook her head. After listening to Miles's explanation of the dangers, even the slightest fluctuation in her eyes disappeared. She was completely different from the previous Madonna heroine Elsa.

Miles even felt that the soul that controlled Elsa's body was the right one. He spread his hands and said with a smile: "Why don't you leave? I'll give this body to you. I think it's okay to let you become my maid." Not bad.”


Elsa, who had previously been unmoved by the chaos of an empire, became furious after hearing Miles' frivolous words. The Elf King's scepter was placed in front of Miles' eyes.

At this moment, Elsa seemed to want to beat Miles to death with a stick, but she endured it.

Miles still doesn't know the identity of the soul in Elsa's body, but from the previous test, it can be inferred that the other party should be very noble about his own identity and cannot tolerate being belittled. Such people are usually high-ranking people. A guy with a lot of weight and a high opinion of himself.

Don't ask Miles how he knew this. The Bond family were all like this, so he knew it all too well.


With a cold snort, Elsa stopped her hand and slammed the scepter to the ground, causing the ground to be smashed with gravel, thus venting her anger.

But soon Elsa exhaled and calmed down, unwilling to say any more nonsense to this frivolous nobleman. She no longer wanted to talk nonsense, and went straight to the topic: "In order for this child to successfully awaken the bloodline of the Elf King, I need you to terminate the slave contract, otherwise this child will degenerate into a dark elf under the influence of the slave contract."

"You are so concerned about Elsa awakening the elf bloodline and returning the elf king's bloodline. Who are you? Are you Elsa's mother?"

As if he hadn't heard Elsa's words, Miles laughed mischievously: "If you don't answer, then I guessed it right, the Elf Queen..."

"...But Elsa is half human and half elf!"


"You are the Elf Queen. Then Elsa's father is a human. I remember that the Elf King and the Elf Queen are a couple. Then you later found a human."


"Does the Elf King know that you cuckolded him?"

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