Naruto: Sasuke loves to visit forums

Chapter 24 Kakashi’s Admonition

"So, where did you learn Fire Release and Flame Armor?"

Seeing this, Kakashi said no more.

"Learned it from Orochimaru!"

Sasuke rubbed his neck and said provocatively.

The ANBU outside the door was excited.

Kakashi quickly made a stop gesture backwards and shouted angrily:

"Sasuke!! Now is not the time for you to be angry!"

"As long as you tell the truth, I will definitely be able to keep you here! You believe me!"

"Believe? What's the use of believing? I just believe that you are sitting here now!"

Sasuke snapped back angrily.

Kakashi felt that this sentence sounded familiar. Thinking about it carefully, the third generation had said similar words earlier.

In the midst of this, a sense of fatigue rose from the bottom of my heart.

Kakashi sighed and said:

"In the dark night, the kitten stepped into the trap of catching the wild beast. What's the use of trying to reason with the hunter at this time?

“Some hunters are willing to wait for dawn, but there are also hunters who choose to kill the wrong one rather than let it go.

“But, for the kitten, the most important thing is to see the situation clearly and find a way to climb out!

"You think I am your teacher, an elite Jonin. But in the face of the collective interests of the Konoha villagers, no one will receive special treatment!"

Sasuke's face was cold and disdainful in his heart.

"Since you have already figured out the key, I won't hide it anymore."

Kakashi continued.

"To the Leaf Village, Orochimaru is an extremely dangerous person, and he may even want to start a war.

"By then, Naruto, Sakura, Iruka-sensei, and even the lady selling wooden fish rice balls on the street may die in this possible dispute.

"In order to avoid such a tragedy, we must make accurate judgments, investigate all possible hidden dangers, and protect this hard-won peace.

"And this is the heavy mission that Hokage-sama has on his shoulders."

Sasuke's expression softened slightly, but he was still struggling internally and didn't know what to do.

This reaction was clearly seen by Kakashi. He tried to keep his voice as soft as possible and continued to strengthen his offensive:

"Sakura and the others may not be able to see that ninjutsu, but Hokage-sama can tell at a glance that it is definitely not something you can develop on your own at this stage.

"I don't know what happened in the Death Forest, but I ask you to think about Naruto and the others.

"If all this is really related to Orochimaru, I will personally plead with Lord Hokage on your behalf and ask me to take responsibility with you. As long as you say it, it's still too late.

"If it really has nothing to do with that man, please tell the truth what's going on. No matter who the teacher is behind it, I will definitely believe you."

Sasuke was deeply moved.

But under the will of steel, the consciousness still remains clear.

"Teacher Kakashi. Regarding Orochimaru, as I have told you before, I can tell you the specific process again without any lies.

"As for the Yan Kai, I really can't say anything right now. Please give me another day to think about it.

"But please believe that I will never betray my companions or harm civilians at any time."

Here, Sasuke uses "companion", not the village, and not the Third Hokage.

Seeing that things had come to this, Kakashi couldn't say anything more.

He stood up and said, "Since you already have a plan in mind, I have no choice but to ask you to stay here for one more day."

Walking to the door, Kakashi suddenly stopped, turned his back to Sasuke, and said:

"If you still want to kill Itachi.

"Don't die in vain in a place like this!"

Sasuke was horrified.

Not only because of the mention of that name, but also because of the possibility of "death in vain" that Kakashi hinted at.


"'Why is that? Aren't we allies?'"

"As a last word, it's just too boring."

Orochimaru scoffed and wiped the blood from his hands. Lying next to him was the body of the Fourth Kazekage.

Not far away, Orochimaru's right-hand man Kimimaro was fighting against many Sand Ninja followers, and the battle was now coming to an end.

Not long ago, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa and several of his close associates were invited from the Land of Wind to Konoha to attend the finals of the Chunin Examination.

While passing through a grand canyon, Orochimaru, an ally who had previously plotted to capture Konoha, suddenly appeared and said that an emergency had arisen and that they had important matters to discuss.

However, just as he was approaching, the opponent suddenly attacked, and the unprepared Fourth Kazekage died tragically under Orochimaru's plot.

Suddenly, a person suddenly appeared and bowed respectfully in front of Orochimaru.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you told to keep an eye on Konoha's movements?"

Orochimaru asked.

The person who came was none other than Yakushi Kabuto, and he opened his mouth and said:

"Lord Orochimaru, something has happened in Konoha. I think it is necessary to let you know."

"Oh?" Orochimaru rolled his eyes and asked, "Is it about that child?"

"That's right." Kabuto had to secretly admire Orochimaru's keen insight.

"There is news from the hospital that Sasuke was taken away by ANBU."

"Really? Interesting"

Orochimaru pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Are you asking to leave, or are you kidnapped?"

Yakushi Kabuto thought about it, and quickly figured out what Orochimaru wanted to ask, and replied:

"There was no conflict, but whether it was protection or other changes occurred, I can't speculate for the time being."

Orochimaru thought for a moment before giving new instructions to Yakushi Kabuto.

"Why, you seem to have something to say?"

Seeing Kabuto Yakushi's puzzled look, Orochimaru asked proactively.

"That's right," Kabuto Yakushi replied, "I was thinking that after Konoha collapses the plan, none of this will matter anymore. Why bother?"

Orochimaru did not answer, but talked about other things:

“In the last game of the qualifiers, I saw Sasuke’s huge potential, but at the same time, there were also great uncertain changes.

"He actually extended his hand to that brat from the Hinata family."

Orochimaru said regretfully, it seemed like this was an extremely dirty thing.

"As a vessel, there's no doubt that Sasuke's appeal has grown.

"But as a pure Avenger, Uchiha Sasuke is becoming more and more unqualified. There are more and more impurities in his eyes.

"Maybe it's the influence of the nine-tailed boy, maybe there are others. In any case, he needs to be influenced by the dark power as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be endless variables in the future."

Kabuto Yakushi suddenly realized: "So, you want to take advantage of this opportunity."

Orochimaru nodded.


Konoha, ANBU, detention room.

Compared with the comfortable ward, the environment here is cold and damp, and the thin bed boards are painful.

Uchiha Sasuke's chest was heaving, and the injuries that had not yet recovered were still aching.

Thinking back to what happened before, Sasuke only felt ironic.

In the morning, he was still a heroic player "representing his country and showing his strength to the world", but at night he became a prisoner "suspected of liaising with foreign countries and endangering the peace of Konoha".

Not long after Kakashi left, Sasuke quickly contacted the "Group Work" system, hoping to get a real way to break the situation:

"Emergency!! I am Uchiha Sasuke. The Hokage suspects that I am colluding with Orochimaru. I am now being interrogated and detained by the ANBU. What should I do?"

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