Naruto: Sasuke loves to visit forums

Chapter 50 The collapse of Konoha begins!

"Is that your last defense?" Sasuke sneered, "Just let me peel it off layer by layer!"

"Oops! If this happens, Gaara may not be able to act as planned."

In the stands, Kankuro whispered anxiously.

Yesterday, the three sand ninjas received the final battle plan.

Maki requested that Gaara should always pay attention to the code during the battle.

Once the time is right, it will immediately transform directly into the complete form of One-tailed Shukaku. And attacked in the direction of the daimyo in the stands.

At the same time, the Sound Ninja said that they would take advantage of the chaos to deal with Uchiha Sasuke, and it seemed that they wanted to capture him alive and use him for other purposes.

At the same time, the Third Hokage will be handed over to Lord Kazekage to deal with personally.

As for Kankuro and Temari, they are responsible for cooperating with Mr. Maki to assist Gaara in accomplishing maximum damage and stopping anyone who dares to get in the way.

On the other side, the armies of Sound Ninja and Suna Ninja will attack directly from the west and south main gates of Konoha at the same time.

The Kazekage, Gaara, and the army started at the same time, launching a devastating attack on the Hokage, the daimyo, and the village itself.

This is - "Konoha Collapse Plan"!

However, Sasuke's display of super strength made Kankuro worried.

"In this case, that Gaara guy must be thinking only about defeating Sasuke and not caring about anything else."

Sure enough, after being knocked down several times by Sasuke, Gaara already showed an angry look.

Although protected by the sand armor, Gaara was not harmed at all.

But the embarrassment on the scene has made this monster become more and more violent inside.

"Ninja Technique: Desert Wave!"

Gaara formed a seal with his hands and wrapped himself in sand.

He stared at Sasuke with resentful eyes until the sand completely formed into a sphere, completely separating himself from the outside world.

"What? Are you going to be a turtle?"

Sasuke scoffed.

Although he said it, Sasuke knew it very well in his heart. If the enemy wants to do something, you must not let him do it smoothly.

Just before the condensation of the sphere was completed, Sasuke quickly moved forward, trying to prevent Gaara from hiding in it.

However, the sand ball seemed to be alive, with its roots and tips erected towards Zuozhu.

Sasuke was unable to dodge, and his arms and thighs were scratched to varying degrees. A punch hitting the sand ball felt like hitting a hard iron plate.

Blood seeped out from the bandage on his fist.

"I didn't expect that sand with different densities would have such a huge difference in hardness."

Sasuke jumped away, breathing heavily.

That being the case, that's fine.

Sasuke smiled.

Right now, the opponent is a target standing still, so I can only reluctantly give him a thousand birds.

Beside the stands, Markie also fell into anxiety.

In this case, how could Gaara see the signal sent to him to take action?

At the scene, the secret agents planted by Orochimaru were also rapidly calculating in their minds how to evolve next.

Kabuto Yakushi, who was once again disguised as an ANBU, was quickly adjusting his next battle plan.

In any case, capturing Konoha is the core strategic goal.

It seemed that the plan to take advantage of the chaos and snatch Sasuke away could only be put on hold for the time being.

Lightning flashed across the sky, Chidori pierced the sand wave fiercely, and Shukaku's long arm stretched out from the sand ball hole and then retracted it.

The desert wave dissipated, Gaara clutched his shoulder, hurt.

Just now, Gaara was about to transform into a dependent body and cause a scene.

But he didn't expect that Sasuke would use Chidori to take advantage of him.

Gaara was halfway through his transformation when he was forcibly interrupted, not to mention wasting a lot of chakra, and his whole body also suffered a huge backlash.

"Okay! Sure enough, the Uchiha brat is going to win!"

"What? It seems that the top seed player of Sand Ninja is nothing more than that!"

There was a huge cheer in the audience, but soon the sea of ​​cheers gradually became silent.

Falling white feathers appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and they felt sleepy.

In the corner, after confirming that Gaara could no longer continue to act as planned, Kabuto Yakushi decisively used the "Genjutsu: Nirvana Abode Technique".

In a moment, the entire audience fell into a deep sleep.

"Is it an illusion?"

In the stands, Kakashi and Metkai quickly went back to back and entered a state of alert.

In front of the rostrum, Kazekage cast an equally sinister gaze on the Third Hokage.

Brown-green signal bombs flew into the air, and the troops in the west and south of the city immediately started taking action!

The Konoha Collapse Plan has officially begun! ——

In the arena, Sasuke still stared closely into Gaara's eyes.

He was sure that he had just seen something in the desert wave.

Although he didn't know the specific situation, Sasuke was certain that the person he had just injured was not a human.

"Gaara, calm down!"

Temari and Kankuro jumped into the arena at this moment, standing next to Gaara and admonishing.

"There's no point in competing with that guy anymore!"

"Have you forgotten our mission?!"

The two shouted.

"Get out of the way! I'm going to kill him!"

Gaara roared, still trying to rush towards Sasuke.

"What are you guys still doing? The battle has already begun!"

Ma Ji jumped into the field and stopped in front of the three people.

The successive changes made Sasuke feel restless.

At this moment, he had noticed that the entire audience fell into a strange silence.

On the podium where Lord Hokage was sitting, a strange purple magic circle had also risen.

"what is going on?"

Could it be said that Orochimaru has already started to take action?

This huge conspiracy between the Sound Ninja and the Suna Ninja is finally about to unveil its mysterious veil.

On the opposite side, I saw Gaara kneeling down in pain while holding his head, while Temari looked nervously at the side.

"The injury is more serious than expected, and he has consumed a large amount of chakra and is currently unable to act as planned."

Temari reported to Maki.

"Idiot, it's all his own fault for making his own decisions," Markie scolded.

"What should we do next? Do we want to do it without Gaara?"

Kankuro shouted.

"Gaara is the trump card of the Sand Ninja, and he must participate in the battle no matter what. The two of you are responsible for taking him away. Once the chakra is restored, you will immediately transform into your complete body and start fighting!"

"What about you, teacher?"

"I'll stay here and stop this guy for you."

Maki said, facing Shiranui Genma and assuming a fighting stance.

"Do you think I will let you go?"

Shiranui Genma clearly knew the stakes involved and made a move to pounce on Gaara.

"Come on!"

Maki urged, Temari and the other two did not dare to neglect, quickly picked up Gaara, turned around and fled.

Shiranui Genma quickly judged the scene in front of him, did not take any further action, but turned to Sasuke and said:

"Sorry, the Chunin exam is over. You already have the strength of a Chunin. Since you are a ninja of Konoha, you must do your best for Konoha."

"Anyway, just keep defeating Gaara, right?"

Sasuke heard what Shiranui Genma meant and said directly.

"Don't go too deep into the pursuit. Next, it's no longer a game, but a real battle."

Without further ado, Sasuke spread out his body skills and quickly chased in the direction where the Sand Ninja trio left.

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