"Boss, I suggest that we record such important moments through photography. It will definitely become an important document to witness the growth of our company in the future!!!" an employee said excitedly, looking at Zhao Ye expectantly.

Zhao Ye was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but think of Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba. When he started his business, he actually shot a lot of videos to tell the story of his entrepreneurial history.

Zhao Ye couldn't help but wonder if Ma Yun predicted that he would succeed, otherwise why would he be filming these things.

"Good advice, hurry up and buy a camera, and record our success and joy in developing a Chinese typewriter later!!!" Zhao Ye ordered.

"Okay, boss, I'll buy it now!!!" The employee who just made the suggestion responded loudly, and then rushed out of the research room in a hurry.

Almost most electronic products can be purchased in Zhongguancun Electronic Street.

After a while, the employee brought back a camera invented by JVC.

All members of the project development team gathered together, and Zhao Ye stood in the C position holding the Imagine-typewriter.

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with joy and excitement.

Does this count as leaving a name in history? !

In the future, when people study the history of Chinese typewriters, will they remember our names?

Everyone was very excited and smiled very happily at the camera.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, click! ! !

The camera automatically took a picture, and the flash turned on, recording the scene in front of you forever, becoming an important image data for people to study Imagine Technology Company in the future...


The Chinese typewriter was successfully developed, and the next step was production.

This time, Zhao Ye plans to invest in building a factory himself.

Except for Zhongguancun Electronics Street, which is relatively prosperous, most of the surrounding areas are villages and there are also some factories.

Zhao Ye's plan was to go to the district government to buy a piece of land directly and then build a factory.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Ye went to visit Zhang Fulin, a senior district official.

The leaders were busy, so Zhao Ye didn't waste any more nonsense and said straight to the point: "Secretary Zhang, our company has developed a Chinese typewriter. Now our company plans to buy a piece of land to build a factory, and we hope to get help from the district government! "

When Zhang Fulin heard that a Chinese typewriter had been developed, excitement flashed across his face.

"Okay, okay, no problem. You can build the factory wherever you want, even in the district committee and district government office building. We will move out and make room for you!!!" Zhang Fulin said excitedly, "Boss Zhao, now Just take me to visit the company, I can’t wait to see what the Chinese typewriter you developed looks like!!!”

Hearing this, Zhao Ye smiled and said, "Okay, Secretary Zhang, let's set off now."

After a while, several leaders of the Haiding District Committee followed Zhao Ye to Imagine Technology Company.


"Dear leaders, this is the Chinese typewriter developed by our company!"

On the second floor, Chinese typewriter laboratory.

Everyone looked at a white machine on the table with excitement and curiosity.

"There is a flip cover here. After opening it, there is a keyboard below and an LCD screen above, which can display the contents of 1 page of A4 paper. The part connected at the back is equivalent to a printer. You can put the paper prepared in advance and print directly. .”

Zhao Ye introduced, "In addition to printing A4 paper, it can also print A3 paper, wax paper, etc. It is very powerful and has a wide range of applications!"

Even A3 paper and wax paper can be printed. Zhang Fulin and others were surprised. This typewriter is so powerful!

"Leader, let me demonstrate it to you now!" Zhao Ye said.

"Okay, okay, we've been looking forward to it for a long time!" Zhang Fulin said with a smile.

Zhao Ye heard this, nodded and started to demonstrate.

There is no need to say more about the demonstration results.

Secretary Zhang and others all showed happy smiles, and their excitement was palpable.

Even all the leaders who came to test it personally couldn't help but praise this Chinese typewriter.

"This typewriter is easier to use than foreign typewriters. It is easy to use and operates smoothly. The built-in WPS word processing software is very advanced and has many fonts. It also has a floppy disk drive, so there is no longer any limit on the length of article printing! !!”

After a pause, Zhang Fulin smiled slightly and couldn't help but sigh, "When I hear the harsh sound of the printer head typing Chinese characters on the paper, it's like hearing extremely beautiful music. It's so happy!!!"

"There are typewriters in foreign countries that everyone can use, which has improved work efficiency. We Chinese have completely lost an era of mechanical typewriters. We can no longer lose the computer era. The Imagine typewriter has created a new chapter in Chinese word processing and opened up a new era of office automation in China. A new era! Such an excellent product must be used by more people as soon as possible. Our district committee and government must do our best to protect Imagine Technology Company, give the green light all the way, and ensure the smooth progress of production!!!"

"Yes!" The other district committee leaders accompanying him responded in unison.

When Zhao Ye saw this, he was naturally very happy. With the support of the district government, the development of Imagine Technology Company in Zhongguancun will only be smoother.

Next, Zhao Ye asked the leaders for a favor—buying land!

At present, Imagine Technology Company, Hanka's revenue is as high as 3200 million yuan, and its profit is 1600 million yuan; its agency Super-pc revenue is as high as 2250 million yuan, and its profit is 675 million yuan.

Even excluding taxes and necessary company expenses, Imagine Technology still has huge wealth.

Land in the capital is not cheap, but only relatively speaking. For Zhao Ye, it is almost a bargain. Moreover, in order to support Imagine Technology Company, the district government must sell the land at a very cheap price.

"Boss Zhang, didn't you say you wanted to buy land to build a factory before? Is there any place you like?" Zhang Fulin looked at Zhao Ye and asked.

"Yes!" Zhao Ye took out the map, drew a circle on a place, and then said, "This is it, the land area is about 25 hectares!"

"25 hectares???" A leader was surprised and frowned, "Can your company use such a large area?"

Zhao Ye explained: "It's useful. Our company plans to open branches in various countries around the world and sell Hanka and typewriters all over the world! There are also many Chinese people abroad, so Hanka and Chinese typewriters are also very marketable. In addition, we can also Adjustments and improvements have been made to the typewriter so that it can type not only Chinese and English, but also various languages. Our typewriter is not only powerful in performance, but most importantly, it is very cheap.

As far as I know, the most popular typewriter in the world is the Wang An typewriter, and the price sold to China is nearly 20,000 yuan!

The production cost of our typewriter is much lower than that of Wang An's typewriter, and the price is at least two-thirds of it.

We are sure to beat any competitor in the global market. "

When the leaders heard this, they were all excited.

"Doesn't it mean that typewriters can be sold to Europe and the United States and earn foreign exchange for the country?"

"Yes!" Zhao Ye smiled and nodded affirmatively.

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