It’s really hard for Shen Bi to value Wujiang Group now.

Generally speaking, market capitalization is more than 2 times revenue.

But Wujiang Group's profits are very high, and its development speed is very fast, with huge potential.

The valuation was low, and Zhao Ye was dissatisfied.

The valuation is high, and HSBC will suffer a loss...well, it won't suffer a loss. After all, it is a loan and it will earn interest.

Today, the Imagine-digital BB machine under the Wujiang Group is on fire.

Wujiang Group's annual revenue may exceed 40 billion yuan.

After thinking for a while, Shen Bi said: "The development of Wujiang Group is beyond my expectations. My valuation of Wujiang Group is 120 billion yuan. Do you think you can accept it?"

Zhao Ye also wanted to raise the price, but Shen Bi refused.

"I carefully studied the income of Wujiang Group. The reason why it has grown rapidly this year is because products such as Chinese and English typewriters, digital BB machines, and motherboards do not yet have suitable competitors, so they can sell well. But this is not It means that Wujiang Group can maintain such a rapid development rate next year. As far as I know, Motorola is about to launch a digital BB machine, and some RB typewriter companies are also about to launch Chinese typewriters. Even your company's motherboard business will soon welcome Come competitors.”

Speaking of this, Shen Bi paused and said casually, "So, the valuation I gave your company is actually very reasonable."

After hearing this, Zhao Ye even felt that what the other party said was reasonable.

But in fact, the production costs of other companies' products are higher than that of Wujiang Group. If there is competition, our side will ultimately have the advantage.

Therefore, Zhao Ye is not afraid.

By then, although the price will be cheaper, the profit will still be considerable with small profits but quick turnover.

Moreover, most domestic government agencies will choose to purchase products from Chinese companies, such as typewriters and personal computers.

The valuation is 120 billion yuan, and Zhao Ye is quite satisfied. Furthermore, it is not about selling shares. No matter how the other party values ​​the shares, I will redeem the shares soon.


This would raise $5.5 million.

Among them, US$5 million was used in the foreign exchange market, using 10 times leverage.

The remaining 5000 million US dollars are just in case, and margin calls can be made at any time to avoid forced liquidation.

In the foreign exchange market, the general trend is that the US dollar plummets and the yen appreciates. However, there may be some fluctuations in the process. Who can remember the specific time? Zhao Ye still left enough margin to ensure safety.

Three months after the signing of the "Plaza Accord", RB appreciated by 20%.

Zhao Ye silently calculated in his mind, 5 million U.S. dollars, using 10 leverage, which is 50 billion U.S. dollars, and earning 20% ​​in three months, which is 10 billion U.S. dollars.

Of course, other expenses will be calculated later.

It’s not like Zhao Ye has never thought of loaning more money to HSBC, but on the one hand, HSBC may not dare to lend so much money; on the other hand, the larger the funds, the greater the risk of entering the foreign exchange market, which may occur. Huge butterfly effect.

Zhao Ye just wanted to make a lot of money and didn't want any accidents to happen.

US$4 million is not a big pressure for HSBC.

And with Wujiang Group’s earning power, repayment is no problem.

HSBC would make a fortune from bank interest alone.

Shen Bi readily agreed, and within three days, all US$4 million was received.

"Taipan, I plan to buy a villa on the Peak of Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. I wonder if HSBC can help me get a loan to buy it? You know, I may travel to Hong Kong frequently on business in the future. If I always stay in a hotel, it will be a bit awkward after all. Convenient!" After talking about the mortgage company's share loan, Zhao Ye started talking about the "empty-handed Taibailang" loan to buy a villa.

Hearing this, Shen Bi smiled and said: "No problem, whichever villa you like, HSBC will buy it directly and transfer it to you!"

"Thank you so much Taipan!"

Zhao Ye raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "Come, let's have a drink to celebrate our happy cooperation!"

Shen Bi nodded with a smile, raised his glass, and touched it with Zhao Ye: "cheers!!!"



The next morning, Zhao Ye followed the housing agent to the Peak of Victoria Peak to view the house.

Soon he fell in love with No. 1 Victoria Peak Road. At this time, Zhao Ye suddenly remembered some news he had read on the website: No. 1 Peak Road is located in the middle of the mountain, next to the Police Museum. Between 1985 and 1996, it was It is the residence of Jin Yong, the famous martial arts novelist.

It seems that Jin Yong has not yet bought No. 1 Victoria Peak Road.

"This is the villa!" Zhao Ye said to the agent.

What's left is for Zhou Anping and others to negotiate the price with the intermediary and landlord, and finally buy it in the name of Wujiang Group.

Soon, two days passed, and the US$4 million loan from HSBC arrived.

At the same time, the price of the villa was also negotiated. After HSBC came forward, the landlord was very generous and gave a preferential price of HK$4000 million.

Zhao Ye is finally one of the homeowners in Hong Kong.

Although this house is not big, only a few hundred square meters, and the decoration is in an old European style, it is also unique. Standing in front of the bedroom balcony, you can overlook the beautiful Victoria Harbor.

No. 1 Victoria Peak Road is only Zhao Ye's first villa. When he gets rich in the future, he will buy "Ho Tung Garden".

Zhao Ye thought so, but whether he was willing to spend so much money in the end was another matter. It is said that the boss who bought "Ho Tung Gardens" in his previous life spent HK$51 billion.

If Zhao Ye had 51 billion, he could build a large manor. Why buy "Ho Tung Garden", which covers an area of ​​just over 10000 square meters.

No. 1 Victoria Peak Road is always taken care of, so you can move in directly with your bags.

However, Zhao Ye only stayed here for two days before flying to RB.

Next, Zhao Ye began to plan to do long yen.

Since the principal was too large and 10 times leverage was required, Zhao Ye acted cautiously.

Foreign exchange traders have been recruited.

He asked people to divide the funds into many parts with different amounts, and then slowly entered the foreign exchange market in batches.

Fortunately, the foreign exchange market is very large. Zhao Ye's funds are dispersed and should not affect the general trend.


On September 9, all funds were deployed.

The next step is to wait.

Waiting is quite excruciating.

As time passed, Zhao Ye became more and more nervous, paying attention to the developments in the United States every day.

If the butterfly effect causes the United States not to sign the "Plaza Accord" this year, then he will suffer a huge loss.

"Boss, good news, official representatives from France, Germany, the UK and RB have gone to the United States. It seems that the matter is coming to an end!" Liu Yinyin said excitedly.

She couldn't help but sweat for Zhao Ye, who invested US$5 million in the foreign exchange market and used 10 times leverage. This was a huge gamble.

Zhao Ye felt a little relieved when he heard the news.

"Continue to pay attention to this matter. If there is any situation, report it to me immediately!"

"Yes, boss!"

At this time, all major outside media are reporting on the meeting of the five countries.

On September 9, the United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and RB signed an agreement at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. After the news was released, it immediately caused a global sensation.

One of the "Plaza Accords" was an agreement that aimed to manipulate the exchange rate by devaluing the U.S. dollar relative to the Japanese yen and the German mark, correcting the trade imbalance between Germany, the United States and Japan, and reducing the United States' growing trade deficit. .

Soon, the news reached Zhao Ye's ears immediately.

"Yes!!!" Zhao Ye shouted, unable to conceal the excitement on his face, and waved his fist fiercely.

Everyone present couldn't help but cheer loudly. The traders, secretaries, and even the mature and steady bodyguards were also very excited.

"During this period, everyone's mental and willpower has been tense. Thank you for your hard work. Now you can finally have a good rest!"

Zhao Ye immediately announced that the company would fund the trip for everyone to travel to interesting places in RB.


Three months later, the yen was up 20%.

Of course Zhao Ye doesn't have that much time to stay at RB.

Therefore, he arranged for his confidants to watch here, and then he prepared to return home.

At the same time, he also plans to bring back 140 game developers, some from China and some from RB.

On the RB side, the game department has been recruiting people. Even if Zhao Ye takes away 140 people, there are still 70 or 80 people here.

RB Borderless Game Development Department will be mainly responsible for the Hot Blood series games from now on.

The development of new games is all done in China.

On the one hand, it is for confidentiality, and on the other hand, it is to build the entire IP game industry chain, promote the development of China's cultural industry, and export culture to the outside world.

Whether it is "Dragon Quest", "The Legend of Zelda", "Final Fantasy", "Pokemon", or "Contra", "Red Fortress", "Saraman Snake", some will be added appropriately. Chinese elements.

At the same time, the adaptation of the cartoon will also be carried out at the same time.

Shanghai Animation Film Studio should not decline as it did in its previous life.

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