Yeah, what happened to the villa?

Grandpa and grandma were also confused.

Previously, Chen Lin said that Tang Xuehan bought the villa and specially let the old couple live there.

It's a good thing now, Tang Xuehan doesn't know about it?

Although, the matter in the villa is nothing worth mentioning compared to Chen Lin's cheating.

But it's still doubtful.

"Ahem, Chen Lin, if it's not convenient to say it, I won't say it. It's okay, I understand."

Tang Xuehan coughed twice.

Her implication was that if Chen Lin was greedy for money and got some kickbacks to buy a villa for his grandparents, then the two would be completely even.

Furthermore, Tang Xuehan can turn a blind eye if she has power and uses it as long as it does not affect the progress and quality of the construction.

Not for others, but for Chen Lin...

you can!

"Is there anything you can't say?"

Grandpa Chen is a Ding Kemao, so he has to be serious about everything.

"You kid, tell me clearly, otherwise your grandma and I will return all the furniture we just bought."

When grandpa said this, Tang Xuehan became even more curious.

"Grandpa, where is the villa you are talking about? Chen Lin bought it for you to live in, but he said I bought it?"

Tang Xuehan was not a curious baby, but she couldn't help but ask questions.

Grandpa Chen immediately told Tang Xuehan everything.

After listening, Tang Xuehan was stunned for ten seconds.

"Grandpa, you just said...where is the villa?"

"Hanlan Garden, this community should be called this. It's such a nice place."


This time, Tang Xuehan looked at Chen Lin and said.

Do you buy the villa in Hanlan Garden casually and give it away as a gift?

Her grandmother wanted a villa in Hanlan Garden and offered a sky-high price, but she couldn't buy it because she didn't have the qualifications.

It is precisely because of this that grandma will keep the Hanlanyuan villa that Ye Long gave her some time ago.

Chen Lin almost got angry with her because of this matter.

"That's right, it's Hanlan Garden."

Grandpa Chen looked at his wife again.

My wife immediately nodded in confirmation.

"Chen Lin, come with me."

Tang Xuehan grabbed Chen Lin's wrist.

"Tap, tap, tap."

Chen Lin quickly stood up and warned.

"Are you still afraid of pain?"

Tang Xuehan was surprised.

Chen Lin coughed twice, "No, I was worried about your wrist because it was injured. What if there is a scar?"

Tang Xuehan glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense to me, Hanlanyuan Villa? What's going on? What's going on? Tell me clearly."

"Uh...but I just heard you doesn't seem like you need an explanation."

Chen Lin scratched his nose and deliberately walked in circles.

Tang Xuehan looked at him.

This sharp gaze.

Chen Lin coughed dryly, "The villa in Hanlan Garden... belongs to me, because I sold the house I gave to my grandparents a few days ago, but at this time, it's not cost-effective to buy a house, so I thought about it. My grandparents live in the villa in Hanlan Garden.”

"It's empty anyway."

What Chen Lin said is true.

Tang Xuehan can naturally tell the difference.

Chen Lin sold his grandparents' house to Bai Zhantu, and she also knew about this.


What is going on in Hanlan Garden?

What she wanted to know was why Chen Lin was able to buy the villa in Hanlan Garden.

"The villa in Hanlan Garden is not something ordinary people can buy. How did you get it?"

Tang Xuehan murmured in his heart.

Even in the most remote and broken position, it is impossible with Chen Lin's strength.

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