Become a Phantom Thief from the Comic World

Chapter 2 Ideas for Solving the Puzzle

After much thought, Dean finally decided to imitate Kaitou Kidd.

It's not that other legendary thieves are bad, it's just that Kidd has a better advantage when it comes to arousing everyone's amazement.

Although he had made his decision, Dean still had no idea.

After all, this is Gotham, a place with simple folk customs. Anyone you meet on the street may suddenly pull out a gun and shoot indiscriminately on the street.

More importantly, there is also the world's number one detective, Batman.

He doesn't have any real skills, and I'm afraid he'll be arrested and sent to Black Gate Prison just after he debuts.

Well, Dean doesn't have a severe mental illness to qualify for Arkham Asylum.

As a result, Dean spent many years training himself, mastering all the existing skills such as disguise, voice-changing, and magic given by the system, before he dared to send out the first notice letter.

That was the letter the Gotham Museum of Art received a week ago.

The result was not good. The museum didn't take the notice seriously at all, and Dean got a jewelry bracelet very easily.

Except for a dozen or so patrolling security guards, no one saw Dean, and the marvel value gained was minimal.

However, this operation also confirmed Dean's guess. It is indeed necessary to perform actions consistent with the identity of the Phantom Thief in order to gain exclamation points.

Then he sent a second notice letter and returned the bracelet.

Implement the spirit of the Phantom Thieves!

In order to ensure that he can attract more viewers this time, Dean also sent notice letters to all major media outlets in Gotham.

I hope that a few more reporters will come to help us make a name for ourselves in one fell swoop.

Of course, one misstep may lead to eternal regret.

"There are still five days until the preview date. I don't know what attitude the GCPD will use to deal with me..."

Dean walked to the window, looked at the bright bat symbol in the sky, and thought silently.

Five days passed by in a flash, and February 2th soon came.

At the Gotham Museum of Art, hundreds of guards are distributed in various exhibition halls and passages.

Half of them are GCPD police officers, and the other half are security guards hired by the museum.

They are always watching the tourists entering the museum, trying to find people suspected of being Kaitou Kidd.

"Jim, that guy named Kaitou Kid, will he really come? We have been guarding the museum for five full days, and we have changed several groups of people in succession. GCPD does not have that many police resources to waste."

At the entrance of the museum, two old policemen in trench coats were talking. One of them was GCPD Chief Gordon.

The old policeman who spoke to him wore a greasy cowboy hat, a full beard, and a swollen beer belly.

Harvey Bullock is a veteran policeman who has worked with Gordon for many years. The two of them were partners when Gordon was first transferred to Gotham.

"Let me see, that guy might have been scared away by our posture."

"Don't let your guard down, Harvey, if you are right, today will be the day he takes action."

Gordon warned sternly.

"Today? Are you so sure?"

Bullock lit a cigarette and took a long drag. Gordon's warning seemed to have no effect on him.

Gordon knew very well what kind of temper this old fellow was, and he didn't expect him to put away his undisciplined appearance.

He took out the warning letter from Kaito Kidd from his pocket.

"Pour the last drop of water into the transparent bottle,

The new-born fish jumps out of the dried bottle,

The trapped angel weeps sadly,

When the flipped L appears on the tower,

The silver wings will follow the guidance of the moonlight and descend,

Brush away the angel's tears. "

In response to the above, Gordon gave his own reasoning.

"The transparent bottle should refer to Aquarius, and the fish refers to Pisces. The combination of the first two sentences means that the last day of Aquarius has passed and the first day of Pisces has come."

"February 2th is today."

Bullock touched his chin and then asked: "What about the trapped angel? What is this talking about?"

"Harvey! You didn't listen to the case meeting a few days ago, did you?"

Gordon stared, "One of the most valuable collections in the art museum is called Blood and Tears of Angels!"

Angel's Tears of Blood, the treasure of the Gotham Museum of Art, is an uncut natural ruby ​​named after its shape resembling a teardrop and its deep red color.

"Okay, okay, now we know that Kaitou Kidd will take action today, and the target is a precious ruby."

Brock laughed.

"So... what is the flipped L? On top of a tower? There is no tower-like building near the museum."

"I don't know. I still can't figure out the meaning of the last two sentences."

Gordon shook his head and said he had no idea.

"I really don't understand what the thief has in mind these days. Before he does it, he tells others his plan in a roundabout way, and even returns what he got. Then why would he steal? What's the point of doing these things?"

Bullock blew out a smoke ring and said in wonder.

"It's exactly the same as the Riddler back then. Oh no, the Riddler will never return anything he gets. This guy is even crazier than the Riddler!"

"I asked Robin for help. Maybe he can unlock the complete content."

Gordon looked into the distance.

"That kid who always follows Batman? I didn't see him here, but considering he is Batman's assistant, it's not surprising at all that he is invisible."

Bullock had the pipe in his mouth.

“And we can’t just leave the job to someone else.”

Gordon turned around and said.

On the other side, on the rooftop of a high-rise building near the art museum, a young man in strange clothes was also thinking about Kaitou Kidd's notice letter.

"February 2th, Gotham Museum of Art, Ruby of Blood and Tears of Angels... These reasonings should be correct, but what do the 'flipped L' and 'tower' refer to?"

Robin looked around with the museum as the center, but didn't find any building that looked like a tower.

"Maybe it's not a specific building, but some kind of reference... What kind of tower usually has an L-shaped object on it? What I can think of is the hour and minute hands of the clock tower."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and his thoughts began to come alive.

"L flipped over is ┓, which corresponds to 21:30 on the clock! This is the most likely explanation."

"But what do the silver wings mean? Doesn't Kaitou Kidd have a pair of wings?"

Robin pondered, "It's not impossible, considering how crazy the world is."

"There is still an hour and a half until half past nine. I want to see how this Mr. Phantom Thief plans to 'follow the guidance of the moonlight and descend'..."

He was not going to enter the museum, but just squatted on the rooftop, waiting for Kaito Kidd to appear.

If Kaitou Kidd really planned to sneak in through the air, he could intercept the former directly from outside.

Even if the content in the notice letter is a cover, it doesn't matter if Kaito Kid sneaks in from the ground. Robin can still have an overview of the whole situation from the high building.

At the same time, a patrolling security guard in the museum stretched out his hand and looked at the time, a look of impatient joy deep in his eyes.

"The stage is set and the countdown has begun."

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