Become a Phantom Thief from the Comic World

Chapter 72 Campus Dance (Please collect it! Please read it!)

Neither the undercurrent of the Penguin nor the renewed heated discussion about Phantom Thief Kidd in Gotham City will affect Dean's normal life.

After returning the necklace to Mrs. Chandler, Dean impatiently ran to a deserted place and changed his clothes.

After all, it was too uncomfortable to wear high heels all the time. He couldn't get used to wearing high heels, but it was inevitable when he was pretending to be a woman.

So many times, Dean had to endure the intense discomfort to walk.

It is worth mentioning that as soon as Dean got home from school today, he discovered that the surveillance system at home had been removed.

Bat Girl was so efficient that she recovered the camera without even thinking about watching it for a few more days.

Obviously she was still busy at the Natural History Museum last night, killing killers and shooting fireflies. Dean thought that she would at least want to rest for a while, but he took the monitor back in broad daylight.

Generally speaking, this is a good thing for Dean. When he knew that he was being monitored before, he still felt uncomfortable even if there were ways to avoid surveillance. Now that he is not being monitored, he feels more at ease.

In the training room, Dean rubbed his chin and thought about it.

"I need to take a good rest for a while. Tomorrow is the school dance before spring break. It should be fun to perform some little magic tricks for them."

In this country, in addition to the two long vacations of winter and summer, schools also have spring vacation.

Gotham High School’s spring break schedule is from March 3th to March 13nd, a total of ten days.

On March 3, the last day before spring break, according to Gotham High School's practice, classes were not open and instead a campus dance was held.

Students can create their own performances, whether on stage or in private.

The whole dance is very free, you can play how you want, there is no compulsion to watch the stage performance, nor is it compulsory to applaud.

If the performance is good, there will be cheers; if the performance is not good, there will be boos.

It is also allowed to gather a dozen people on the grass to play truth or dare.

Dean has participated in campus dances for several years. Judging from the atmosphere, it is really lively, and the students usually have a lot of fun.

I just don’t know why, but every time he participates in such activities, Dean always feels an out-of-place emptiness deep in his heart. Sometimes he even feels that the students are laughing because they listened to nonsense jokes. The look is very childish.

But that kind of carefree happiness is really enviable.

The opportunity for him and Dick to become good friends was actually at the campus dance in the first year of Gotham High School, because Dick had a similar feeling of loneliness deep in his heart.

It's normal when you think about it. After all, Dick had just become Robin at that time. Every day, he was either receiving training from Batman or patrolling Gotham to fight crime. Basically, he had no personal time.

Although Alfred was very dissatisfied with this, Dick was in the form of a good baby who listened to Batman the most at that time, so he was quite withdrawn in school, didn't interact with many people, and kept suppressing his emotions.

If you think this is a story about two lonely people meeting each other, you are wrong.

Dean and Dick didn't pay attention to each other's psychology at all. The real reason why the two people got together was because Dick had a crush on the classmate Laya.

At the dance, Raya actively invited Dean, who was still a talented magician, to dance, but was rejected by the latter because he wanted to perform magic everywhere.

Dean swore it was definitely not because he was practicing magic skills at that time and didn't have much time to practice dancing.

Raya was disappointed when she was rejected in person, and then Dick took the opportunity to invite her, and then they got on well that night.

Dean didn't know why the two high school freshmen developed so quickly, and he didn't want to know.

In short, Dick found Dean and was grateful to him for giving him the opportunity to pursue Raya, but he also wondered why he rejected Raya and so many girls, and even asked him with some suspicion whether he had an orientation problem. .

The first two questions were nothing, but as soon as the third question came out, Dean became furious and argued with Dick until they almost started to fight.

After that, the two of them got to know each other, and occasionally chatted for a few words. The more they chatted, the more they felt that the other person's knowledge was far beyond that of children of the same age, and they gradually became familiar with each other.

Later, even the seats were arranged together.

Stopping boring memories, Dean turned around and went into the study, turned on the computer and started collecting current news.

"There seem to be very few precious gem exhibitions in Gotham recently. I originally heard that there was a Hope Blue Diamond exhibition in Gotham in April, but it has been canceled again. I don't know if it's because I have been too active recently. As a result..."

Dean mused as he looked at the screen.

"What should I choose as my next target? Which museum should I go to to get their treasure? It doesn't feel interesting to play this game all the time."

"By the way, Penguin used the dragon egg ruby ​​necklace to set a trap to lure me into a trap this time, but it failed. Will he use other treasures to set a new trap next time?"

"Let's first think about what elements should be used in the next notice..."


March 3, night, Gotham High School dance.

Thousands of students reveled in the playground, with handsome men and beautiful women dancing together.

Passionate music was playing on the stage in the center of the playground.

When you get tired of dancing, you can rest on the grass outside, or play some board games with others and have a picnic. Some people even set up tents, and they don’t know what they are going to do.

"Look, girls, I have nothing on my hands."

At this moment, Dick was showing magic on the grass, surrounded by four young and beautiful girls.

I saw him showing his hands, letting the girls see that he had nothing on them.

Then Dick started his magic. With a quick flick of his right hand, a card suddenly appeared.

Then shake it a second time, and the second card changes out, until the fourth card comes out empty-handed.

"How about it?"

Dick asked proudly. Under Dean's previous training, his skills were now perfect.

"Richard, the magic trick of conjuring cards with bare hands has been performed countless times on TV. It's not new at all!"

Unexpectedly, the girls didn't buy it at all. No matter how powerful the magic technique is, it will not be popular if it is too cliché.

"Don't worry, the transformation is not finished yet."

Dick smiled slightly.

"Look at these four cards, I'm going to put them together with both hands now."

I saw Dick put the four cards together with both hands, held them tightly, and covered all the cards with his hands.

After a slight pause for a second or two, his hands suddenly opened to both sides. The four playing cards that should have been revealed disappeared and turned into a bright red rose.

"This branch is for you, beautiful lady."

Dick handed the flower to the first girl on the left.

The latter suddenly showed an expression of surprise.

"Hey! Why just give it to her, and what about us?"

The other girls were not happy.

"Don't forget, there are four playing cards."

Dick waved his hand and said, and the other three female voices were stunned when they heard this.

He closed his hands again, and when he opened them, there was another red rose in his hands.

"This branch is for you, my lovely lady."

Dick handed the flower to the second girl on the left.

Then he followed the same pattern and conjured four flowers, one for each person.

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