Become a Phantom Thief from the Comic World

Chapter 81 Shock! An author actually did this before putting it on the shelves

Wow! It actually made it to the legendary time when it was put on the shelves.

Mom, I'm ready!

Ahem, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts... in short, all the book lovers, thank you very much for your continued support.

Without your company, Yuzu would not be where it is today.

I also want to thank the editor Sister Huya for signing me and making this book a success.

If nothing else goes wrong, the VIP chapter will be updated around 12 noon tomorrow, but it may be a little later because the system's opening of the VIP function may be delayed.

Please support the first order tomorrow, please!

This book currently has more than 3,300 readers. As a newcomer, I am really flattered to achieve this result. So much so that Yuzi is often frightened and does not dare to let go of writing, for fear that something will be done to others. They all ran away in fright, woo woo woo.

Since his grades in pursuing studies are pretty good, Yuzi is bold enough to play big.

The first order is more than 1,500 yuan, and every additional 500 yuan will be added to the chapter!

The first order is more than 2,500, and every additional 300, an additional chapter will be added!

I heard that the first subscription is generally much lower than the follow-up subscription, so Yuzi didn’t dare to ask for more than 3,000.

But if, maybe, just in case... it really reaches more than 3,000 orders, then Yuzi won't say anything and will serve in women's clothing in the book club!

(Beep quietly, is our request for additional updates a bit too much? Forget it, I don’t understand those things.)

Then, Yuzu will also focus on explaining things that are of high concern here.

First of all, the relationship between Dean and Dick is just that of good friends and good brothers, and there will never be a deeper relationship.

Yuzi knows that many people may like to knock against CP, just like Conan and Kidd. I personally don’t object to this, but I can’t really write about gay love.

And Yuzi also believes that if it is really written, the more people like to criticize it, the more they will scold it. Everyone just likes to make up their minds, and they don’t really want to see such a plot.

So book friends who see such comments don’t need to worry too much. Most people are just joking and playing tricks, and there won’t be any plot that you are worried about.

Secondly, in terms of Dean's personal abilities, please rest assured. Whether it is redeeming props or talents, no matter whether he is strong or weak, he must be consistent with the identity of a phantom thief. He will never say that the phantom thief is a warrior or a magician.

On the other hand, in order for Dean to still be able to show off in DC, a very cruel world where superpowers and magic are everywhere, he will inevitably exchange for some very targeted super-specific props in the future, such as limiting the Flash to a certain range. A force field generator with an outrageous speed threshold, or a trap that can stick to the Flash to imprison his actions, is definitely neither magic nor science anyway.

These items are designed to be used against a certain hero or villain under specific circumstances. This way, the image of the Phantom Thief will not change too much, and the protagonist will still have the ability to deal with opponents whose strength is too different. room for maneuver.

There are also pure defensive capabilities such as immunity to curses, map cannons, mind control, alien viruses and soul invasion. I don’t think you are so mentally hysterical, right?

As for the protagonist's assistant, there will definitely be one, and Yuzi already has a candidate in mind, but it's not time to appear yet.

Finally, here are a few books written by senior friends in the author group.

"The Night of Apocalypse", the Hypocritical King's Court

"Into Unscience", a novice fisherman

"The World of Gods, I Can Change My Destiny" is so slow

"I, Jiajing, join the Ming Emperor chat group" Orange Cat Detective

"Reincarnation Simulation: I Can Change My Fate Against Heaven" Jiang He Zaiyue

"I, Senior Brother Jie Jiao, join the chat group" Three Color Cup of Milk Tea

"Wander!" Blue Star Man" Shooting stars pray for clear dreams

"Is it reasonable for me as a variety show star to have many talents?" 》Dark night and cold moon

"Lu Mingfei Returns from Death" Sword Alone in the Midnight

"Football: Copy Peak Messi's Attributes at the Start" Snowbird

"The Witcher: Book of the Dark Star" Chen's baby bottle

"Rebirth: Confession at the Beginning" Cabbage is not me

"Wife, please give me more advice in this life" Pure little hands

"Hogwarts: I am Harry's Cousin" Lord Berefeld

"Becoming the Ultimate Creature from Black Robe" Niu Niu Elf

"I, the Celestial Dragon!" 》Half-dead people

"The Elf Trainer Never Talks About Martial Arts" Zhai Alan V

"Are you crazy? You call this a detective?" 》Golf

"Chinese Students at Hogwarts" Lippei

"Rebirth 1981 Starts with Pig Killing" Dark Little Ghost

"Rebirth of the Top Photographer" The Faceless Man

"Just give up your Internet addiction and you will become a world champion" Love to sleep in in winter

I beg you for your first order! Bros!

At least five updates on the day of release!

However, it will most likely be published separately and not all at once, but it will definitely not be released chapter by chapter!

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