Become a Phantom Thief from the Comic World

Chapter 89: The power of the Doom Diamond is beginning to show?

"Dear viewers, this is Gotham Channel 7. I am the host Recy White. Recently, the famous gemstone 'Hope Blue Diamond' was put on public display at the Orphea Jewelry Exhibition Hall, which aroused heated discussions among the citizens. "

"As soon as the news of this legendary diamond spread, it was coveted by many thieves, including Kaitou Kidd, who became famous this year. According to Kaitou Kidd's notice, he will be there at 7:51 tonight Fen shows up and steals the 'Hope Blue Diamond'."

"Including the first crime that was treated as a prank, this is already the fifth theft by Kaitou Kidd."

"It may not sound like many times, but every time he commits a crime, he is extremely high-profile and bold. Not only does he proactively issue warnings before committing a crime, but he also treats theft as his own personal performance, and even performs magic tricks unscrupulously among ordinary people, and confuses the police. Play with the palm of your hand."

"There are rumors that in addition to Kaito Kidd, there is also a legendary thief who wants to steal the 'Hope Blue Diamond'. Faced with such a severe challenge, can the Offee Jewelry Exhibition Hall protect this diamond? Let us wait and see. "

At the entrance of the Offee Jewelry Exhibition Hall, Dean walked inside while watching the news broadcast on his mobile phone.

After taking a few steps, he felt someone behind him tap his shoulder.

Looking back, he saw Dick staring at him with a serious face.

"What's the matter, Dick?"

Dean asked with a raised brow.

"I'm going to tell you a secret."

Dick glanced left and right and whispered to Dean seriously.

"Actually...I am Robin!"

"What did you say?!"

Dean was shocked when he heard this and froze on the spot, thousands of thoughts passing through his mind like lightning.

Why did this guy reveal his identity for no apparent reason? What does he want to do?

Could it be to test my reaction?

but why? Did I do anything strange?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw Dean's suddenly stunned expression, Dick burst into laughter.

"Happy April Fool's Day! Are you scared by me? Hahahahaha..."

Looking at the triumphant Dick, the corners of Dean's mouth twitched crazily.

"Haha~ Just give it back to Robin? Then I still say that I am Kaitou Kidd."

Dean glanced at Dick with disgust.

"Ha, I won't be fooled like this. If you want to tease me, you have to think of a better way to say it."

Dick smiled confidently.

"Okay, the prank session is over. Are you here just to prank me?"

Dean said helplessly.

"Of course not. I'm here to tell you that something happened over there in the 'Hope Blue Diamond' exhibition hall."

"What happened? Someone stole it?"

Dean narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Fortunately, not yet. The specific situation will be discussed in the exhibition hall. They are still arguing inside."

Dick pointed to the corridor behind with his thumb, asking Dean to follow him quickly.

Without further ado, the two of them immediately rushed to the 'Hope Blue Diamond' independent exhibition hall.

"I still can't understand why an extra container is added so that no one can see the details of the diamond. What is the point of the exhibition? Director Aoife?"

Before he entered, Dean heard a questioning voice coming from inside, which sounded like Kylena's voice.

"Add a container?"

Dean walked into the exhibition hall with doubts and found Curator Aoife, Bisca and Kylena inside.

Kylena was confronting Director Ao Fei with an angry look on her face, and Bisca was sandwiched between the two of them, with a look of helplessness on her face.

Dean immediately focused his attention on the ice cube in the center of the exhibition hall. The shape and size were not much different from yesterday, and the diamonds were still inside.

The biggest difference is that today's 'Hope Blue Diamond' in the ice is not directly frozen in, but sealed in a bluish transparent box and then frozen.

There are also strange symbols vaguely painted on this box.

This must be the "container" that Kylena just mentioned.

"I don't want to add additional containers, Miss Kylena, but you should have heard about what happened late last night, so I have to do this."

Facing Kylena's question, Director Ao Fei looked embarrassed.

"I will never let my employees suffer bad luck again!"

"It was just an accident! You don't really believe in the legend of the Doomed Diamond, do you? Although I work for the Smithsonian Museum, I still have to say that it is a complete marketing scam!"

Kylena argued rationally.

"And even if there is really a curse on diamonds, why do you think that something that is no different from a plastic box is useful? Just because it has symbols painted on it that no one can understand?"

"What happened late last night?"

Dean turned to Dick and asked.

"Someone died in a car accident. The employee who was responsible for freezing the diamonds into the ice yesterday."

As soon as he talked about this, Dick's face became serious.

Although the temperature in the exhibition hall is very low, it is still above the melting point of ice, so even an ice cube more than three meters high cannot melt all day long.

The exhibition is open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. During the thirteen hours of the exhibition, it is necessary to ensure that the ice that seals the 'Hope Blue Diamond' can always play a protective role.

Therefore, the exhibition hall is equipped with specialized staff to handle ice cubes. After closing at about 8 pm, the refrigerator is turned off to allow the ice cubes to melt naturally, the diamonds are taken out, and then it takes a whole night to refreeze new ice cubes. .

However, yesterday the employee was killed in a traffic accident on his way home from get off work after defrosting the ice and removing the diamonds.

Because there is nothing surprising in the accidental death in a car accident. Unexpected events happen in the sky.

But there is a crucial factor here, and that is the 'Hope Blue Diamond' - the notorious diamond of doom!

The employee died accidentally after coming into contact with the 'Hope Blue Diamond'. Combined with the terrifying legends about the 'Hope Blue Diamond', the staff in the exhibition hall naturally concluded that he died of a strange bad luck curse.

Ever since, Curator Aoife got a small box from nowhere and put the 'Hope Blue Diamond' in it, claiming that it could protect others from bad luck.

I don’t know if the box is so magical. Anyway, Director Ao Fei firmly believes that it is useful, and his confidence has infected all the employees, making them no longer panic.

However, Kylena, who had carefully designed everything in the exhibition hall, did not think so. Whether it was safety or practicality, she felt that no changes were needed in the exhibition hall.

In particular, Curator Aoife's small box is slightly blue. Although it is transparent, it will still affect the appearance of the diamond when viewed outside the ice. After all, the color of the diamond will be darker when viewed this way.

A knowledgeable person may even misunderstand that the diamonds inside are fake.

Kylena thinks this is unnecessary and goes against the original intention of the exhibition 'Blue Diamond of Hope'.

So the two started arguing.

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