"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, just become a saint." Teifang murmured.

Now his immortal system has reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Coupled with the existence of Hongmeng Purple Qi, one only needs to find the opportunity to become a saint to become a prehistoric saint.

But is there any opportunity in today's prehistoric times that can make the emperor a saint?

Basically no.

This is also one of the problems that the Empire is encountering now.

Similarly, if it is Shinto, all it takes is faith. If combined with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, the emperor can use the power of the Hongmeng Purple Qi to condense the kingdom of gods and become a saint.

In short, let’s look at opportunities and see which path the opportunity comes first.

Emperor Fang stayed in Hengyu Tower for hundreds of billions of years, and only left Hengyu Tower after thoroughly stabilizing his cultivation.

Only one year has passed in the prehistoric world.

Di Fang slowly exhaled a breath.

From now on, he is also one of the top people in the ancient world under the saints. It is not an exaggeration to even call him the first person under the saints.

Di Fang returned to the mountain behind Nuwa Temple and opened a chat group.

[Big Brother’s Fan Girl Liu Feiye: If you ask me, wouldn’t it be nice to just kill the elders of Konoha and replace them? 】

[Yingzheng: 6. 】

[Zhu Wuwu: Sure enough, there is only a wrong name, not a wrong nickname. Dog-headed military advisor, it really suits you, group leader. 】

[Big Brother’s Fan Girl Liu Feiye: What if that’s not the case? What's the point of dragging it on like this for Naruto and Sasuke? It's better to take action directly and avoid trouble. 】

[Nangong Bushe: I think so. There seems to be nothing wrong with the group leader’s words, and hasn’t the time-travel function been enabled in the chat group now? If it doesn't work, just give up, understand? 】

[Hokage Sasuke: If only it were that simple. People in my world are different from what you think. Those people with cerebral palsy can really die for their ideals. When the time comes, they will master a Konoha without people. What's the point of me sitting in this position? 】

[Hokage Sasuke: Just wait, I'm still researching things anyway, just let them go. 】

[Teifa: It seems very lively, count me in? 】

[Red Eyes: Lord God! ! 】

[Teigata: Hello, Chitong. 】


[Ding: The chat group has been upgraded to LV5! ! New features are enabled: red envelopes, and the lottery is open: the ultimate lottery pool, the supreme lottery pool! ! Members are asked to explore on their own. 】

[Ding: The richest man in Marvel has joined the chat group, the richest man in DC has joined the chat group, and the God of War has joined the chat group! 】

[Big Brother’s Fan Girl Liu Feiye: Okay, the red envelope function has finally been opened. Wouldn’t the God Lord give me a red envelope? 】

Di Fang looked at Liu Feiye's words and smiled.

[Teifang: I will talk about the red envelope later. Now that a new member has joined the group, I will not introduce you as the group leader. 】

[Big brother fangirl Liu Feiye: @Marvel's richest man, DC's richest man, biochemical war god, welcome to join the group, this group is a chat group for all heavens, don't doubt, believe first, then question, if you join the group, the communication group has already Having said that, I won’t go back any further, so first change your group nickname, preferably to your real name. 】

[Tony: Well, although I don’t really want to believe it, I have to say that this method really surprised me. I am very interested in this technology, so I will give you a price. 】

[Ding: The group owner uploaded a copy of the memory: Iron Man! ! 】

[Big Brother’s Fan Girl Liu Feiye: @Tony, a copy of your memory has been uploaded. Let’s take a look and see if it’s true. 】

In the Marvel world, Tony was wearing a custom-made suit, looking at the memory copy with a hint of surprise in his eyes. As if he were just watching, a large number of future memories poured into Tony's mind.

"Oh, Shet!!!" Tony's hand shook, and the red wine in his hand spilled all over himself. He didn't think that the current technology was so advanced.

Does that mean it's true?

[Alice: Is this true? 】

[Big Brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye: It’s true, I’ll upload a copy of your memory. 】

[Ding: The group leader uploaded a copy of the memory: Resident Evil! ! 】

[Bujimako: The world of newcomers is similar to the crisis that broke out in my world. 】

The Busushima members who had finished reading the copy of Resident Evil Memories couldn't help but say something in the group.

[Big Brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye: There are many similar worlds in the world. Take Tony’s Marvel world as an example. I still don’t know which Marvel world his world is. Don’t worry about it. . 】

[Big brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye: @DC’s richest man, isn’t grandpa coming out yet? Don't be so cautious, Bruce, Wayne, Gotham's Batman, eh, Superman! ! ! 】

[Bruce Wayne: So this is all true. After looking at the memory copies in the group, we are all characters living in movies or animations? 】

[Big Brother’s Fan Girl Liu Feiye: No, no, no, it’s reasonable that you are all real. In other worlds, you may be characters in movies or animations, but in your own world, you are real. There is no need to worry about these things. 】

[Tony: Okay, I take back what I said before. It seems like this is really an incredible place. 】

[Big Brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye: Tony, I still like your unruly look just now. 】

[Ding: The group leader uploaded a copy of the memory, the Dark Knight! ! ! ! ! 】

[Big Brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye: Bruce, this is a copy of your memory. 】

[Ying Zheng: So all the newcomers this time come from the technological world like the group leader? 】

[Big boss fan girl Liu Feiye: The world of technology? That's right. In short, this kind of thing is not a strange world. People who are attracted by communication groups are always random people who don't know what world they will be in next time. 】

[Eifang: Newcomers are welcome to join the group. 】

[Ding: Group member Difang has sent a group red envelope, go and grab it! ! 】

[Big Boss Fan Girl Liu Feiye: 1000 points! ! ! The Lord of God is majestic. 】

[Eifang:? 】

[Yingzheng: 2000 points? 】

[Chitong: I grabbed 6000 points. 】

[Hokage Sasuke: Chitong's luck is so good, I only have 3000 points. 】

[Xiongba: Why am I only five hundred? 】

[Yue Buqun:? two hundred? 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Amitabha, the veteran has finally grabbed a thousand points. 】

[Nangong Bushe: Twenty thousand points. 】

[Bai Yuekui: I also have 26,000 points. 】

[Big brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye:? 】

[Tony:? Impossible, everything is fake, how can there be so many points. 】

[Big Brother fan girl Liu Feiye: Tony, how many points did you steal? 】

[Bruce Wayne: He stole two points. 】

[Big brother’s fan girl Liu Feiye:...]


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