Douluo: Charm is incredible, Zhu Zhuqing falls at the beginning

Chapter 8 This kiss, some people are sweet, some people cry!


Ning Rongrong took out some candies and said, "These are candies only available in our Qibao Glazed Sect. Try them and promise one to Xiao Ji."

The little devil on Cheng Huan's shoulder lit up and looked delicious.

"Thank you."

Cheng Huan reached out to pick it up.

Ning Rongrong accidentally touched Ning Rongrong's hand. Ning Rongrong seemed to be electrocuted instantly, feeling numb and comfortable.

"You touched Ning Rongrong's little hand, and she felt happy +16."

This hand is really good!

Cheng Huan calmly took a candy and gave it to Xiao Jixu.

"Little Jixu got your candy, his body and mind are happy, he is happy +22."

One more thing.

But usually only once, Cheng Huan did not continue to try.

At this time, Ning Rongrong handed Cheng Huan another candy.

Cheng Huan deliberately touched Ning Rongrong's hand this time.

"Ning Rongrong's little hand was touched by you one after another, and she went numb. She felt happy +66."

Can you keep touching and generating pleasure points?

Is it because Ning Rongrong has a special constitution, or are the two of them really susceptible to electric shock?

I just met Ning Rongrong today, and I feel happy every time I meet her.


Suddenly, Cheng Huan felt a little disgusted with Xiao Jixu. The way this little guy could trigger the pleasure point was only once a day. It could be refreshed the next day and could not be repeated every day.

Look, Ning Rongrong is so good. It happens every time you touch it, and you can also feel happy when you hear sweet words.

This is a happy point making machine!

Cheng Huan decided that he must take down Ning Rongrong, not for lust, but for justice, bah, for pleasure!

Ning Rongrong also noticed that Cheng Huan felt strange every time he met her, and it felt good.

This made her feel more and more that she fell in love with Cheng Huan at first sight.

"It tastes pretty good."

Ning Rongrong asked with a smile when she saw Cheng Huan eating the candy.

"This is the best candy I have ever eaten. It has a wonderful feeling. It is indeed something unique to the Qibao Glazed Sect. It is amazing." Cheng Huan said seriously.

Ning Rongrong blushed.

"Ning Rongrong has received your praise, she is happy +33."

Okay, okay!

Cheng Huan felt happy.

"Xiao Jixu and I like it very much." Cheng Huan said with a serious look on his face: "Can I still try it? I'm afraid I won't have a chance in the future."

Xiao Ji Xu said that he really likes to eat.


Ning Rongrong took out a few more candies, but instead of giving them to Cheng Huan all at once, she subconsciously gave them one at a time.

What is expected in my heart.

Her expectations were met by Cheng Huan.

"When you touch Ning Rongrong's hand again, she feels happy, joy +99."

"Ning Rongrong's hand was touched by you again. You are such a touch monster. Her happiness +166."

Let me go, this is constantly adding up!


"Thank you, Rongrong." Cheng Huan sincerely thanked her for the pleasure she provided.

Ning Rongrong's heart trembled, she actually called me "Rongrong".

"Ning Rongrong heard you call her Rongrong, she was excited, joy +199."

Depend on!

Cheng Huan was also excited. It seemed that he had brought more than 500 points of pleasure from Ning Rongrong in this short period of time.

Ning Rongrong is a lucky star!

Cheng Huan looked at Ning Rongrong, who was blushing and in a daze, and said, "Rongrong, you must be tired after walking with me for so long. Why don't we sit over there?"

Called Rongrong again! So happy!

Ning Rongrong felt that she was about to fall in love.

"Ning Rongrong was critically hit by your "Rongrong" again, her happiness +233."

Cheng Huan was very happy. He wanted to decide on Ning Rongrong, and no one could try to snatch it away!

When Ning Rongrong came back to her senses, she responded shyly: "Well, come over and sit down."

The two of them came to sit by a small pool nearby.

"These are for you too."

Ning Rongrong hurriedly handed the remaining three candies to Cheng Huan.

"Ning Rongrong touched your hand, happiness +55 points."

This method is also possible!

The joyful body is indeed extraordinary.

However, Cheng Huan wanted to take over the candies one by one, but they had already been stuffed and it was impossible to return them.

Cheng Huan could only use sweet words: "Rongrong, you are like this candy, not only beautiful, but also very sweet."

"Yes." Ning Rongrong was shy and had nowhere to put her nervous hands.

"Because of your praise, Ning Rongrong is happy, happy +166."

Doesn't Cheng Huan know what Ning Rongrong's reaction means? Although he has self-awareness, he knows that this situation is mainly the function of the pleasure body.

But that doesn't stop Cheng Huan from taking advantage of it.

Cheng Huan suddenly grabbed Ning Rongrong's hand and said sincerely: "Rongrong, you are so beautiful, kind and cute. I started to like you from the first time I saw you."

Ning Rongrong was surprised and a little overwhelmed by the sudden confession.

"Your hands, your sweet words, and your confessions, how can Ning Rongrong be so much better? Happiness +666."

I lost so many!

Cheng Huan was overjoyed.

Ning Rongrong somehow managed not to break free from Cheng Huan's hand, and looked at Cheng Huan with affection in her eyes: "Are you telling the truth?"

Cheng Huan looked very serious and sincere: "Of course. If you go against your will, you will die."

Anyway, I've already died once, and I'm not lying, I really like it.

Be happy!

Well, beauty comes second!

"Ning Rongrong is moved by you, joy +188."

As expected of a lucky star, I can’t get enough of this joy!

Ning Rongrong said shyly: "Actually, when we first met, I seemed to have fallen in love with you at first sight."

I don’t know where the courage came from, so I just said it, and it didn’t matter whether the time of knowing him was too short.

"Ning Rongrong confesses her love to you, she is happy +88."

The reverse operation works great!

Cheng Huan held Ning Rongrong's hands tightly and said sincerely: "It turns out that we are attracted to each other and are destined.

Rongrong, you are the first girl I have fallen in love with in this world.

I hope I can hold your hand, grow old with you, and never be separated..."

A burst of sweet words made Ning Rongrong feel dizzy.

"Your clasped hands and sweet words penetrated deeply into Ning Rongrong's heart, making her happy +888."

Seeing this, Cheng Huan seized the opportunity and took advantage of it. He embraced Ning Rongrong and kissed her directly.

"Hmm~" Ning Rongrong's eyes widened, her body stiffened instantly, her heartbeat seemed to stop, and her thinking stopped for a moment.

By the time she reacted, she was already cooperating with Cheng Huan and enjoying it.

Although I feel like this seems too fast, my body just doesn't want to resist.

He even hugged Cheng Huan tightly unconsciously.

It turns out that kissing is such a wonderful thing! Ning Rongrong felt so sweet.

A kiss, I don’t know how long it took.

Anyway, Oscar, who was hiding in the dark, was already ashen-faced, but he didn't dare to rush out and interrupt. It would only be him who would be embarrassed. How would he face Ning Rongrong in the future?

Might as well pretend not to know.

Damn Cheng Huan! Oscar cursed in his mind.

"Rongrong, how could you do this? You and he have only known each other for less than half a day!"

Oscar was heartbroken: "What love at first sight! I fell in love with you at first sight, but why do you like not me, but a stranger you just met!"

The sad man shed sad tears.

The happy man hugged the beauty and didn’t let go!

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