After handing the half-dead Millennium Silver Emperor Sky Falcon to Shui Bing'er, Shen Hanyu quickly returned to the huge cave along the original path.

The Blizzard Spider King, who had lost all consciousness, was hanging like a dead corpse on the spider king he had woven. There were also many corpses of small spiders that had been cleaned up by Shen Hanyu scattered around.

Most of these little spiders have a hundred years of cultivation, and even those with a thousand years of cultivation are very rare, so Shen Hanyu will naturally have no trouble cleaning them up.

He stabbed the Blizzard Spider King to death with a casual shot, and the black soul rings on the opponent slowly condensed.

Shen Hanyu's eyes became darker, and a blue-purple light flashed on his right leg, and a terrifying suction force was released from it. A medium-sized black vortex also appeared in front of Shen Hanyu, which was constantly pulling the Blizzard Spider. The energy and blood from Wang's corpse poured into Shen Hanyu's body.

Born out of the right leg bone of the 100,000-year-old fallen kraken, one of the two 100,000-year-old soul bone skills called the Kraken Abyss allows Shen Hanyu to absorb the life energy of other organisms within a certain period of time to replenish himself.

Of course, this other living thing includes living things.

The scales of the fallen siren had the effect of absorbing some energy attacks. Unexpectedly, the soul bone produced by it also perfectly inherited this ability, which surprised Shen Hanyu.

With the continuous influx of energy, Shen Hanyu felt his slowly rising cultivation level, and couldn't help but let out a comfortable groan, and murmured in a low voice:

"No wonder so many soul masters are willing to fall into the embrace of darkness and evil. This feeling is really ecstasy..."

Tian Meng sighed and said:

"Although this soul skill is indeed biased towards the so-called evil soul masters of you humans, it can still make you stronger quickly. Sometimes you can't judge right and wrong, Han Yu..."

"Okay, don't worry about me. What if I become an evil soul master? Good and evil are all in my mind. If I say I am righteous, then I am righteous. If I fall into darkness, it will be the purest darkness. .”

Shen Hanyu was silent for a moment and said softly.

Tianmeng snorted and silently crawled back into the sea of ​​spirit.

Seeing the dust falling from above getting bigger and bigger, Shen Hanyu couldn't help but speed up. In about half an hour, the huge corpse of the Blizzard Spider King had completely turned into a mummy. Not a trace of the energy in the body was wasted, and all of it was used by Shen Hanyu. absorbed into the body.

Shen Hanyu's cultivation level instantly increased from level sixty-six to peak level sixty-seven. Shen Hanyu licked his dry lips with unfinished thoughts, and there was an inexplicable bloodthirsty desire in his heart. If he could do it a little more, he might be able to do it today. You can break through the Soul Saint...


Shen Hanyu shook his head violently to get rid of the strange thoughts in his mind. He held the cold sky gun and stared at the cave ceiling above, waiting silently.

As several sharp screams came, a huge silver claw clawed hard at the rock above. Countless rays of light shot down from the top, and the huge body suddenly fell on the gap, scarlet His eyes scanned every corner below like poisonous arrows.

The huge claws of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon were covered with wounds, and blood was flowing like a waterfall, but it still did not stop its speed at all. The pain even made it more crazy and bloodthirsty. Now its purpose is no longer simply to save its own child. and kill all life below in order to appease its anger.

Chen Hanyu sneered. He admired the other party's deep maternal love, but this could not be the reason for him to let the other party leave in vain. Everything was destined. If it died here today, it was a fate that had been determined long ago. No one could escape it!

Things like the Virgin Mary and mercy are often a kind of sadness in the fantasy world. A person can have feelings, but he cannot let his feelings affect his correct judgment. You can give up appropriate interests for feelings, but some people can give up for interests. Appropriate feelings, this is a question of whether or not, no one is right or wrong.

As Shen Hanyu scattered a handful of feathers from the little Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon let out a sad and extremely angry cry. It waved its sharp claws wildly and soon completely cut through all the obstructions above. The cave below was completely exposed to its claws.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon jumped down with terrifying murderous intent. The space here was too small, it couldn't even take off, and its huge wings couldn't be stretched, but it still crashed through countless rocks and rushed straight towards Shen Hanyu.

Shen Hanyu jumped off the rock and kept shuttling around various positions, nimbly dodging the suicidal attacks from the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.

While dodging, Han Tian Qian found the right moment and left three or four bloody holes in the opponent's body. In the largest one, the bones and internal organs could be clearly seen inside.

The cobwebs left by the Blizzard Spider King also played a big role. The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon has a huge body. It is very difficult to even turn around in this environment. In the process of turning around, a lot of tough cobwebs are stuck on it.

These spider webs are covered with various smiling protrusions. After piercing the skin of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, the terrifying cold poison from the Blizzard Spider King covered in the spider webs is injected into the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon's body.

How could the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon notice this in its current state? The violent attack caused the blood in its body to flow dozens of times faster than usual. It won't be long before the cold poison invades its entire body, causing it to slowly... lost life…

Sure enough, as time passed slowly, Shen Hanyu was unscathed, but the speed of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon had become slower and slower, and his movements had slowly stiffened, as if he was suffering from kidney deficiency after venting his anger.

Shen Hanyu was too lazy to wait any longer. Six yellow, purple, black, and red soul rings rose up under his feet, and the sixth-ranked red soul ring lit up.

One of the two soul skills produced by the fallen sea monster that has been around for 100,000 years. This soul skill was named Wuguang by Shen Hanyu. It turns everything into darkness and makes the world lose its color.

A cold and murderous aura erupted, and a huge fallen sea monster appeared behind Shen Hanyu. A roar that seemed to come from the abyss echoed in his ears. A terrifying force condensed on the tip of the Hantian Spear. As Shen Hanyu A low cry, accompanied by the force of thunder, penetrated the body of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, and was finally nailed to the hard rock. The extreme cold caused layers of frost to slowly cling to it, and finally turned into a A beautiful yet poignant picture...

Seeing that the other party had finally lost all his vitality, Shen Hanyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. After simply adjusting his breath for a moment, he started to devour the huge Silver Emperor Sky Falcon in front of him like a cat painting a tiger.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was slightly superior to the Blizzard Spider King in terms of age and quality, and the energy contained in it was naturally extremely powerful. Shen Hanyu simply sat cross-legged in front of the corpse, slowly waiting for the absorption to finish...

ps: I got into a fight with someone, and I have to mention it here. You can’t tolerate disgusting relatives and friends. Just beat him up and he will behave. I can’t bear the grievances he shouldn’t have. Anyway, I didn’t do it first. Yes, in the end I was fine and he was completely embarrassed. You guys didn’t see the scene. It really made me laugh to death.

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