Moonlight as water.

When Song Jiu woke up, he found himself in an unfamiliar courtyard, with his hands tied and kneeling on the ground. The cold air of midnight ran down his knees and into his heart.

In front of him, a man stood with his back facing him, and his back looked somewhat familiar.

The man in black behind him said in a hoarse voice: "Lord, we have been brought here."

The man waved his hand, and Song Jiu felt his hands were released, secretly turning his sore wrist.

"Has that bastard been acting strange lately?" The man turned around and saw a familiar face in the moonlight.

It's actually the prince.

Song Jiu was slightly shocked when he heard this.

No wonder the prince would stare at him during the day. He was actually an undercover agent assigned by the prince, and his task was to monitor the fourth prince's every move.

There is no need to use a bull's knife to kill a chicken. His Highness has no power and no power. Why should the Prince go to all the trouble to deal with His Highness?

However, there was no room for him to think too much now.

Song Jiu lowered his eyelashes and replied softly: "Master, the fourth prince did not behave strangely."

"...My subordinate has initially gained the trust of the fourth prince, and I believe that I will be able to serve my master soon."

Song Jiu's mind was wandering and he was worried about the safety of His Highness, so he added a sentence to show his loyalty to the prince.

The prince was obviously very useful. He looked down at the young man kneeling on the stone slab with a smile: "You did a good job, but the fourth brother is not a good person."

The loyal minister who worked so hard to cultivate was gone, and several years of hard work were in vain. His fourth brother was really good at it.

Thinking of this, the prince looked like a devil, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Continue to gain the trust of that bitch, and when you succeed, you will be rewarded heavily."

He was just a bastard crawling out of the palace maid's belly, but he was able to cause Gu to lose his father's expectations. Gu would definitely let his fourth brother experience what it meant to live without wanting to die.

Although there was no conclusive evidence to prove who was behind the scenes, the prince relied on his intuition that had been steeped in conspiracies for many years, and he determined that his fourth brother was not a simple man, at least not as indifferent as he appeared to be.

A strong sense of crisis made him restless. Every time he saw that bastard's gentle smile, a sentence popped up in his mind: This person is his lifelong enemy.

The prince was not in the mood to continue asking, and waved his hand: "Take it back."

Song Jiu's vision went dark and he felt his body vacate. After a moment, he returned to the original room. After a moment of relaxation, he accepted his status as an undercover agent and calmed down to think about the current situation.

The man in black can come and go freely in the palace, and his skills are naturally profound. If he wants to kill His Highness, it will be easy.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on his back.

The moon was big and round, the shadows of the trees outside the window were swaying, and Song Jiu's thoughts were ups and downs. He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so he opened the door and went out to relax.

The cool breeze was very pleasant, and before he knew it, he walked to His Highness's room.

The night was already dark, and His Highness might have gone to bed long ago. For some reason, he wanted to take a look at his master, even if it was just a glimpse.

After hesitating for a while, Song Jiu raised his feet, cautiously came to the window, and looked inside.

In the palace, the man was sleeping in an upright posture. His handsome face was slightly tilted to the side, revealing most of his face. His closed phoenix eyes better showed the sharp beauty, but the moonlight added a touch of sadness to this face.

The palace is like a wild beast that eats people but never spits out their bones.

Even if you don't fight or grab, there will always be people who can't stand you and will try their best to trip you up.

The young man looked outside the window for a long time and thought a lot.

He didn't leave in a hurry until the tears in his eyes were dried by the night wind.

After Song Jiu left, the man in the palace suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, looking at the place where the young man originally stood.

Dark and unclear.


"You bastard! They are all worthless trash. The government funds for disaster relief were robbed by unworthy thieves three times."

"What does the imperial court want from you...cough...cough..."

In the Jinluan Palace, the emperor's eyes widened with anger. He coughed and sat back on the throne. He brushed away the hand supported by the eunuch. His cloudy eyes scanned the princes and ministers below one by one. His voice was old and majestic.

"Who among you is willing to escort the official silver?"

The ministers lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word, for fear of causing fire and losing their official positions.

Now that the emperor is angry, if he takes the initiative to ask for this job, he will definitely make the dragon happy. If you are lucky, rising to prominence will not be a problem.

However, the task of escorting Guan Yin is not that simple.

There was no rain in Yi County for ten consecutive months, and the people did not harvest grain. Drought and famine caused corpses to litter the fields. In order to stabilize the people's hearts, the emperor sent officials three times to transport relief funds to the officials.

However, the water in Yi County is very deep.

Robbers are rampant and gangsters are rampant, Jianghu forces are complicated, coupled with natural disasters, the local government has completely lost control, and Yi County is like a tiger's den and a dragon's pond.

Only incoming, not out.

The first three escorting officials were all killed by random swords, and no one in the escorting team survived. This hot potato was avoided by the officials, so how could they dare to take the initiative to take the responsibility of escorting the official silver.

waste! A bunch of trash!

The emperor coughed even more violently. He quickly took the pills handed over by the eunuch, calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "This escort is indeed dangerous. I will send an additional hundred experts to escort."

As he spoke, his eyes frequently fell on the prince, but unfortunately the prince kept his head lowered and could not notice it.

Helpless, the emperor had no choice but to say: "Do you have any recommendations for the prince?"

The prince was born to the empress and the eldest son of the emperor. He had been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child, enjoying all the glory and wealth. The emperor's preference for the prince was known throughout the court.

The ministers are all good at observing words and expressions, so there is nothing they don't understand at the moment. The emperor's move is simply to take this opportunity to win over the people for the prince and establish a good reputation among the people, so that he can smoothly ascend to the throne in the future.

With such good intentions, the prince failed to catch it. When he heard that the officials who had escorted him were all dead, he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and quickly put on a look of hesitation.

"Nayi County has long been a place of chaos, and only a wise man can go there. There is no good candidate for the child at the moment."

The emperor's face darkened. He knew that his son was no better than his father. The emperor could clearly see the prince's little thoughts.

A person who is greedy for life and afraid of death is not a qualified heir.

The emperor retired from the court with a sullen face. The drought in Yijun was always on his mind. He quickly summoned Xu Shangshu to the palace in the middle of the night to discuss countermeasures.

Xu Shangshu was a founding official who followed the emperor and was the oldest in the court. The emperor regarded him as a confidant, so he was naturally exempted from the ceremony of kneeling.

Therefore, when Xu Shangshu entered the palace and bowed his hands, he put forward his own opinions.

"The affairs of Yijun are related to the country. There is unrest on one side and turmoil on all sides. If the relief officials and bankers are not sent out for a long time, I am afraid that the people will have resentment and even turn their backs. According to my opinion, the most urgent task is to find out from the royal family. One person takes over this important task.”

The emperor pondered: "Is there anyone you can choose for your beloved?"

Xu Shangshu was already sixty years old and his body was getting older. He rested for a few moments to catch his breath and said, "Your Highness, the Fourth Prince, does your Majesty still remember?"

The fourth prince?

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it for a moment, he realized that there was indeed such a child in his memory. He vaguely remembered that this child was talented, had superb chess skills, and was very lovable.

However, later it lost its luster and became mediocre.

I don't know what happened to the child now, but a flash of guilt flashed in the emperor's heart.

Xu Shangshu caught the fluctuations in the emperor's mood and explained calmly.

"The fourth prince carries the blood of the royal family and represents the emperor. If Guanyin is escorted to Yi County, it will definitely have the effect of shocking people's hearts. The entrenched Jianghu forces will not dare to act rashly. Secondly, it will also appease the turbulent people's hearts. , come three times, let the whole country know that the emperor cares about the people, his kindness is great, and his blessings are in all directions."

"If it succeeds, that would be the best. If it fails, the emperor can take advantage of the situation and mobilize the army on the pretext of murdering the prince to eradicate the evil-doing Jianghu forces. The blessed land of Yi County will be completely under the jurisdiction of the imperial court."

He is worthy of being a veteran official who has been involved in official circles. The strategies he proposed are completely beneficial and harmless, which makes people admire him.

The emperor pondered, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the seat. On the one hand, he felt a trace of guilt that he had just awakened, and on the other hand, it was a good opportunity to remove the cancer, so he was inevitably a little hesitant.

However, this was the home of the ruthless emperor after all. In just a few moments, the emperor had a plan in mind and was about to speak when the high eunuch's high-pitched voice came from outside the door.

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