Pokémon: I am Xiaozhi

Chapter 11 The mischievous Squirtle Legion

As Xiaozhi and his party continued to move forward, they could see Pikachu, Pidgeot, and Butterfly early in the morning. Bulbasaur and Charmander were training. The other elves had returned to Dr. Oak's research institute. For the newly joined Xiaozhi, Charmander, Xiaozhi knows that when Charmander pursues great power, he trains the most.

Just when Xiaozhi and others were happy to find the way, they fell into a big hole with a "bang". The waveguide is used to sense others, not to clear mines. Traps and other traps cannot be found. "Hate, what is this?" Xiaoxia said without complaining as soon as she fell into the hole.

"My waist was hit," Xiaogang said while supporting his waist.

"Master, let me go up and have a look." Fortunately, the trap was not deep, and Pikachu climbed up in two or three attempts.

"Who did it?" At this time, Xiaoxia and the others also climbed out. "Boy, you can actually climb up." When they came out, they heard Pikachu confronting six Squirtles wearing sunglasses. One of them was wearing the glasses of a delinquent, and he knew he was their boss at a glance.

"How dare you dig a trap to trap us? I can't spare you. Master, I want to teach them a lesson."

"It turns out it was you who did the good deeds. I won't spare you," Xiaogang said at this time. Just then there was a police siren, and the Squirtles all ran away as if they had encountered their nemesis. "Are you guys injured?" Miss Junsha rushed over and asked Xiaozhi and his group who had just climbed up.

"Ah Miss Junsha, Xiaosheng's name is Xiaogang. Xiaosheng is fine. Xiaosheng is very strong." Xiaogang recovered immediately when he saw Miss Junsha and ran to Miss Junsha to show her courtesy.

"Okay, Miss Junsha is very busy, please don't disturb her." But then Xiaoxia and Sheng appeared and dragged Xiaogang away. Originally they were dragged away by one person, but now they are dragged away by two. Xiaogang observed a moment of silence.

"It's okay, but what's going on with those Pokémon?" Xiaozhi asked knowingly.

"Those Squirtles just now are called the Squirtle Group. They are all Pokémon abandoned by their owners. They play mischief everywhere and make people in the town feel very troubled." Miss Junsha replied after hearing Xiaozhi's question.

"It turns out it's another abandoned Pokémon," Xiaogang came over and said after recovering.

"These trainers are too much. I really don't know how their brains grow," Xiaoxia and Sundae said angrily.

"Would you like to come and sit at the police station? I just want to ask some questions about Squirtle." Miss Junsha enthusiastically invited Xiaozhi and the others.

"No, it will hinder your work." Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Sundae wanted to resign from this invitation. Who has nothing to do and go to the police station? Why don't you think Xiaogang became a traitor?

"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Sundae, let's go help Miss Junsha solve her problem." After saying that, he dragged Xiaozhi into the police car first.

Xiaozhi jumped out of the police car and immediately stood a few meters away from Xiaogang. "Xiaogang, Sundae, you go first. I think Squirtle is good. I want to conquer them. Xiaoxia wants to become a water master, and Squirtle is a good choice." After finishing pulling Xiaoxia, she turned around and ran away. The nymphomaniac Xiaogang and the innocent Sundae were left behind to go to the police station. Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, you two are the traitors, right?

"Where are they?" "Master, I didn't see them." When Xiaozhi and Pikachu were looking for the Squirtle Legion, Xiaoxia had questions to ask Xiaozhi, and suddenly heard an explosion and hurried over.

I saw the trio of Team Rocket throwing bombs on the hot air balloon to blow up the Squirtle Legion, causing the Squirtles to flee in all directions. "Stop it, Team Rocket." Ash ran over to stop them.

"From now on, I'll replace it with an exclamation", a classic line from the Rockets.

"Little devil and little girl, don't worry about this. These guys stole our lunch. It was the food we washed after working all day long. They stole it all. I will never let it go. Their" said Team Rocket hugging each other in pain.

"You have bombs, why don't you sell them and buy food?" Xiaozhi thought that he had so much money to buy bombs, but no money to buy food.

"What do you know? This is what we prepared to capture Pikachu. Pikachu happened to be here, so we caught it too." After saying that, Team Rocket threw a bomb towards Xiaozhi.

"It's not that easy to catch my Pikachu. Let's go to Pidgeot. Bad Butterfly uses double violent storm wind." Pidgeot Bird and Bad Butterfly blew the bomb aside. "Bibi Bird Shadow Clone Swallow Returns" Many Bibi Birds rushed over.

"Since we can't tell which one is real, let's attack together." After saying that, he threw the bombs out like rain. All Bibi Bird's clones were hit, but the main body was fine and was trying to dodge. Team Rocket's The bomb couldn't touch it at all. "Ba Dahu used the destructive death ray on the balloon." Finally, Team Rocket's balloon was hit by the destructive death ray.

"Ah, it feels so disgusting." Team Rocket also flew away with the balloon.

Although Team Rocket was successfully repelled, the bombs thrown by Team Rocket set the surrounding forest on fire.

"Oops, the fire is getting bigger and bigger. If it continues like this, the fire will spread to the town." Xiaozhi also discovered the seriousness of the problem.

"In this case Squirtle, please put out all the fires and don't let more Pokémon get hurt." Ash asked the Squirtle Legion to put out the fire.

"We'll put out the fire right away," Squirtle's boss yelled in agreement, and then called his brothers over.

"Okay, use the water gun" Xiaozhi ordered Squirtle, and then the Squirtles began to use the water gun trick to put out the fire.

Fortunately, the fire was not big and was put out quickly. Miss Junsha and Xiaogang also rushed over after seeing the fire. Xiaozhi explained the incident to Miss Junsha and suggested that these Squirtles be firefighters. .

"Team Squirtle, thanks to your unity and cooperation, our town was saved from the forest fires. To thank you, I would like to send you a letter of thanks and appoint you as the local fire brigade." The fire was finally put out. , and the Squirtle Team was also appointed as the fire brigade by Miss Junsha.

"Xiao Zhi, Xiao Xia, they have been following us." After bidding farewell to Miss Junsha, Xiao Zhi and his group continued to move towards Dead Leaf City. At this time, Xiao Gang looked at the two Squirtles behind him facing the side. The two people said.

"Why don't you go together, Squirtle? Only by becoming stronger together can you protect your brother." Xiaozhi knew what they were thinking and turned to the boss Squirtle.

"I will work hard to become stronger and help you, master." The boss of Squirtle nodded, said goodbye to his brother, and set off with Xiaozhi, while Xiaoxia also subdued the youngest Squirtle.

End of this chapter

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