One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 149 Entering the battlefield


Having lived to this age, He Zhong will have a deep understanding of one thing.

That means anything can happen.

When there was no Shichibukai system, who would have thought that one day pirates would be legalized and recognized by the world government. When the news of Roger's arrival at Ravdru spread throughout the world, who would have thought that the pirate king would become the next one? Take the initiative to surrender to the world government, and then die in the place where you were born and raised.

There was also the original Rocks, who was so powerful that he was even more powerful on the sea than the current Yonko. However, he declined so quickly in the end.

Therefore, faced with Taotu's question, General He hesitated for a while but still did not give a definite answer.

"By the way, I want to take a look at the battlefield over there."

Seeing that Lieutenant General He was silent for a long time, Taotu suddenly said.

The battlefield she was talking about was naturally the place where Kizaru and Dolag fought. At this time, the heavy rain had weakened a lot and had weakened to the level of ordinary heavy rain. Since there was a chance, Taotu naturally wanted to take a look.

"It's up to you, don't mess around..."

Lieutenant General He agreed happily.

"I know"

Taotu quickly ran out of the room and came to the deck, asking someone to prepare a small lifeboat for him.

With her strength, although the waves are still very big, a small boat is enough to travel between Whiskey Peak and Twin Capes.

Kizaru sat on the bow of the battleship with a listless face.

The female soldiers did not dare to ask any more questions about the admiral who suddenly appeared and then sat here without leaving. They just let him stay there.

A female soldier was busy in the rain while whispering to her companions:

"Hey, don't you think this General Kizaru is a big pervert like those stinky men? Otherwise, why would he suddenly come to us? I think he was on duty at a naval base in the New World... "

"No General Kizaru this kind of person? Anyone who can become a general will definitely not be that kind of lecherous person."

Her companion didn't think so much. The quiet-looking female soldier wiped the rainwater that blurred her eyes, and then continued to untie the thick rope that fixed the lifeboat.

However, the woman who was the first to gossip was unwilling to end the topic. The strong female soldier, whose arms were thicker than an ordinary man's thighs and whose chest was hard enough to break boulders, retorted:

"You know people, they know faces, but you don't know their hearts. Do you know that there is a rear admiral in the Navy Headquarters? He seems to be called a tea dolphin. He is a big pervert. It is said that his ideas have been set on our rear admiral Peach Rabbit. And I heard that his appearance is not very good. Sample"

The burly, bear-like female naval officer kept chattering, but her movements were not slow and she quickly put the small boat into the sea.

Relying on the outer wall of the towering naval battleship, a small boat is like a leaf. The waves are bumping up and down, and it looks like it is in danger of capsizing at all times.

Taotu turned a deaf ear to the whispers of her companions. In fact, if she didn't have something to do, she might have joined in. She also said contemptuously that the Cha Dou guy had confessed to her more than once, but she rejected them all. As for the reason...

Naturally, it's a pity because of this person's appearance.


Anyway, Lieutenant General He doesn't prohibit this kind of thing. As long as it doesn't delay normal affairs, he will let it go. After all, this is part of a woman's nature.

Stepping onto the side of the ship and taking a step forward, Peach Rabbit was like a leaf falling off a branch, falling lightly on the small lifeboat.

The constant bumping of the waves did not cause her any discomfort.

As a navy, one of the most important qualities must be water quality and understanding of the sea. It is impossible for Peach Rabbit not to be familiar with the sea, and driving a small boat is also her special skill.

I saw her unsheathing the Jinpilao from her waist and slamming it onto the sea at the stern of the ship.

The bursting water seemed to give the little lifeboat great power. It flew out against the sea like an arrow on the string.

As she faced her, waves several meters high were split open by her, breaking into pieces of foam and water spray, and disappearing into the vast sea.

"Wow, look at Major General Peach Rabbit, he's so handsome."

The quiet-looking female soldier ignored the rain and opened her eyes wide as she spoke while looking at the burly and strong female soldier beside her, as if seeking the same opinion.

"Of course Major General Peach Rabbit's strength..."

Halfway through, she got stuck.

She really didn't know what level Taotu's strength could reach in the navy.

Finally she answered:

"At least not weaker than the Lieutenant General"

She was indeed right. Taotu's strength had indeed reached the level of a lieutenant general, or even exceeded it by many. Within the navy, the level of lieutenant generals is also uneven. Generally, lieutenant generals can use a kind of domineering force and are the backbone of the navy. But there are still a few who are even strong enough to enter the category of general candidates. The current three generals fell into this category when they were lieutenant generals. In fact, more accurately, they should have had the strength of generals during their lieutenant general period.

The lieutenant general they were talking about was naturally the lieutenant general of the headquarters, not the kind of lieutenant general promoted casually from Sihai.

Kizaru watched Peach Rabbit driving the boat into the rough sea in ecstasy, while he was thinking about another thing:

How long do I have to hide here?

One hour

Still two hours

By the way, why don't you make yourself more embarrassed? It looks like you have gone through a hard battle, isn't it? It's better to communicate...

Thinking of this, he looked down at the tattered yellow striped suit.

It seems to be embarrassing enough...

Do you want to make some wounds?

In this way, I can have an explanation for the time I have been hiding here...

Am I injured?

What's the point of wasting a little time?


It seems like a very constructive idea, you can give it a try.

While the dignified admiral was thinking about how to deal with the upcoming accountability of the Five Old Stars, Taotu had already seen some traces of someone's fight with others.

A smell that is more fishy and salty than ordinary sea water wafts in this area.

A piece of blackened minced meat just happened to flash in front of him, and Peach Rabbit grabbed it with his hand.

The dark piece had almost completely turned into a piece of char, and it was impossible to tell what kind of creature it originally belonged to. There was also a thick layer of salt-like crust-like substance on it. She could tell that it was the kind of unprocessed sea salt-like substance crystallized by boiling sea water.

A slight whiff is enough to make you sick.

Throwing this thing away, Peach Rabbit continued to move forward.

The wind is easing and the rain is easing.

Finally, she saw the central area of ​​the battlefield.

The weather here is completely different from the outside world. It can be considered sunny. There is only a dark blue sky in the sky without a trace of clouds. And the sea surface here seems to be different. I reached out and dipped a little bit into my mouth for a taste. Sure enough...

Just a little salty...

A large amount of seawater evaporated by Kizaru turned into rain clouds and was controlled by Dolag here. A large part of the current seawater in this area has been desalted and is about to become fresh water...

But in just a day or two, this place will be the same again. Seawater containing a large amount of salt will be mixed in, and the sea salt that originally crystallized will be integrated into the sea again.

There is also the orange-red or bright orange light in the deep sea water...

That's seafloor rock that has turned into magma.

Even if it is covered by sea water, it is impossible to cool down the lava in a short time. For at least several days, people who come here can see the bright spots on the seabed.

It was the hot magma exposed after the solidified black lava on the surface broke apart.

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