One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 31 Gray’s twisted thoughts

Gray moved quickly, but Tina's reaction was not slow either.

She immediately threw the pirate held in front of her to the ground. The long sword in her hand fell, and the blade pierced the cabin deck, becoming an obstacle to prevent Gray's sweeping kick.

If Gray continued regardless, the pirate's legs might have been cut into two pieces by the sword before he even hit the ground.

Gray didn't have the ability to withstand a sword.

Secretly sighing in his heart that this little girl was quite powerful, Gray stopped his movements abruptly, and instead grabbed the unfortunate pirate in mid-air with one hand, quickly backed away, pulled him out of the cabin door, and threw him to the side.

Although Tina, who has been studying at the sword dojo in Frost Moon Village for several years, has not yet had any serious actual combat, she is so talented that she did not hesitate in taking action when facing the enemy. She saw the opportunity when Gray was busy rescuing people and retreated. Jean caught up with his sword, and the sharp blade cut through the air, pointing directly at Gray's open chest and abdomen.

The sword struck, enough to disembowel Gray.

Fortunately, Gray is not a mediocre player.

With Lucien's excellent marksmanship, Gray can become good friends with him and become brothers. The strength of Gray is by no means comparable to that of a bastard.

The silver blade was like a stream of light. When it reached Gray, he clamped the tip of the sword with two fingers of his other hand.

Tina is relatively a thirteen-year-old girl, how can she be compared to an adult like Gray in terms of strength? She is not like the four emperors, and her bloodline is different from ordinary people.

Gray used only two fingers to completely offset the power attached to the long sword.

Ask him why he uses two fingers

Gray still had the time to turn around and look at Lucien, his eyes asking him:

"How is it? Is this hand handsome?"

At this time, the unlucky pirate who was thrown out by Gray just hit his head on the wall of the ship, bounced back to the ground with a thud, and rolled several times.

Of course, Tina knew that she was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength, but she had no idea that the strength of the opponent's two fingers was so great. But just like this, it was impossible for her to give up resistance. Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, she exerted spiral force, letting the long The sword spun and broke away from Gray's control, followed by a whirlwind of random slashes. Since the strength was incomparable, let's look at the speed!

Gray felt as if a ball of silver light appeared in front of him.

In a very short period of time, Tina struck as many times as possible, and it was not completely random. Each strike did not escape Gray's vital points and was concentrated on his limbs and torso. Due to her height, she couldn't attack Gray's head, which would be more difficult.

This is her limit.

After firing her ultimate move, Tina's physical strength was almost exhausted. She leaned on the deck with her sword and gasped for air. Many beads of sweat quickly oozed from her forehead and face.

As for Gray, he is safe and sound.

This was not because he was invulnerable, but when the opponent's sword broke free from his fingers, he noticed something and took a step back. It was this step that made all Tina's sword moves fail.

She should have moved forward so that she could at least continue to push Gray back. But Tina, who couldn't control this move very well, already had a lot of effort just to use it, and she didn't have the strength to do anything else with reluctance.

Gray felt a little speechless. He was still shocked when he saw a group of sword blades erupting in front of him.

She is still a little girl after all.

"You used uncontrollable tricks from the beginning. You don't have any actual combat experience, right? Then, you won't be able to resist!"

He took two steps forward and said to Tina in a sinister tone.

In addition to regret, Tina felt a deep sense of powerlessness in her heart at this time. She staggered back while holding the sword with all her strength, thinking about what she should do next.

"I'm still too weak, yet I brazenly told my father that I would protect him in the future."

The sweat-stained hilt of the sword is in your hand, what should you do next? Try to see if you can sneak attack the opponent? Or just draw your sword and kill yourself? Various thoughts flashed through one by one, but I still couldn't make a decision.

Just when Gray took another two steps closer, as if he was going to kill him, Lucien appeared behind him and slapped him on the shoulder:

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