One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 41 Old Hank

In the gathering place for homeless people, everyone is starting a fire again, burning the collected wood and some garbage that can be used as fuel, boiling water from the mountain stream, and then putting hard whole wheat bread on the fire. While grilling, prepare to eat the only two meals a day for dinner.

Some people are responsible for fetching food from streams in the mountains. This is a dangerous job because there are wild animals in the mountains, and people are often injured or even killed. As for finding water in Duan Town and Zhongchen Street, you can only buy it with money, not for free. Although there are some water sources nearby, the problem is that these are not only stagnant water, but also polluted by garbage. The problem cannot be solved by boiling it.

Those who fetched water received food, while others worked for nothing in exchange for a meager harvest in exchange for drinking water.

This is a kind of cooperation between groups, simple and not complicated at all.

Just now, after the two villains who brought them together met with a returning companion, they suddenly ran away without leaving a single word.

Many people don't care about what's going on. They numbly rummage through the garbage every day in exchange for money to buy just enough food to survive. They don't see a glimmer of hope in life. They live just to live, and they have no regard for hunger or death. Fear drives them to take action.

Old Hank is considered a somewhat prestigious person among these homeless people.

It was he who established a little bit of order in the chaotic Terminal of Uncertain Things, allowing some old people, children and women to barely persevere.

The thousands of people gathered here belong to the largest organization among the wanderers at the End of Uncertainty.

However, they are also the group most severely persecuted by so-called taxation.

There is no way around this. There are many groups organized by young people who are much more flexible than them. If you want to collect taxes and hide in the vast garbage mountain, how long will it take to find them? And many of the thousands of people gathered by Old Hank were elderly and children with limited mobility. How could they hide?

In the face of power, they can only bow their heads.

It was accompanied by some vegetables with the rotten parts removed from the garbage, and whole-wheat bread soaked in boiling water. Old Hank was already very old. Even if it was roasted on the fire, he could not chew the black-looking bread. Dark, hard bread can only be eaten after soaking for a while.

The gray-haired man looked at the vegetables in the cracked porcelain bowl, frowned and asked:

"Do the people who were injured just now have this kind of vegetable?"

When the gang members drove them to gather together, of course they would not greet them with smiles. Instead, they would point guns, punch and kick them. Naturally, some people were injured in the process, although they were not serious.

"Of course, dad, don't worry." A haggard middle-aged man next to Old Hank showed a smile: "We were lucky during the day. A batch of spoiled fruits and vegetables were dumped in the city. We grabbed some, which is enough. Let’s all have some tonight.”

"That's good"

"Dodge, do you think that's what happened to the group of wild dogs just now? Those two guys just left like this? Did they encounter any trouble?"

Wild dogs are, of course, gang members who work for the nobles and collect so-called taxes from them.

Dodge, the son of Old Hank, thought for a while and then hesitated:

"I think you may have encountered trouble when dealing with Mr. Casillas?"

They are naturally grateful for what Casillas has done in the past few days. The women and children Casillas saved before are their members.

"Yeah, it's a pity we can't help that young man."

Old Hank sighed with emotion, but what he was thinking in his heart was actually not entirely good. It is said that the young man who likes to wear black clothes is a very violent person, and his methods are very cruel. Even if he does not kill anyone, the wild dogs have paid the price of lifelong disability for many people.

Is Casillas helping them? Or does it have other purposes?

There are good people in the traditional sense in this world, but Old Hank knows that good people generally do not get rewarded, so there are very few good people.

These wanderers who have fallen here for various reasons are so lucky to meet a

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