One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 68 Results

Casillas had just taken a sip of orange juice and was about to ask Socia to peel a banana for him when he heard the phone bug ring again.

What day is it today? The phone bug that I haven’t used rang twice in a row.

Taking the hint from Casillas's eyes, Sosia picked up the receiver from the back of the phone bug with her fair and delicate hands and handed it to him.

As soon as he picked up the receiver, the phone bug opened his eyes and showed a cheerful expression:

"Boss! We are back!"

Listening to the voice and the way he spoke, Casillas recognized who was on the other side of the phone. It was Gray who had been away for more than half a month.

"Gray, is everything going well?"

"Of course! Boss, why don't you go to the sea and ask for my name, Gray! If Lucien and I go out together, there's nothing we can't do! But boss, why have you changed so much? I'm still wondering about this Why are all the buildings emptied out, and that guy Hawke isn't here either? When I asked, I found out that you, boss, are already a noble!"

"It's a long story. Where are you now?"

Casillas is quite happy. It is estimated that his goal this time has been achieved perfectly. I wonder how much sales another country can contribute to his Desert Eagle?

Several countries around the Kingdom of Goa are small countries with small populations. Although Hawke was asked to try to open up sales in these areas or find local snakes for cooperation this time, he probably doesn't have much hope in the 50,000-yuan pie. Cross out a big chunk of it.

It's been a month now, but Casillas' count here is just over five thousand.

"We are at the gate of Gao Town. These city guards are really unhappy and want to kill them all!"

Gray was standing with Lucien at this time, with no one else around him. The two people began to use the phone openly in front of the heavily guarded gate of Gao Town, causing the city guards to look at them with suspicious eyes.

The pirate's attire was too obvious, and Gray didn't know when he even printed the pirate flag on his exposed arm.

Tattoo of two black desert eagle pistol silhouettes intersecting.

Exactly the same as the one on the pirate flag.

Gray heard that Casillas was already a noble, so he ran over carelessly to enter Gao Town, but was naturally turned away by the guards. If Lucien hadn't stopped him, Gray might have started a fight at this time.

"Okay, Gray, don't make trouble." Casillas said with a smile: "I will pick you up and get you a voucher for entering and exiting Gao Town. Now wait for me to go there."

After hanging up the phone, Casillas put on black leather boots and a black trench coat under Socia's service, biting the cigarette that Socia had lit in his mouth first. Casillas was used to this kind of being treated by others. Taking care of her life like a pig, he waved his hand to indicate that she didn't have to follow him.

Coming out of the back door, Casillas strolled down the streets of the high town.

Very few people are seen on the clean and tidy roads. If the entire Gao Town's nobles share the building area of ​​Gao Town equally, each of them will probably have several hectares of land. Compared with the Central Street outside, they belong to the truly broad-minded people. Thin.

When a slave sweeping the floor on the road saw Casillas, he immediately lowered himself to the ground and did not dare to get up until he was far away.

He didn't care either.

Although it seemed to be spreading, Casillas walked very quickly, and in less than ten minutes he arrived in front of the high wall of Gaozhen and Center Street.

Seeing the young man dressed in black with a medal dedicated to the nobles hanging on his chest, the city guards saluted respectfully and stepped aside.

From a long distance, Casillas heard Gray's cry:

"Boss! Here! Here!"

Gray, who was jumping and shouting like a monkey, made Casillas want to cover his face. It was really embarrassing.

Why is it that the more I look at this guy, the more I feel like he deserves a beating?

Walking to them, Lucien, who deliberately kept a little distance from Gray, nodded, and Casillas asked:

"What do you want to eat? Why don't you go inside and try the food that nobles like?"

"Does the noble have any good beer?"

Gray had stars in his eyes.

"No, the nobles all drink red wine. At least I haven't seen beer yet, but maybe there is. I never drink, so I haven't noticed." Casillas shook his head.

"Ah?!" Gray looked very disappointed: "Nobles are so boring! What's so good about red wine! Then we'd better find a restaurant, just on Center Street."

Lucien nodded beside him in agreement.

Later, the three of them were sitting in a pub.

Gray seemed to have been here before. He greeted the bartender in a familiar manner and ordered two large barrels of dark beer, a glass of juice, and three full portions of roast lamb.

"Boss, you don't know, the owner of this tavern used to be a pirate! Later, after making enough money and having a beloved wife, he stopped working and ran here to open this tavern."

"Oh! That's really rare. Where is this boss? Is he still there now?"

Casillas was indeed a little surprised. It would be okay if it was a tavern in Duanzhen. It is indeed not easy to open a tavern on Center Street and seem to be doing well. Moreover, it is very rare for a pirate to be able to earn enough money to satisfy himself and then wash his hands of himself in a golden basin.

Gray shook his head:

"Later on, this old guy seemed to have really become a good citizen. He had nothing to do with pirates or other underground forces. As for now, he is probably still enjoying his old age at home. His son has taken over the tavern now."

"Yeah." Casillas cut off a large piece of browned and crispy lamb chops, sprinkled with spices and chili powder, stuffed it into his mouth, took another sip of orange juice, and said vaguely:

"Let's not talk about this for now. What's the result?"

Gray swallowed a big mouthful of meat, took a big sip of dark beer, and then said with a comfortable snort:

"Boss! You don't know, you are lucky this time. Cersei, who is now in power there, is called the Queen of Sex. There is a lot of chaos there! It feels like a civil war is about to break out! Maybe it's to arm itself, After seeing the power of the Desert Eagle, they ate all one thousand handfuls! And they wanted another five thousand! Each handful cost 150,000!"

Casillas couldn't help but smile:

"Six thousand at a time is really generous!"

"Hehe, boss, you don't know, this queen's mother-in-law's family is famous for its strong financial resources! Now there are rumors flying in their country, saying that the queen's son and daughter are not the blood of the king who was gored to death by a wild boar! The nobles are ready to make a move! "

"In this case, don't those big nobles who don't deal with the queen also lack weapons?" Casillas suddenly thought of this problem. If he contacted the enemies of the queen, wouldn't he be able to sell more arms? .

As soon as these words came out, Lucien took up the topic:

"I also thought about this, but being able to see Queen Cersei should be the Queen Mother now. The reason why I was able to see her was because of the Vice Captain Jack who was captured before, and those other nobles did not see us at all. Meaning, even if we come to visit them, we won’t be able to see the faces of these big shots at all.”

Casillas understood and nodded:

"Since they themselves missed the opportunity, there is no need for us to fight with a warm face and a cold butt. You guys should rest for a few days before going over there to send these five thousand Desert Eagles."

"Boss is wise!" Gray cheered. He had already devoured the last bite of the steak and shouted, "Another grilled lamb chop!"

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