One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 72 Attacked

When the chaos in the Seras Islands began, on the blue sea near the waters of the Kingdom of Goa, three merchant ships with many repair marks were rising and falling with the waves.

Hawke stood at the bow of the ship, staring at the white moon half covered by dark clouds in the sky, in a daze.

The trip went well.

When he first went out to sea, Hawke, who had never been to sea before, felt that everything was very strange, the vast sea, the salty sea breeze, the constant shaking feeling on the sea, and the strange marine life that he could occasionally see.

But after a while, the novelty gradually dissipated.

"Hoke, would you like a glass of red wine?"

Apari is still wearing a decent butler's attire. According to his words, he is used to this role and doesn't want to change.

He held two glasses of red wine in his hands, shaking them gently to create small vortexes in the glasses.

Hawke took it wordlessly and took a sip.

"Haha, Mr. Casillas hates wine. I once tried to let him taste it, just a small sip, and I hope Mr. Casillas can appreciate the beauty of it."

Apali smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly:

"In the end, he said two words."

"It tastes bad!"

Hawke answered. He looked at the red wine in his hand and said lightly: "I don't think red wine is delicious, but don't you upper-class big shots like this kind of thing? Maybe it can indeed attract people. It’s a place for people, but unfortunately, at least it’s not something I can taste.”

"Haha" Apali repeated his laughter awkwardly, and then felt like he had nothing to say.

Originally, he had nothing to say.

Just when Apali was thinking about what other topics to talk about, a harsh alarm sounded:

"There are ships in the distance! They're pirates! Seven o'clock direction! Ten ships!"

The first two sentences are actually nothing. This is not the first time these three merchant ships have encountered pirates during this period of time.

But the important thing is the last number, ten!

The pirates in the East China Sea basically work alone in a ship, which also means that the scale of the pirates will not be very large, because an ordinary ship can only have about a hundred people at most, which is already quite crowded.

What is the concept of ten pirate ships?

The pirate admiral who has gathered five thousand men has not yet appeared. In the East China Sea now, it is extremely rare for a group of pirates to have three or four ships. Ten ships is simply shocking!

This represents at least hundreds of pirates!

This is the East China Sea, the weakest sea!

"Since when did the East China Sea have a pirate group of this size?"

Apali and Hawke looked at each other and saw the surprise and solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Everyone is ready for battle!"

Hawke shouted, and A Chou, who had already rushed to the deck mast at some point, also confirmed the lookout's alarm:

"That's right! Ten ships under the pirate flag!"

A Chou, who is good at using bows and arrows, has very good eyesight. During this period, he often acted as a lookout, changing shifts with another person.

The crewmen armed with Desert Eagle pistols took action. Their merchant ships could not outrun the pirate ships. The first two encounters with the pirates relied on strong firepower to cause huge casualties to the pirates before they were forced to retreat. them.

Now, this pirate group with ten ships may only hope that the other party can retreat after suffering heavy casualties under the firepower of the Desert Eagle.

Not long after, the pirate ship could be clearly seen.

The expected bombardment did not occur, which surprised both Hawke and Aparri. Generally speaking, when encountering a target of robbery at sea, the pirates will definitely start a demonstration bombardment immediately after entering the range of the cannon. Even if they are worried about damaging valuable things on the ship, they will only aim more casually.

But now, it is obvious that it is within the range of the artillery.

This doubt did not last long. On the sea under the night, these ten pirate ships formed an encirclement and quickly surrounded the three merchant ships.

The shouts of the pirates can already be distinguished with your ears:

"Hey! You bullies on the other side! Give up your resistance now! Maybe I will spare your lives!"

"You son of a bitch! Surrender!"

"You'd better pray that your butts are white enough! Otherwise, I won't be satisfied, and I will definitely transform you into women first!"

Wanton yelling is a common tactic used by many pirates to break down their opponents' psychological defenses.

The gunmen are no longer noobs.

Maybe their fighting skills are as blank as the beggars on the street, but after a period of training, their marksmanship is finally decent, not to mention the experience of encountering pirates twice before, so at least they are not completely incapable of facing them. Overcoming the enemy's rookie.

Some people were nervous and frightened, and the palms of their hands holding the guns were sweating. After all, there were hundreds or even close to a thousand enemies. But no one has the thought to give up resistance. They are hungry and cold and struggling in the garbage dump. Now they have money every day, delicious food, and warm and comfortable clothes. Perhaps no one specifically explains to them what all this means. Because of what, but they also knew very clearly that it was because of Casillas.

Now they work for Mr. Casillas.

What they were protecting was Mr. Casillas' property.

The merchant ships clustered together under the control of the helmsman formed a triangle, surrounded by ten pirate ships. The merchant ships were bloated and huge, so on every merchant ship, two pirate ships threw out hook locks and started fighting on the side.

Violent gunfire suddenly broke out!

A skinny pirate climbed up the hook first, but was hit by a bullet before he could climb more than one meter. Hanging upside down on the rope, he still tried his best to hold on to the rope, as if this could avoid death. . But the Desert Eagle's bullet penetrated the thick cloth armor inlaid with iron on his back, completely tearing his chest and shredding a large chunk of his lungs. Before the blood could flow out, it began to block his breathing. In the end, he could only He watched helplessly as his stiff fingers reluctantly left the rough hook lock, and his body was like a pebble, causing a wave of waves on the sea between the two ships.

There were more pirates who encountered the same thing as him.

Almost as long as the Desert Eagle's bullet hits, it's a life. Whether you're wearing thick cloth armor or a hard iron helmet, you still have to die.

In an instant, the pirates killed more than a dozen people.

There are also many pirates who are using muskets to fight back, but the problem is that as the attacking party, they can climb on the hook lock without cover, while the other party can lean on the side of the ship and attack with a specially opened shooting port, and easily dodge bullets

In less than a minute, the pirates had suffered nearly a hundred casualties, while on Hawke's side, apart from the casualties of ordinary crew members, the gunmen only suffered a few casualties.

This kind of loss is not unbearable.

The constant occurrence of deaths gave more pirates a sense of fear. It seems that those hooks and locks are the tools used by the God of Death to seduce souls. If you climb up, you will die!

They began to cower.

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