One Piece Black Emperor

Chapter 92 Provocation

"You mean, you captured a little girl, and she was an esper who ate a devil fruit. Okay, what is her ability?"

Casillas grabbed the phone's receiver in his hand and asked Gray on the other side.

As a person with devil fruit abilities, it is a good thing to be able to use them for your own use.

At present, Casillas doesn't seem to have any strong players under his command. Gray and Lucien can probably be counted, but other than that, there are no others. The combat effectiveness of the Black Flag Pirates relies on advanced weapons rather than personal strength.

I don’t know if the Devil Fruit that Hawke ate can develop combat abilities. And although little Loli Tina is good at swordsmanship, how powerful can a twelve-year-old girl be in combat? She is not cheating. Casillas.

Sometimes, he would think that it would be great if he could conquer a future strong man like Ace, but this was destined to be a daydream.

"Idol Nani Search Category"

Gray's soliloquy as he recalled came from the other side.

"Weapon fruit."

Next to him, Lucien's voice came, and the phone bug who was learning the expression of the person speaking instantly changed into a poker-like face, but there was actually someone else whose face changed even more.

Casillas was sitting on a beach near Windmill Town.

When he heard the words "Weapon Fruit", he was shocked. The ability of the Temperature Fruit began to work unconsciously. In a moment, part of the surrounding ground condensed thick frost, and part of it evaporated visibly to the naked eye. moisture, dry and sandy. His feet were immersed in the sea water, so the sea water was also affected. The high temperature vaporized and exploded, and instantly condensed into frost, covering him around him, like a local blizzard generated out of thin air.

"What did you say!"

Casillas couldn't help but roar.

The sound was so loud that it startled Gray across from him.

At this time, Gray and Lucien were in a cabin on their own ship in Whiskey Peak. In the small cabin, on a small bed with neat quilts, a twelve-year-old girl who had been tied to death and gagged was struggling hard. .

"Um, boss." Gray was startled by the roar from the opposite side, and his body curled up subconsciously. Then he realized that the powerful boss was far away from him at this time, and it was impossible for him to run over and teach him a lesson: "What's wrong?"

Lucien glanced at him helplessly. Before he could say anything, he heard Casillas ask in a solemn tone:

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"Well, this little girl's companion is a pervert who likes to wear baby clothes, but he is also a Devil Fruit user. He can actually swim on the ground and inside buildings like swimming, so he was not caught in the end."

Sitting on the beach, Casillas slowly calmed down, took a long breath, and whispered:

"So does this pervert know who you are?" Of course Casillas can guess who this pervert is. Isn't he a tough man? The kind that Frank recognized.

"When the other party threatened that he was from the Don Quixote family, Gray shouted back to the other party like a fool, saying that he was from the Black Flag Pirates, and the boss was Casillas. He could come if he wanted to save people. try to find"

Lucien told what someone had done in a calm tone, but before he could finish speaking, Gray covered his mouth.

After hearing this, Casillas no longer had any luck in his heart.

He began to think about countermeasures.

Don Quixote family, this is really a very good opponent

The future king of the Shichibukai, Don Quixote and Doflamingo, is no different now. The famous Tenyasha in the new world, Flamingo, the largest middleman in the dark world, codenamed joker, has a bounty of more than 300 million from the world government. The big pirate


Are people like Gray particularly capable of causing trouble? Just like Luffy, when he goes to a place, he will provoke the biggest boss of that place. Although Brother Ming is not yet the biggest boss of the Grand Line, he definitely cannot be too different, especially for the current Casillas.

If Brother Ming came in person, he would probably be able to crush himself to death with one hand.


Casillas felt that his head, which had been hit hard by the fox hunting, began to feel dull pain again. The sequelae of the concussion that had obviously been cured for a period of time seemed to be starting to come back again.

"Gray" Casillas can't wait to tear this thing into eight pieces and throw it into the sea to feed the sea kings: "Don't come back for the time being. Find a way to go around the first half of the Grand Route and try to delay it for as long as possible. Wait for me to let you go." When you come back, come back again.”

What else can I do?

Casillas can only hope that Gray and the others can delay for some time. For him who has just started, the Don Quixote family is a behemoth, and their hard power is enough to easily crush him.

"Well, we'll try our best."

Lucien replied: "After all, this is what Gray caused."

"Lucien!" Casillas interrupted Lucien's words, stood up with the phone in hand, and stepped on the messy land around him. The hoarfrost frozen soil and the hot dry soil that stimulated each other's water vapor were instantly calm. Come down. He slowly walked towards Windmill Town, and although his tone was light, it seemed to carry endless weight: "You two bastards, don't die. Now that the matter is done, I, the boss, will help you carry it!"

Gray's crying voice instantly sounded:

"Boss! Me"


Casillas decisively cut off the call. He didn't want to continue listening to this funny voice, which would make his mood worse and worse.

In fact, there will be a better solution to this matter. Casillas abandons everything, finds a new place, and can make a comeback easily.

Gray and Lucien, to be honest, he is not particularly affectionate.

To put it bluntly, they don't even have the experience of fighting side by side in the strict sense.

But Casillas did not choose this simple path.

To be honest, after the initial shock and some fear, he slowly began to feel an emotion called excitement. The powerful Don Quixote family, Tenyasha Doflamingo, powerful enemies, and arduous challenge!


No! I’m very much looking forward to it!

This is a very strange feeling, which reminds him of the feeling of climbing over the school wall in the middle of the night to go to the Internet cafe to play games when he was a child. From a subjective impression, it seems to have been decades ago, right? As if a world away

In fact, it is really a lifetime apart.

Casillas started dialing the phone again and called Hawke.

The link of the phone bug spans mountains, rivers and seas, linking to the starting point and the end point of the first half of the Grand Line, the Shampoo Islands.


The sultry pink bird feather coat was hanging aside. The man was lying on a sofa with his legs crossed, surrounded by wine bottles scattered on the floor, some of which were broken, and some of which still had half of the remaining wine left.

"Hey, you are not afraid at all? Casillas, the Black Flag Pirates, are they rookies who have just entered the Grand Line? Where are they from? The North Sea? The West Sea and the South China Sea."

"Donghai" was wearing pointed leather shoes and cropped trousers, revealing a lot of thick black leg hair. His long legs couldn't help but start shaking: "Oh, ant, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

How fun!

"I understand."

He stood up straight, his short blond hair shining in the sun, and the lenses of his scarlet sunglasses flowing with bright white light.

"Then, you bring that weapon back first, and I will send others to catch these little bugs first."

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