The most brave system in history

Chapter 846: Long and difficult years, short and extremely beautiful (page 12)

At 6:21, after the woman next door slammed the door with a huge bang, according to the past situation, he knew that there would be no huge noise in the hour when he got up at around :. The sound sounded.

It’s really shocking!

His ears were already very sensitive to these sounds, but when he met such an unqualified woman,

Suddenly one day, he saw a bag of garbage outside the door of the room in the building. At that time, he couldn't believe who was so unqualified that he was throwing it around at home. She thought who was her mother and would come over to clean it for her. She was not afraid. Does it stink?

Later, it happened several times, and the soup in the bag even flowed all over the floor.

More than two months ago, I happened to see that woman throwing away garbage. She was still a girl about 22 years old.

Originally, when they were living together under the same roof, with a man and a woman in rooms next to each other, they would have good thoughts, but this kind of behavior only made Shen Jie feel that she was a very bad person.

How can a person be of such low quality!

The young men who lived in the first group played loud speakers, and the women in this group littered the place.

The key is that he also posted it on the lock of her door: "Hello, I'm sorry to bother you. My ears are a bit bad. Please close the door softer in the morning. Thank you."

But this woman didn't even tear up the paper when she returned home. The next day, it was like an explosion. A loud bang was heard that was even more violent than yesterday.

Crazy revenge on him!

However, this disaster is over today.

In this city, although his job is relatively decent compared to many others,

But he is still a part-time worker, not a person of high status.

Outside there was rain falling on the trees and bushes under the window sill like a torrent, crisp and sweet.

Maybe it’s because my mental state is okay at the moment,

He could clearly imagine what a beautiful picture this was,

I have seen it countless times before, and it is always vivid in my first memory.

At this moment, it's like watching the rain falling outside into the sea of ​​green trees and flowers with my own eyes.

It made him feel very at ease,

It also made him, who was still deeply tired at the moment, want to lie in bed as long as possible.

Shen Jie felt like his body was recovering a lot every extra second he stayed in bed.

He still had the memory of last night in his mind, as if his body was under a forest with green leaves on both sides. The leaves were mixed with the fragrance of flowers he couldn't name, and it smelled particularly fragrant, especially There was such a slim, young and beautiful girl in front of him. For a moment, he could not help but feel the beauty of spring.

It also made Shen Jie, who was still in bed at this moment, feel refreshed. He couldn't help but say: "Life is still very interesting."

Is this an encouragement to live your own life?

But taking that class was really tiring.

No matter how painful the time is, it will eventually pass one day.

It was early May of this year when I met Guo Yumeng again.

At No. 190, Lane 23, Caoyang Xincun: In a house of more than square meters,

"Last time I was downstairs at your house and shouted for a long time." At this point, Shen Jie pretended to shout softly: "A Bao, A Bao..."

After he finished shouting, he said to Abao: "I forgot, will this disturb my uncle and aunt?"

A Bao said enthusiastically with a smile on his face: "It's hard for you to come here, but it's not too late to welcome you. Come, sit down and talk."

"You didn't even say a word, why would she be waiting for you at home? She must be accompanying her beautiful girlfriend."

"No way." Abao lowered his voice deliberately, feeling a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter? You have a girl you like, why are you embarrassed?" Yu Meng asked back. In the past, she would have been as coy as A Bao, but now she feels like a veteran who understands Ai Qing.

"My parents are at home." Shen Jie reminded, looking at the room at the moment. It was very neat. After all, it was Abao's own home, and the walls were painted white. It was much better than the old pure cement house where he lived now: "You Have you lived here since you were a child?”

Abao looked at the very familiar girl Yu Meng and this Shen Jie, and guessed that these two people had probably interacted with each other many times during this period. He still had a gentle tone and said with a smile: "When I was a child, I didn't feel crowded. Later, when I entered the sixth grade of elementary school, I was even taller than my dad.

It is very inconvenient for the whole family to live together.

But the bathroom involved too many water pipes, so my dad used wooden boards to separate the 8-square-meter room for me. The environment is a bit bad. "

"I think it's not bad. At least there are windows. The kind that is small and has no windows is boring." Shen Jie said. He looked around the whole room. Although it was not big, it was still close to his parents' room. A small corridor.

He remembered a house he lived in when he first came to Shanghai. It was a very small room, without even windows, and the sound insulation was very poor, or in other words, not soundproof at all. Anyway, when the neighbor coughed, it was as if it was in his ear. Later, when he went to work next door, he knocked on it and discovered that it was a partition made of not very thick wooden boards.

However, that room was the only freest space he had in his first year in Shanghai, where he could stretch himself without any worries.

"You still have so many gadgets." Guo Yumeng took the little cartoon character on his desk and started stroking it in his hand.

"You should choose whatever you like." Abao said boldly.

Shen Jie always looked at A Bao with a smile, and felt that he was very happy to be with him. Not only him, but Yu Meng also felt this way. After just ten minutes of meeting, he felt very happy. I think this person is very nice and someone worth making friends with.

Abao continued: "I used to put a lot of toys that I particularly liked under my bed, including a small box of model excavators.

It seems that when I was in the first grade of junior high school, my parents thought there were too many things in the house, so they infested a lot of cockroaches, and they got rid of them all. I didn't know at the time how those toys could infest the cockroaches. Several excavators were just gone! "

Speaking of this, Abao still felt a little uncomfortable: "Later, when I went to work, I wanted to live in a room that belonged entirely to me through my own efforts. But the house was too expensive."

At this time, in the master bedroom on the south side, Abao's father coughed several times in succession, especially the sound of spitting, which made Guo Yumeng a little unbearable. She didn't want to stay here any longer: "Your beautiful woman Is your friend at home now? How about we go out to have dinner together?”

"She doesn't have a fixed class, and her days off are on a rotating basis. She's still working today. Can we get together next time when she doesn't go to work?" A Bao was a little embarrassed, mainly because she hadn't told Xuezhi about this yet. He went without consent because he was afraid that she would be angry. After all, in Abao's mind, the two of them had only met each other once and were not familiar with each other to that extent.

However, Yu Meng looked familiar: "How about finally coming here? She doesn't have time, so let's go find her."

Shen Jie also said: "Brother Bao, call my sister-in-law out to have a meal together."

When Abao saw both people saying this, he was a little embarrassed to refuse. The main reason was that his parents were still at home. After chatting with these two people, he probably had no idea. In fact, he also wanted to go to Xuezhi. After not seeing him for a day, he even It's just missing. Even if these two people don't come, he originally had this plan: "Okay. Brother Shen, Miss Guo, if you want to leave, just leave."

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